Random facts about myself

1. I get a lot of satisfaction when I multi-task. I'll be washing the dishes while talking on the phone with the TV on and cooking dinner.2. I like it when my life situation changes...even if it's for the worse. Even with vacations, I don't like going back to the same place.

3. I was once on Oprah in 2005...very briefly!

4. I won $1,000 first place prize for a company dance contest.

5. Before I got married, I thought marriage was about having fun living with your boyfriend/girlfriend. After marriage, reality hit, tough times and marriage counseling.

6. I learn more by listening and visualizing. I don't like reading too much.

7. I like to eat sour foods. Anything with vinegar.

Q: In what area is your Christian life growing right now?
I am beginning to understand that I am a sinner and God has all the power, not me.

Q: When was the last time you tried something new? What was it and how did you do?
I tried the 4 story suspension wire course recently at a mall. I am not usually afraid of heights, but the person whom I did it with got scared and that made me nervous. I felt like I had to protect that person. Also, I was sore for next few days.
I tried a trampoline jumping thing where you are tied by bungee cord. I did a backflip in the air. I was sore for next few days.

Q: What would you do differently if you knew that no one was judging you?
I would dye my hair a different color of the rainbow each month. One month - red; next month - orange, etc. Reason? With each different hair color, I can coordinate different fun outfits to match my hair.

Q: What do you see as the biggest difficulty in living the Christian life?
When my heart wants something that God wouldn't approve of.

Q: What without fail always makes you laugh?
When someone makes fun of their parents and I can relate to it.

Q: The thing I like about myself is....
I am pretty content and thankful for what I have.

Q: What terrifies you the most?
The most...Tall buildings collapsing. I still have nightmares after 911.
Second, flight turbulence drives me crazy.
Third, flying bugs.

Q: Are you a negative or positive person? Why?
I would say I am a positive person. I always try to find something positive out of a negative situation.

Q: Who is your inspiration to be a better person?
My spouse who brings out the ugliness of myself

Q: Standing at the gates of heaven, and God asks you “Why should I let you in?” What do you reply?
Because I am your daughter. You picked me and saved me.

Q: What has life taught you so far?
1. Nothing is under my control.
2. Don't let people have power over me.
3. Life is not all about being happy; it's about glorifying God

Q: When did you cry the last time and why?
Today. I felt lonely.

Q: What is one thing about our society would you change?
I would change that there would be true justice and justice would win all the time! It angers me when people cheat and get ahead.