New York Buddhist Vihara Foundation

Registered Tax Exempt Organization

Ven. Pandit, Kurunegoda Piyatissa (Nayaka Maha Thero, MA) New York Buddhist Vihara

Faculty Member, New School University, NY 214-22 Spencer Ave.

Co- Vice President, American Buddhist Congress Parkside Hills

President, Sri Lanka Sangha Council of North America New York 11427 - 1821

President, American Sri Lanka Buddhist Association Inc Tel : -718-468-4262

Vice President World Buddhist Sangha Council Fax : -718-468-5283

Founder & President, Buddhist Council of New York Cell phone:- 917-292-7789

Executive Committee Member, W.C.R.P email:

February 5, 2007

Pittsburgh Buddhist Center

The advice of the Awakened One for the monks was to go about the four corners of the country and propagate the Dhamma for the benefit of the vast majority of people. In faithful obedience with this advice, his disciple monks engaged themselves in the task with extreme enthusiasm.

The lay devotees took up the cue from the monks with equal zeal, amply supported by the rulers of the day. It is worth mentioning here the yeoman services rendered to Buddhism by devotees of the nature of Anatha Pindika, Visakha and many other lay people and also Kings such as Bimbisara, Kosala, Ajatasattu and Emperor Asoka of ancient India. Almost all our ancient rulers particularly the Kings Dutugemunu, Vattagamini Abhaya and Parakramabahu, ruled the country, always having at the top of their mind, the best interests of the religion. This is because, unless the people were religious enough, both their present and future spiritual advancement would certainly be in jeopardy.

Following the tradition, the venture initiated by Ven. Nehinne Ariyagnana by way of a Buddhist Centre in Pittsburg, Pensylvania is highly commendable and needless to say, immensely meritorious. Launching an establishment of this nature primarily serves the purpose of educating the people in the ways of the Dhamma. Furthermore, this kind of effort enables both the divine and the human beings to benefit as long as the institution lasts and even beyond, through the enormous amount of merit accruable in the process.

In the circumstance, I would like to urge the public particularly those living in the area and the environs to make the best use of the services available to them at this centre.

May we all rejoice the merits of this good deed and attain the ultimate bliss of Nibbana!

( Ven.Kurunegoda Piyatissa Nayaka Maha Thero )