KS4 Assessment Overview 2017/18English Department

Year 9 Assessment Overview

Assessment point / Content focus linked to SOW / Suggested lessons / English Literature Assessment Objective
Interim assessment one / Modern Prose or Drama
(Blood Brothers, An Inspector Calls or Lord of the Flies) / Context of the novel/play
Plot / AO1: read, understand and respond to texts
AO2: Analyse the writer’s use of language, form and structure
AO3: show understanding of the relationship between text and context
AO4: vocabulary, sentence structure, spelling & punctuation
Assessment one / Modern Prose or Drama / Context of the novel/play
Themes and ideas / AO1: read, understand and respond to texts
AO2: Analyse the writer’s use of language, form and structure
AO3: show understanding of the relationship between text and context
AO4: vocabulary, sentence structure, spelling & punctuation
Assessment followed by short study of poetry from AQA Anthology Power and Conflict / Context of poems
Language and structural analysis
Themes and ideas / AO1: read, understand and respond to texts
AO2: Analyse the writer’s use of language, form and structure
AO3: show understanding of the relationship between text and context
Interim assessment two / 19th century novel
(A Christmas Carol or Jekyll and Hyde) / Context of the novel
Themes and ideas / AO1: read, understand and respond to texts
AO2: Analyse the writer’s use of language, form and structure
AO3: show understanding of the relationship between text and context
AO4: vocabulary, sentence structure, spelling & punctuation
Assessment two / 19th century novel / Context of the novel
Themes and ideas / AO1: read, understand and respond to texts
AO2: Analyse the writer’s use of language, form and structure
AO3: show understanding of the relationship between text and context
AO4: vocabulary, sentence structure, spelling & punctuation
Assessment followed by continued study of poetry from AQA Anthology Power and Conflict / Context of poems
Language and structural analysis
Synthesise and summarise texts
Themes and ideas / AO1: read, understand and respond to texts
AO2: Analyse the writer’s use of language, form and structure
AO3: show understanding of the relationship between text and context
Interim assessment three / Shakespeare
Macbeth / Context of play
Language and structural analysis
Themes and ideas / AO1: read, understand and respond to texts
AO2: Analyse the writer’s use of language, form and structure
AO3: show understanding of the relationship between text and context
AO4: vocabulary, sentence structure, spelling & punctuation
Assessment three / Paper 1 mock
English Literature / Context of texts
Language and structural analysis
Themes and ideas / AO1: read, understand and respond to texts
AO2: Analyse the writer’s use of language, form and structure
AO3: show understanding of the relationship between text and context
AO4: vocabulary, sentence structure, spelling & punctuation

Year 10 Assessment Overview

Assessment point / Content focus linked to SOW / Suggested lessons / English Literature Assessment Objective
Interim assessment one / Shakespeare
Macbeth / Context of play
Language and structural analysis
Themes and ideas / AO1: read, understand and respond to texts
AO2: Analyse the writer’s use of language, form and structure
AO3: show understanding of the relationship between text and context
AO4: vocabulary, sentence structure, spelling & punctuation
Assessment one / 19th century novel
(A Christmas Carol or Jekyll and Hyde) / Context of the novel
Themes and ideas / AO1: read, understand and respond to texts
AO2: Analyse the writer’s use of language, form and structure
AO3: show understanding of the relationship between text and context
AO4: vocabulary, sentence structure, spelling & punctuation
Assessment followed by continued study of poetry from AQA Anthology Power and Conflict / Context of poems
Language and structural analysis
Themes and ideas
Comparison of poems / AO1: read, understand and respond to texts
AO2: Analyse the writer’s use of language, form and structure
AO3: show understanding of the relationship between text and context
Interim assessment two / AQA Anthology Power and Conflict / Context of poems
Language and structural analysis
Themes and ideas
Comparison of poems / AO1: read, understand and respond to texts
AO2: Analyse the writer’s use of language, form and structure
AO3: show understanding of the relationship between text and context
AO4: vocabulary, sentence structure, spelling & punctuation
Assessment two / Mock exam
English Literature Paper 2
(alongside study of the modern prose) / Context of the novel
Themes and ideas / AO1: read, understand and respond to texts
AO2: Analyse the writer’s use of language, form and structure
AO3: show understanding of the relationship between text and context
AO4: vocabulary, sentence structure, spelling & punctuation
Assessment followed by revision of English Literature in preparation for exam / Context of texts
Language and structural analysis
Comparison of poetry
Themes and ideas / AO1: read, understand and respond to texts
AO2: Analyse the writer’s use of language, form and structure
AO3: show understanding of the relationship between text and context
AO4: vocabulary, sentence structure, spelling & punctuation
Assessment point / Content focus linked to SOW / Suggested lessons / English Language Assessment Objective
Interim assessment three / Introduction to English Language Paper 1 / Language analysis
Themes & ideas
Writing to describe/ narrative writing / AO1: select, retrieve and interpret/infer
AO2: explain, comment and analyse how writers use language for effect
AO5: content and organisation
AO6: vocabulary, sentence structure & organisation and spelling
Assessment three / Paper 1
English Language / Language analysis
Structural analysis
Themes & ideas
Writing to describe/ narrative writing / AO1: select, retrieve and interpret/infer
AO2: explain, comment and analyse how writers use language/structure for effect
AO5: content and organisation
AO6: vocabulary, sentence structure & organisation and spelling

Year 11 Assessment Overview

Pupils in Year 11 will sit exams in both English Language and English Literature in 2018

Assessment Point / Content focus linked to SOW / Suggested lessons / Assessment objective focus
Interim assessment one / English Language Paper 2
English Literature Paper 1 – Macbeth
English Lit Paper 2 - poetry comparison / English Language
Synthesise and summarise ideas
Writing from a point of view
English Literature
Language analysis / AO1: select, retrieve and interpret/infer
Synthesise and summarise
AO2: explain, comment and analyse how writers use language for effect
AO5: content and organisation
AO6: vocabulary, sentence structure & organisation and spelling
Assessment one / English Language Paper 2 mock / Synthesise and summarise ideas
Writing from a point of view
Compare writers’ ideas and perspectives
Writing from a point of view / AO1: select, retrieve and interpret/infer
Synthesise and summarise
AO2: explain, comment and analyse how writers use language for effect
AO3: compare writers’ ideas and perspectives
AO5: content and organisation
AO6: vocabulary, sentence structure & organisation and spelling
Assessment followed by revision of the 19th century novel – A Christmas Carol / Context
Language analysis
Themes and ideas / English Literature assessment objectives
AO1: read, understand and respond to texts
AO2: Analyse the writer’s use of language, form and structure
AO3: show understanding of the relationship between text and context
AO4: vocabulary, sentence structure, spelling & punctuation
Interim assessment two / English Language Paper 1
English Lit revision
Modern prose or drama – Blood Brothers / Language analysis
Structural analysis / English Language
AO1: select, retrieve and interpret/infer
Synthesise and summarise
AO2: explain, comment and analyse how writers use language/structure for effect
Assessment two / English Language Paper 1 / Plot
Narrative devices
SPaG - Developing vocabulary, spelling patterns, standard English / AO5: content and organisation
AO6: Vocabulary, sentence structure & organisation and spelling
Assessment followed by revision of poetry - AQA Anthology Power and Conflict / Context
Language and structural analysis
Comparative skills / English Literature
AO1: read, understand and respond to texts
AO2: Analyse the writer’s use of language, form and structure
AO3: show understanding of the relationship between text and context
Interim assessment three / Revision of English Language and Literature / Revision of English Language and Literature skills prior to exams / All assessment objectives across English Language and Literature