Calgary Academy of Chefs and Cooks
January 12, 2017- 6:00 pm
Sait Culinary Campus Downtown
226, 230 – 8th Ave SW, Calgary
C-train accessible
1. Call to order
2. Code of Ethics
In conjunction with new member swearing in
3. Welcome
a) Introduction of guests
Simon Smotkowicz, National Treasurer, candidate for National President
b) Introduction of host, Rupert Kaupp, and thank you to Sait Culinary Campus for once again providing a great venue and social evening to start off the new year.
4. Approval of Minutes as circulated
November 2016
5. Review of Agenda
6. Business Arising from the Minutes
· President’s Awards Dinner, January 19, 2017 Bow Valley Ranche
· High School Program update – branch will be providing up to 3 apprentice work placements plus tuition and ILM modules to qualifying high school students.
7. New Business
· New members- Welcome to Rohan Anand, Mike Minard, Thomas Palathingal, Dilipkumar Sreedharankartha, Allen Lai, Daniel Leschyshyn, Angel Teves Jr., David Winter, Jeff Bazso, Oliver Lewis. Alyse Budd, Joshua Hobin, Marissa Cliff, Derek Miller
· Interactive evening at the Culinary Centre
8. 50/50 draw
9. Adjournment
10. Notices
a) Next meeting – Monday February 6, 2017 Stampede Park
Location tba
This is our local tradeshow. Come out and support the exhibitors, and better yet, bring a friend. There is a parking charge at Stampede Park, however, we will not be collecting a door fee for this event. A big thank you to Derek Dale and Stampede Park for hosting.
Calgary Academy of Chefs and Cooks Event Schedule 2016/2017
September 12 Meeting 6 pm Pratt’s Food Service
291296 Wagon Wheel Road, Rockyview
October 3 Meeting 6 pm Saltlik Steakhouse
101 8 Ave SW, Calgary C-train accessible
November 7 Meeting 6 pm Spolumbo’s Fine Foods
1308 9th Avenue SE, Calgary
November 28 Christmas Dinner 6 pm Spruce Meadows Congress Hall
18011 14 Street SW, Calgary (off Highway 22X) use west entrance
December 18 Children’s Christmas Party 2 pm – 6 pm Deerfoot Inn & Casino
January 12 Meeting (Thursday) 6 pm SAIT Culinary Campus
226, 230 8th Ave SW, Calgary C-train accessible
January 19 President’s Awards 6 pm Bow Valley Ranche
15979 Bow Bottom Trail SE, Calgary
February 6 Local Producer Show 5:30 pm Stampede Park Location TBA
1908 Stampede Trail SE, Calgary C-train accessible
March 3 CSSD High School Hot Competition Notre Dame High School
March 6 Meeting 6 pm Bow Valley Ranche
15979 Bow Bottom Trail SE, Calgary
March 10 CBE Hot Competition Lester B Pearson High School
March 11 Baking Competition CTS Centre, Lord Shaughnessy High School
March 11 Saputo Junior Competition Nait, Edmonton
April 4 Meeting 6 pm Fort Calgary
750 9 Ave SE, Calgary
April 7 Easter Seals We Care Ball TBC
April 5 and 6 prep days Andy Waters is leading
May 1 Meeting 6 pm Sysco
4639 72 Avenue SE, Calgary
May 25 – 28 CCFCC National Conference, Hyatt Calgary
June 5 Meeting and High School Awards 6 pm TBC