2nd March 2017

After School Club

After School Club resumes this Friday, 3rd March between 3.30pm and 5.00pm. Please arrange to collect your child from the school at 5.00pm. Consents have been issued.

P7- Transition

Please return all transition forms to the school office by Monday 6th March including transport application forms.

Animation Club

Our Argyll College student, Ciaran Norris, is running an Animation Club for 4 weeks every Wednesday starting 8th March from 3.30pm – 4.30pm. Information about the club has been issued to pupils.

Better Movers and Thinkers

P1– 7 will be joining Carradale pupils at Drumlemble Primary School on the morning of Thursday 9th March. Please ensure your child is wearing joggers and trainers and has with them, a snack and a bottle of water. Attached consent form for completion.

Bring and Buy Sale

The Parent Council annual Bring and Buy Sale takes place on Wednesday 22nd March at 7.30pm. The Parent Council Committee would be most grateful for any of the following donations from parents:

  • any books, DVDs or toys in good condition
  • any bric-a-brac (ornaments, unused gifts, beauty products, jewellery, etc.)
  • items of baking, wrapped in plastic foodbags

We would also like to ask all families to supply the following:

  • 2 bottles per child for the bottle stall
  • an item for the raffle

This is a major fund-raising event for the Parent Council and is always well supported by our community. Teas and coffees will be served in the hall. Please spread the word amongst friends and family about this event.

We would also be grateful if you could sell the Treasure Squares, which are circulating, to family and friends and pass them on timeously. (Names are on the back of the sheets) All monies to be sent into the school.

Red Nose Day

Red Nose Day will take place on Friday 24th March. Children will be invited to pay a £1 to dress in pyjamas or onesies.

P7 - ArdentinnyTrip

If you have not already done so, please hand in your deposit for £30 to the school office along with any outstanding reply slips regarding attendance to the Information Evening being held in the Grammar School on Monday 27th March.

Open Afternoon

We would like to invite all parents, families and friends to join the pupils for their annual Open Afternoon. This is a fantastic chance for the children to showcase their work. Please join us from 1.30 to 3.00 p.m. on Thursday 30th March.

Cycle Training

We start the icycle training on Thursday 20th April for 6 weeks with P6-7, initially in the playground. Now is the time to check over bikes in preparation for this. Pupils also need to wear a well-fitting cycle helmet. If your child does not have a bike, they may be able to borrow one, so let me know if this is the case and we can try to arrange a suitable alternative. Pupils showing sufficient aptitude and awareness of road safety will continue with the lessons in the village. Please note that it is preferable for bikes to be taken to school by a parent unless you are absolutely confident of your child’s cycling abilities on the main road.