Division of Ocean SystemsEngineering
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
Nominations and applications are invited for the position of Head of Division of Ocean Systems Engineering at KAIST. The DivisionHead is responsible for administrating the academic programs and the effectiveness of the teaching, research, and service efforts of the department, as well as for expanding the funded research, grant, and scholarship initiatives. Fluency in the Korean language is expected to ensure smooth and effective communication with faculty members and administrative staff.
KAIST was established by the government in 1971 as the nation’s first graduate school specializing in education and research for science and engineering. It has catalyzed Korea’s rapid rise from a producer of light industry goods to a world leader in advanced technologies. 2012 QS World University Rankings ranked KAIST as the 63rd overall, and the 24th in Engineering &Technology. KAIST was recognized as the number one University in Korea by JoongAng Ill Bo Review. KAIST is located atDaedeok Research Complex in the city of Daejeon, 150 kilometers south of Seoul, thecapitalof Korea. Thecomplex is the nation’s R&D huband the home of over 50 public and private research institutes, universities, and high-tech and venture companies. KAIST hastotal 10,000 students, including 500 internationalstudents, and 1,080 faculty and staff.
Division of Ocean Systems Engineering has been playing a leadingrole in high-level education and research in the ocean-related areas of Korea. The department has 17 faculty members including 9 tenure-track professors and 8 adjunct professors.The graduate students, now more than 100, are studying to be leaders in industries, research institutions, universities, and government. The division will continue to make strenuous efforts to pursue excellence and distinction in educatingworld-class ocean systems engineers. Graduate programs for M.S. and Ph.D. degrees are offered with specialization in offshore plant engineering, ocean environment, renewable energy, underwater technology, ocean system modeling, ocean systems management, port engineering, and coastal engineering.
Applications and nominations should be received prior to April 15, 2014, including
* Cover Letter
* Curriculum Vitae with description of language skills including Korean
* Vision or administration plan as the division head
Professor Hyung Jin Sung
Chair, Search Committee for the OSE Division Head
Building N27 (Eureka), 291 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 305-701, Republic of Korea
Phone: +82-42-350-3027, e-mail:
KAIST 해양시스템전공 학과장 초빙
KAIST는 해양시스템공학 전공의 교육과 연구에서 학과의 국제적인 경쟁력을 높이는데 지도력을 발휘할 수 있는 학과장을 초빙합니다. 본 전공의 학과장은 학과의 교육, 연구, 서비스의 관리 뿐만 아니라 연구비 및 장학금 계획에 대한 권한을 부여받게 됩니다.
KAIST 해양시스템공학 전공은 국내 해양관련 분야의 교육과 연구에 있어서 주도적인 역할을 수행하고 있습니다. 현재, 9명의 영년직 트랙교수와8명의 겸직교수를 합쳐 총17명의 교수진을 보유하고 있습니다. 100여 명에 달하는 대학원생들은 산업계, 연구소, 대학 및 정부 등에서 리더가 되기 위하여 면학 중에 있습니다. 본 전공은 세계 수준의 해양공학자를 양성하는데 끊임없는 노력을 경주할 것 입니다. 현재 석사 및 박사과정이 개설되어 있으며, 해양플랜트엔지니어링, 해양환경 및 재생에너지, 수중공학, 해양시스템모델링, 해양시스템경영, 항만 및 연안공학 등에 집중하고있습니다.
- 초빙대상: 해양시스템공학전공 학과장
- 지원자격: 박사학위 소지자
- 지원서류: 지원의사 표명편지(Ccover lLetter), 이력서(Curriculum Vitae)및 학과장소견서
- 지원서류마감: 2014년4월15일
(지원서 제출 이전이라도 간단한 의사표시나 개별적인 접촉 및 문의사항이 있으면 자유롭게 이메일 혹은 전화로 연락 주시기 바랍니다.)
지원서류제출 및 문의처:
해양시스템전공학과장추천위원회 위원장
대전광역시 유성구 대학로291 빌딩N27(유레카빌딩) 해양시스템공학전공
전화: +82-42-350-3027, e-mail: