Master en Dibujo. Creación Audiovisual


Historia de la animación

- Adams T. R (1991) Tom and Jerry : 50 Years of Cat and Mouse (Nueva York: Crescent Books)

- AdamsonJ.(1974) Tex Avery: King DI Cartoons (Nueva York: Da Capo)

- Barrier. M. (1999) HollywoodCartoons: American Animation in the Golden Age (Nueva York y Oxford: OUP)

- Beck J. (1994) The 50 Greatest Cartoons (Atlanta: Turner Publishing Ca.)

- Beck J. (2004) Animation Art (Londres: Flame Tree Publishing)

- Bendazzi G. (1994) Cartoons: 100 Yea... 01 Cartoon Animation (Londres: John Libbey)

- Brion P. (1990) Tom and Jerry: The Definitive Guide to their Animated Adventures (Nueva York: Crown)

- Bruce Holman L (1975) Puppet Animation in the Cinema: History and Technique (Cranberry: New Jersey)

- Cabarga L (1988) The Fleischer Story (Nueva York: Da Capo)

- Crafton D. (1 993) Before Mickey: The Animatedfilm 1898-1928 (Chicago: University of Chicago Press)

- Eliot M. (1994) Wall Disney: Hollywood's Dark Prince (Londres: Andre Deutch)

- Frierson M. (1993) Clay Animation: American Highlights 1908-Aclualidad (Nueva York: Twayne)

- Holliss R. &Sibley B. (1988) The Disney StudioStory (Nueva York: Crown)

- Kenner H. (1994) Chuck Jones: A Flurry Of Drawings (Berkeley: University of California Press)

- Maltin L. (1987) 0f Mice and Magic: A History 01 American Animated Cartoons (Nueva York: New American Library)

- Manvell R. (1980) Art and Animation: The Story of Halas and Batchelor AnimationStudio 1940-1980 (Keynsham: C1ive Farrow)

- Merritt R. & Kaufman J.B. (1993) Wall in Wonderland: The Silent Films of Walt Disney (Baltimore & Maryland: JohnHopkinsUniversity Press)

- Sandler K (ed.) (1998) Reading the Rabbit: Explorations in Warner Bros. Animation (New Brunswick: RutgersUniversity Press)

Arte y animación

- Allan R. (1999) Walt Disney and Europe (Londres: John Libbey)

- Faber L. & Walters H. (2004) Animation Unlimited; Innovative Short films Since 1940 (Londres: Laurence King Publishing)

- Finch C. (1988) The Art of Wall Disney: From Mickey Mouse lo Magic Kingdoms (Nueva York: Portland House)

- Gravett P. (2004) Manga: Sixty Years of Japanese Comics (Londres: Laurence King Publishing)

- Jones C. (1990) ChuckAmuck (Londres: Simon & Schuster)

- Jones C. (1996) Chuck Reducks (Nueva York: Time Warner)

- McCarthy H. (2002) Hayao Miyazaki: Master of Japanese Animation (Berkeley, CA: Stone BridQ8 Press)

- Pointon M. (ed.) (1995) Art History [Cartoon: Caricature: Animation], Vol. 18, N.o 1, marzo 1995

- Russett R. & Starr C. (1988) Experimental Animation: Origins of a New Art (Nueva York: Da Capo)

- Wells P. (1997) (ed.) Art and Animation (Londres; Academy Group/John Wiley)

- Wiederman J. (ed.) (2005) Animation Now!(Londres y Los Angeles: Taschen)

- Withrow S. (2003) Toon Art (Lewes: IIex)

Estudio de la animación

- Bell E. el al (eds.) (1995) From Mouse to Mermaid: The Politics of Film, Gender and Culture (Bloomington e Indianapolis: Indiana University Press)

- Brophy P. (ed.) (1994) Kaboom!: Explosive Animation from Japan and America (Sydney: Museum of Contemporary Art)

- Bryman A. (1995) Disney and His Worlds (Londres y Nueva York: Routledge)

- Byrne E. & McQuillan M. (1999) Deconstruding Disney (Londres y Sterling: Pluto Press)

- Canemaker J. (ed.) (1988) Storytelling in Animation (Los Ángeles: Power/AFC)

- Cholodenko A (Ed) (1991) The illusionof Life (Sydney: Power/AFC)

- Cohen K (1997) Forbidden Animation (Jefferson. NC, y Londres: McFarland & Co.)

- Fumiss M. (1998) Art in Motion: Animation Aesthetics (London & Montroug: John Libbey) ç

- Hames P. (ed.) (1995) Dark Alchemy: The filmsof Jan Svankmajer [Trowbridge: Flick books)

- Kanfer S. (1997) Serious Business: the Art and Commerce of Animation in American from Betty Boop to Toy Slory (Nueva York: Scribner)

- Klein N. (1993) Seven Minutes: the Life and Death of the American Cartoon (Nueva York: Verso)

- Lent, J. (ed.) (2001) Animation in Asia and the Pacific (Londres y París: John Libbey)

- Leslie E. (2002) HollywoodFlatlands: Animation, Critical Theory and the Avant Garde (Londres y Nueva York: Verso)

- Levi, A. (1995) Samurai from Outer Space: Understanding Japanese Animation (Chicago y La Salle: Open Court/Carus)

- LeydaJ. (ed.) (1988) Einstein on Disney (Londres: Methuen)

- Midhat A. (2004) Animation and Realism (Zagreb: Croatian Film Club Association)

- Napier S. (2001) Animé: From Akira lo Princess Mononoke (Nueva York: Palgrave)

- Peary G. & Peary D. (eds.) (1980) The American Animated Cartoon (Nueva York: Dutton)

- Piling J. (ed.) (1984) Thats Not All Folks: A Primer in Cartoonal Knowledge (Londres: BFI)

- Pilling J. (ed.) (1997) A Reader In Animation Studies (Londres: John Libbey)

- Pilling J. (ed.) (1992) Women and Animation: A Compendium (Londres: BFI)

- Sandler K. (ed.) (1998) Reading the Rabbit: Explorations in Warner Bros.Animation (New Brunswick: RutgersUniversity Press)

- Smoodin E. (1993) Animating Culture: Hollywood Cartoons from the Sound Era {Oxford: Roundhouse Publishing}

- Smoodin E. (ed.) (1994) Disney Discourse: Producing the MagicKingdom (London y Nueva York: Routledge/AFI)

- Stabile C. & Harrison M. (eds.) (2003) Prime Time Animation (Londres y Nueva York: Routledge)

- Wasko J. (2001) Understanding Disney (Cambridge y Malden: Polity Press)

- Watts S. (1997) The MagicKingdom: Walt Disney and the American Wayof Life (Nueva York: Houghton Mifflin)

- Wells P. (1996) Around the World in Animation (Londres: BFI/MOMI Education)

- Wells P. (1998) Understanding Animation (Londres y Nueva York: Routledge)

- WellsP. (2001) ''Art of the Impossible” from G. Andrew, "Film: The Critics” Choice" (Londres: Aurum Books)

- Wells P. (2002) Animation: Genre and Authorship (Londres: Wallflower Press)

- Wells P. (2002) Animation and America (Edimburgh: EdinburghUniversity Press)

También pueden consultarse artículos sobre estos temas en publicaciones tales como Animation Journal, Animation Magazine, American Cinematographer, Sight and Sound, y Film History.