Core Math III -- Honors

Teacher: Chris Madewell

Room: 210

Phone: 931-668-5858, ext. 210



Text: HMH Integrated Mathematics 3

Course Description:

Core Math III is part of an integrated approach that has been developed around the Common Core State Standards and is replacing the traditional Algebra II course. Core Math III contains problem situations, physical models, and appropriate technology to extend algebraic thinking and engage student reasoning. Problem-solving situations will provide all students an environment that promotes communication and fosters connections within mathematics, to other disciplines, and to the real world. The course will include such topics as: Inferences and Conclusions from Data, Polynomial Relationships, Rational and Radical Relationships, Trigonometry of General Triangles and Trigonometric Functions, Mathematical Modeling of Inverse, Logarithmic, and Trigonometric Functions, and Choosing a Model. Evaluation will be through short answer and multiple choice tests and constructed response assessments.


You are asked to complete notes for each lesson. WHEN YOU ARE ABSENT YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR GETTING THE NOTES FROM ANOTHER STUDENT OR TO COME TO LUNCH TIME TUTORING. Homework will be assigned daily. Students should show all work and should date and number each assignment. The class assignments should be kept in a folder in order of numbered assignments. You are to get assignments and make up work as described in the student hand book whenever you are absent. You will be asked to keep a journal for the daily bell-ringers.

Grades: (3pts will be added to each 9 weeks grade)

The nine week grade will be an average of: Grading Scale

Content Tests/Quizzes 93-100 A

Vocabulary 85-92 B

Homework Checks/ACT prep daily problem 75-84 C

Projects and Tasks 70-74 D

Writing Assignment below 70 F

Progress Report:

Progress reports will be sent home during the mid-part of each nine week period.

Lunch Remediation:

Every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday I will be available to answer questions and help with homework. You will also makeup or redo test during this time. On Tuesdays, math classes have priority over other subjects, therefore, if you owe math assignments you will be required to be in my room during lunch to complete missing work. All students who attend remediation must sign in when they enter the room and sign out when they leave.

Test/Quiz Redo Policy:

Redo opportunities are available on a limited basis depending on the quarter:

Quarter 1 - 2 redo opportunities Quarter 3 - 1 redo opportunity

Quarter 2 - 2 redo opportunities Quarter 4 - NONE

Test/Quiz Redo Policy Guidelines:

A test can be retaken provided the following conditions have been met:

1.  The student must have a classroom average lower than an 80 in the current 9 weeks.

2.  The test in question must have had a score lower than 74.

3.  The maximum score that can be achieved on the retaken test is 74.

4.  All homework pertaining to the test must be completed.

5.  An additional review may be required by the teacher to be completed during lunch.

6.  The original test must have been corrected during lunch remediation.

7.  All tests must be corrected within 2 weeks from the time the original test is returned to the student.

8.  Vocabulary tests, End-of-Quarter tests and Semester Exams are NOT eligible for redo.

The Math Department charges a fee of $10.00 per student to help cover the cost of copy toner, calculators, graph paper, and other supplies. Please return this fee and this syllabus by Friday August 19, 2016. Five extra credit points may be earned by getting this syllabus signed and returned.


1 inch binder notebook paper

Composition book pencil

Student expectations:

1.  Cellphones are to be used only at the teacher’s discretion. When not in use for classroom purposes, they are to be on silent. Violations will result in the phone being taken up and sent to the office for a parent to pick up at a later time. Cellphones MUST be placed in a location designated by the teacher on test days.

2.  Students are expected to arrive on time to class with the supplies listed above, their homework and textbook.

3.  Homework should be out and ready for the teacher to check when the bell rings.

4.  Students are expected to begin working on the problem of the day as soon as they are seated.

5.  Students are expected to work cooperatively with the teacher and other students.

6.  After the assignment is made students are expected to work on the assignment until the end of the period so that they have opportunity to ask questions of the teacher.

Honor Code:

Students are expected not to cheat. Cheating involves:

1. The use of another person’s work as your own.

2. Copying another person’s work.

3. Plagiarizing.

4. Preparing to cheat in advance (copy of test, notes, etc.).

5. Failing to follow test instructions such as talking during a test.

6. Possession of a cellphone on test or quiz days.

Classroom Rule: BE RESPECTFUL.

1. Respect time by being present and on time for class.

2. Respect the teacher and other students focusing on education while in the classroom. Stay on the subject and help others to learn by remaining quiet while instructions are being given.

3. Respect yourself by being prepared for class.

4. Respect our classroom. No food or drink in the classroom. Let’s work together to keep our workspace clean.

Violations will result in consequences ranging in severity from verbal warnings, lunch time detention, or referral to the grade-level principal.

This school year, we will become a TEAM all striving for one goal…student improvement and success. Through a strong partnership involving students, parents, and teachers, we will work towards our goal.

I’m looking forward to having you in my class, and hope this is a wonderful school year for you. Please feel free to talk with me about any questions or concerns you might have about this course. Please take advantage of lunchtime remediation.

Communication is key. Please contact me with questions and concerns. Please sign below to indicate understanding and agreement of the course guidelines above.

Print Student Name:

Student signature: Date:

Print Student Name:

Parent signature: Date:

Parent Email Address:

Core Math III Honors Requirements

Welcome to Core Math III Honors! An honors course is an excellent opportunity to broaden subject understanding. In accordance with the state requirements (listed below), students will complete assignments and projects above-and-beyond the regular Core Math III class. Students will be rewarded for this additional work through increased knowledge and an additional 3 points added to the average at the end of the grading term. A minimum of five components from the list below will be included in the course.

State of Tennessee Requirements for Honors Courses:

Honors courses will substantially exceed the content standards, learning expectations, and performance indicators approved by the State Board of Education. Teachers of honors courses will model instructional approaches that facilitate maximum interchange of ideas among students: independent study, self-directed research and learning, and appropriate use of technology. All honors courses must include multiple assessments exemplifying coursework (such as short answer, constructed-responses prompts, performance-based tasks, open-ended questions, essays, original or creative interpretations, authentic products, portfolios, and analytical writing). Additionally, an honors course shall include a minimum of five of the following components:

1.  Extended reading assignments that connect with the specified curriculum.

2.  Research-based writing assignments that address and extend the course curriculum.

3.  Projects that apply course curriculum to relevant or real-world situations. These may include oral presentations, power point presentations, or other modes of sharing findings. Connection of the project to the community is encouraged.

4.  Open-ended investigations in which the student selects the questions and designs the research.

5.  Writing assignments that demonstrate a variety of modes, purposes, and styles.

·  Examples of mode include narrative, descriptive, persuasive, expository, and expressive.

·  Examples of purpose include to inform, entertain, and persuade.

·  Examples of style include formal, informal, literary, analytical, and technical.

6.  Integration of appropriate technology into the course of study.

7.  Deeper exploration of the culture, values, and history of the discipline.

8.  Extensive opportunities for problem solving experiences through imagination, critical analysis, and application.

9.  Job shadowing experiences with presentations which connect class study to the world of work.

Please sign below to indicate understanding and agreement of the honors course requirements above.

Print Student Name:

Student signature: Date:

Print Student Name:

Parent signature: Date: