Boerne FFA Booster Club Meeting Minutes

February 4, 2013

John Schmedemann called meeting to order at 7:07pm.

Minutes from January meeting read by Gwendolyn Hays. Minutes approved.

Treasurer’s report along with final financial report on Boerne Classic for January was presented by Tami Shrum. Report approved.

Mrs. Love’s Announcements

1.  Upcoming dates for CDE teams and upcoming contests. Passes and tags were given to parents chaperoning trips.

2.  VFW Chili Cookoff 2/16 from 8-5. Kids needed to help, wear Boerne FFA shirt.

3.  Record Books – parents asked to stress to their child(ren) to do their books due March 30th for Lonestar.

4.  Savings Card Fundraiser – Kids will earn points to sell cards at $10 each. Required to sell 10 to receive awards at banquet.

5.  Proposed banquet budget $2890 (gross).

Old Business:

1.  Banquet – Motion to approve $3000 (gross) budget was left without 2nd motion. Discussed concerns regarding increasing budget from last year’s $1800 (gross). Motion to table discussion until rental hall prices are known in order to make a more informed decision about what expenditures should be expected. Motion to approve up to $2000 budget and go up as necessary depending on new information. Motion passed.

2.  Upcoming Major Shows – Mrs. Love has to attend all major shows per district policy. Discussion to coordinate upcoming events.

3.  Grant Balance - Request to spend $1589.45 out of current balance on equipment leaving about $100.

4.  Scholarship Process – Need docs on website. Mr. Malone must see and approve 1st. Mrs. Love would like to see a $700 scholarship for underclassmen to attend Washington Leadership Conference. Scholarship amounts to be discussed next meeting.

New Business

1.  Discussion on the election process for 2013-2014 school year was tabled until next meeting.

2.  Additional VPs or standing committee chairs to report back to group as whole.

3.  Revising by-laws to be in compliance with UIL rules. Mr. Stripling to review these.

4.  Purchase of additional supplies. Motion for no more than $500 to purchase show boxes. Motion passed.

5.  Announcement of grant awarded by Boerne Education Foundation to teachers at “the ranch” which will allow Mrs. Love to obtain new computers for her classroom.

Motioned to adjourn passed and meeting adjourned at 8:47 pm.