Hartfield Playschool

Our SEN and Disability offer

How does Hartfield Playschool know if children need extra help and what should I do if I think my child has special educational needs?

When your child starts attending Hartfield Playschool they will be allocated a key person. We will gather information from you about your child which at present is through our online learning journals “all about me” section. This will provide us with information about your child that will support us in settling them in, as well as information of any special educational needs that you may be already aware of. The key person will maintain regular observations of your child and will complete a ‘Baseline Assessment’ which will inform us of your child’s development and highlight any additional needs. Once any special needs have been highlighted, the Special Educational Needs and Disability Coordinator (SENDCO) who is specifically trained in this area, will liaise with you and your child’s key person. Our SENDCO at present is Lorna Harris

If you think that your child may need additional support, please do not hesitate to speak to your child’s Key Person. They will be able to offer advice and guidance of how to support your child and introduce you to our SENDCO for more information.

How will Hartfield Playschool support my child with special educational needs?

Your child’s Key Person will get to know your child by observing them when playing, chatting to them and supporting them in learning our routine. Individual ‘next steps’ will then be set. If any additional needs have been identified and individual support is needed, we will consult with you before we decide anything else. We will then arrange for a Setting based Support Plan (SBSP) to be written, which will tailor targets to your child’s individual needs. It will also highlight the support needed and monitor the effectiveness of the chosen targets. This will then be discussed with you with your views being taken into account, and then updated termly. If required we will contact, with your consent, the most suitable agencies best able to help you and your child.

How will the Hartfield Playschool review my child’s progress and how shall they share it with me?

We will review your child’s SBSP with you termly and discuss what your child’s next steps should be. As a setting we work in partnership with parents and welcome you to speak to your child’s key person whenever you need to, our door is always open.

We will observe and assess your child’s development regularly and these observations and assessments will be accessible for you through our online learning journey Tapestry. Tapestry has proved an incredibly popular addition enabling parents and carers to see their child’s development progress and be more involved and understanding of their child’s learning journey while at Playschool. Tapestry can also be used as a tool to communicate activities and things that your child has done at home and out of setting for them to share with us.

We use the Early Years curriculum as a guide for children’s development however we can adjust things according to the needs of your child based on any areas identified by yourself, your child’s key person or our SENDCO. We are supported by other outside agencies who we can refer to for further specialist support.

What support will there be for my child’s overall well being?

We aim to support all areas of your child’s learning, development and wellbeing. We are all professionals with years of experience in working with children aged 2-5 years old. Each child will have a designated Key Person who will monitor your child’s progress as well as support them in learning and following an everyday routine to make sure they are happy and safe.

We make sure our staff ratios meet the legal requirements within the Statutory Framework. In the past we have successfully obtained funding from East Sussex County Council to enable us to have an additional person working with the children on a one-to-one basis.

We agree to administer medication as part of maintaining children’s health and well-being or when they are recovering from an illness. As far as possible, administering medicines will only be done where it would be detrimental to the child’s health if not given in the setting. (For more details please see our ‘Administrating Medicines’ policy). If a child has a long term medical condition we will seek appropriate training to ensure we are meeting the child’s needs.

We follow our behavioural policy and ensure that all staff are working together to provide a consistent approach towards positive or unwanted behaviour.

All staff attend regular Paediatric First Aid and Child Protection/Safeguarding training.

What training do the staff have in supporting children with special educational needs or disabilities?

We have a trained SENDCO who has overall coordination of what each child’s needs and requirements are. We assess the training needs based on the current group of children attending our Playschool each year. We have recently accessed training for working with children who have Autism, English as an additional language and speech and language delay. We have also learnt Makaton which is a sign language useful in supporting children who do not communicate verbally yet. The SENDCO or the Early Years Manager regularly attend Inclusion Support meetings where they update their knowledge and share their skills with other professionals and then pass that new knowledge onto their colleagues.

What specialist services and support are available to Hartfield Playschool?

Senior staff are qualified to at least Level 3 and have experience in working with children 2-5 years old. We also have a qualified SENCO who updates their training every 3 years. We work closely with a number of services to ensure we are meeting the needs of all our children. This includes, Speech and Language Therapists [SALT], Early Years Support team, Children’s Services where we attend Core Groups, Family group Conferences and Professional Meetings

How will my child/young person be included in activities outside Hartfield Playschool, including trips?

When we plan activities outside Playschool, or any day trips, inclusion is always our priority. We make sure that risk assessments are always completed beforehand and everyone is included. We are experienced, skilled and creative in adapting activities to accommodate every child at our setting, which includes trips outside of the setting. We also encourage parents and carers to join us, and if needed, an extra member of staff will join us.

How accessible is Hartfield Playschool?

Playschool is a one level building that used to be a railway station. We have an undercover area attached to the building as well as two gardens. Our secure entrance and gardens are accessible to wheelchairs and double pushchairs.

We make every effort to support families with English as an additional language and seek support if required. We use Makaton (a sign language) as well as symbols to support children with no verbal communication.

How will Hartfield Playschool help my child move on to school?

Before you decide to join Hartfield Playschool, we invite you to visit us so you can see what the day at our Playschool looks like. The Business Manager will show you around, give you all the information you require and discuss any additional support your child may need. You will also meet our staff members who can answer any questions you may have. Once you decide to join us we will encourage you to attend at least one ‘trial session’ so you and your child can become more familiar with our Playschool before officially starting.

Once we know where your child will be going to Primary school, we will prepare a detailed report about your child for the Reception teacher. This will give them some vital information as to how your child is progressing at Playschool, and where any additional support may be needed. We also invite the teacher to come and visit your child at Playschool, so they can observe them playing in a familiar environment, as well as to have a chat with their Key Person. We will also talk to your child about the upcoming transition depending on their age and level of understanding. We attend EYFS Network Meetings regularly where in the fourth term we discuss transition and readiness. We have very strong links with our local school’s teachers and together we support each child in their transition.

Give us your views about this information

Contact or call Information for Families 0345 60 80 192

More information, advice and support

The local offer- what is available for children and young people with special educational needs in East Sussex

·  www.eastsussex.gov.uk/localoffer

Date issued: 02/11/2017

Review due (one year): 02/11/2018