Home Page

There are two ways you can access the Services Calendar from the Home Page:

1)Click on the Service Capture Link


2)Click on the down arrow on the left column in the caseload list

Note: (3) The Service Capture Column indicates which students are Medicaid Eligible

Recording Services

The Service Capture Calendar defaults to the current month and day.

1)You can change the view to Day or Week by clicking on the link.

2)You can move to past dates by clicking on the Left/Rights arrows; or open the calendar wizard by clicking on the down arrow.

3)To record a service

  1. Select a student
  2. Point to date of service and right click; Record Past Services link will open; Click on Record Past Services.
  3. You may also access the service record by clicking on Record Past Services at the top of the calendar.

Once the Service Record has been completed, check the box next to “Has this service been completed?” and save the record. If the service has not been completed, do not check the box and click OK to continue with saving the record.

Incomplete Services

1)Incomplete Services will display on your Services Calendar in orange.

Editing Service Records

Double-click on the Service Record to open it. You may now Edit, Delete or Print the Service Record. Once the Service Record has been submitted to Medicaid, you will no longer be able to edit or print the record.

Monthly Progress Summary

Monthly Progress Summary is a separate Service Type that may be selected from the drop down choices. A change this year is that teachers recording Targeted Case Management activities will now need to enter a separate Monthly Progress Summary each month.

Insert Statements

The Provider Notes section contains a link for Insert Statements, a bank of common phrases, which may be public or private.


Click on the Reports link to access reports. The “Services Completed for Student” reports services completed by all providers. The “My Completed Services” report shows services completed by the provider.