Maple Production Inspection Report (Canada)
Please be aware that this report is based on the information provided by the operation in their Organic System Plan (OSP). Indicate any discrepancies between the information provided in the OSP and the actual practices of the operation. Be sure to answer all questions thoroughly. Please indicate any potential noncompliances (major or minor) in the Exit Interview.
Operator information
Operation Name:
Operation DBA (if applicable):
OCIAOperator Number:
Primary contact for Operation:
People present at inspection: / Name: / Title:
Name: / Title:
Name: / Title:
Name: / Title:
Is the mailing address, phone number, and email address on the OSP accurate? / Yes No
Inspector Information
Inspector Name:
Date Inspected:
Time Inspection Began:
Time Inspection Ended:
1.0 Maple
General Information
1. Please provide a description of the operation:
2. Please note which fields and facilities were inspected, including specifically which organic, storage areas, and equipment were inspected.
3. For operations with any non-organic production or areas not included in the Organic System Plan, note specifically which non-organic fields, areas, and equipmentwere inspected.This information is required for COR.
A. Programs Requested
4. Please be reminded that certification and verification programs cannot be added at inspection; Equivalencies may be added at inspection.
Certification and verification programs:
OCIA International Standards Canada Organic Regime (COR) Japan Agricultural Standard (JAS)
Bio Suisse
US-Canada Equivalency Arrangement Canada-Costa Rica Equivalency Arrangement**
Canada-EU Equivalency Arrangement** Canada-Japan Equivalence Arrangement**
Canada-Switzerland Equivalency Arrangement**
** Only available if operation is located in Canada.
5. Was an opening meeting conducted with the operation? / Yes No
6. Did the operation have a copy of the organic standards for which they are applying? / Yes No
7. Did the operation understand the current organic standards for which they are applying? / Yes No
8. Did the operation have a copy of their Organic System Plan on hand? / Yes No
9. Did the operator present appear knowledgeable about the operation? / Yes No
10. If equivalency programs are requested, please advise where the operation will market their products and which products will be marketed there.
Comments and Discrepancies:
B. Previous Noncompliances
11. Were all prior year's corrective actions tononcompliances found to be fulfilled by the operation? If not, please provide comments. / Yes No
12. If any minor noncompliances were to be addressed at inspection, explain the noncompliance and if the operation's response was complete, accurate and appropriate for each issue.
Pre-Inspection Review Items
13. Please note all PIR items that were directed to the inspector and provide information regarding the operation's response and whether it is accurate, appropriate, and complete.
C. Organic System Plan Index
14. Were any changes made to pages in the OSP at inspection? If yes, please comment below and attach copies of revised modules. / Yes No
15. If the operation is not affiliated with a chapter, please verify the category of certification fees they should be paying under. Please review their total organic revenue from the previous year (including any other certifiers) and note which category they fall under.
2.0 Production Plan Information
1. Were submitted field histories complete and accurate for all maple areas the operation manages, whether organic, conventional, or transitional? / Yes No
2. Please rectify the field histories with questions 2 and 3 for tapping areas owned and/or rented. Please note any discrepancies.
3. Is the status of the operation as organic only or engaging in parallel collection accurate? / Yes No
4. Was the total number of taps and organic taps found to be accurate at inspection? / Yes No
5. Has the operation managed all tapping areas for 3 years or longer? / Yes No
6. If any tapping areas are being requested for certification for the first time, are there any concerns about previous inputs or previous management of the areas? / Yes No N/A
7. If sugar bush is on Crown Land, are there any concerns regarding pesticides or fertilizers? / Yes No N/A
8. Was the "tapping area identification/maple product" table --which is used to list products on the organic certificate addendum-- verified and adjusted to be complete and accurate at inspection? / Yes No
9. Was the "tapping area identification/maple product" table signed by both the operator and the inspector? / Yes No
3.0 Sugar Bush
1. Based on observations at inspection, does it appear the operation is enacting the methods noted in the OSP to encourage biodiversity in the sugar bush, including at least 15% companion species for wood within the bush? / Yes No
2. If thinning is conducted by the operation, is thinning occurring as noted in the OSP? / Yes No N/A
3. If livestock have access to the sugar bush and a pipeline is installed, was it found at inspection that the OSP is accurate regarding the network? / Yes No N/A
4. Based on observations, interviews, and/or records, are the tree/bush clearing practices occurring and at the frequency noted on the OSP? / Yes No
5. Does the operation's pest control program appear to be sufficient to prevention significant pest issues? / Yes No
6. Is the operation using any substances to control pests? / Yes No
7. If yes, is the OSP complete with regard to substances used? Note: if any changes have been made, please include full names of products and attached documents for new products. / Yes No N/A
8. Were buffers zones found to be in place as noted in the OSP and on the maps? / Yes No N/A
9. If trees in buffers zones are tapped, are measures in place by the operation adequate to prevent commingling with organic sap? / Yes No N/A
10. Please provide any other comments or observations on sugar bush management, as well as adjoining landconcerns such as conventional neighbors or nearby aerial spraying.
4.0 Sap Collection
1. Was the tap distribution table found to be accurate based on observations at inspection? / Yes No
2. Are the operation's taps food-grade? / Yes No
3. Was any double-tapping of trees noticed at inspection? / Yes No
4. If disinfectants are used during tapping, is the OSP accurate with regard to the substances used? If new substances are in use, please update the OSP with the operator and provide documentation for the disinfectants. / Yes No N/A
5. If products are used to clean the collection system, is the OSP table accurate regarding the substances used? Please correct the table at inspection with the operator if other substances are utilized. Please also submit copies of the substances if new, such as MSDS, labels, etc. / Yes No N/A
6. Is the description of the collection system in the OSP accurate? / Yes No
7. If vacuum pumps are used when collecting sap, is the number of pumping stations noted on the OSP? / Yes No N/A
8. Is the pressure at the pump and taps on the OSP accurate per interviews and records viewed? / Yes No N/A
9. Is the OSP correct with regard to how oil is recovered from pumps? / Yes No N/A
10. Were storage tanks viewed at inspection found to be made of the materials indicated in the OSP? / Yes No
11. Was all equipment coming in contact with sap, concentrade, or filtrates found to be food-grade, including surface coatings? / Yes No
12. If tanks are used to transport sap, is the OSP accurate with regard to the materials they are made from? / Yes No N/A
13. If substances are used to clean the tanks, is the table in the OSP complete and accurate? If new substances are used, please ensure the OSP is updated with the operator and documentation for substances is attached with the report. / Yes No N/A
14. If sap is NOT filtered prior to processing, is the OSP accurate with regard to how the freshness of the sap is maintained? / Yes No N/A
15. If sap IS filtered prior to processing, is the OSP accurate with regard to the type of filter used? / Yes No N/A
16. Are the products used to clean the filter listed on the OSP? If anything new is being used or OSP is incomplete, please update it with the operator and provide any copies of documentation for substances with the report. / Yes No
17. Is the OSP accurate with regard to how the freshness of the sap is maintained? / Yes No
5.0 Sap to Syrup Conversion
1. Are the measures described in the OSP to maintain cleanliness of the sugarhouse accurate and found to be followed? / Yes No
2. Do the operation's pest control measures for the sugarhouse appear to be adequate? / Yes No
3. If the operation is using pest control substances, is the OSP accurate regarding the substances? Please ensure any new substances are noted and documentation collected. / Yes No N/A
4. If water is used in the sugarhouse, is the description of its use accurate? / Yes No
5. Is the source of the water accurate and does the water meet all applicable laws (such as the Safe Drinking Water Act)? / Yes No N/A
6. For the OCIA Standards, does the operation have a current water test on file? / Yes No N/A
7. If no, please advise when the last water test was completed.
8. Is the operation disposing of water as the OSP indicates? Please note any concerns with water disposition. / Yes No
Osmosis Machine
9. Is the OSP description of the sterilization process accurate? / Yes No
10. Are the membrane details and efficiency information accurate? / Yes No
11. Is the membrane prepared for the season as described in the OSP? / Yes No
12. If products are used to clean/maintain the membrane, is the OSP table accurate regarding the substances used? Please correct the table at inspection with the operator if other substances are utilized. Please also submit copies of the substances if new, such as MSDS, labels, etc. / Yes No N/A
13. If the operation maintains operational logs for the osmosis machine, were they viewed at inspection? / Yes No N/A
14. Does the OSP accurately describe off-site storage for osmosis membranes, and does the operation maintain documentation to show how they are stored? Please provide comments to explain discrepancies. / Yes No N/A
15. If products are used to storage the membrane, is the OSP accurate regarding the substances used? If not, please correct the OSP with the operator and provide documentation for the substances used if new. / Yes No N/A
16. Is SMBS is used, is documentation maintained to show membrane is rinsed per requirements of the standards prior to next use? / Yes No N/A
17. For the OCIA program, is the brix level prior to boiling noted on the OSP accurate? / Yes No N/A
18. Is the OSP accurate with regard to the storage containers for the concentrate? / Yes No
19. If products are used to clean/maintain the evaporator, is the OSP table accurate regarding the substances used? Please correct the table at inspection with the operator if other substances are utilized. Please also submit copies of the substances if new, such as MSDS, labels, etc. / Yes No N/A
20. Is the OSP accurate with regard to the evaporator pan materials and materials used for soldering/welding? / Yes No
21. Is the OSP accurate regarding fuel that is used? / Yes No
22. Are the anti-foaming agents listed in the OSP complete? / Yes No
23. Were the anti-foaming agents verified at inspection to be certified organic? / Yes No
24. Is the description of syrup density control on the OSP complete? / Yes No
25. If maple syrup is filtered to remove solids, is the OSP accurate with regard to what substances or filters are used? If not, please provide complete names and details of changes and MSDS/labels if available. / Yes No N/A
6.0 Finished Product
1. Is the description of the barrels/containers used for storage accurate? / Yes No
2. Is the OSP complete regarding any provisional containers used? / Yes No N/A
3. For the OCIA program, was the brix of stored syrup compliant with the OCIA standards with regard to the storage utilized? / Yes No N/A
4. Do storage records indicate how long maple syrup is stored and in what kind of container? / Yes No
5. Are bulk containers labeled with a unique ID number? / Yes No
No bulk storage
6. Please note any concerns with the storage of maple syrup, per the previous question.
7. If the operation produces processed products, is the list on the OSP complete? / Yes No N/A
8. If processed products are made with additional ingredients, are the Organic Product Ingredients sheets complete and accurate? / Yes No N/A
9. If additional ingredients are NOP-certified and imported via the US-Canada equivalency arrangement, please note specific suppliers that are NOP-certified and what documentation was verified to show the supplier complies with the equivalency arrangement. If documentation is not available for some suppliers to show compliance with the equivalency, note the supplier name and products. / N/A, no NOP-certified ingredients are used
10. If additional ingredients used are imported under any of the other equivalency arrangements, please note any concerns with documentation maintained to show product complies with the arrangements.
10. Please describe the procedure followed for processing these processed products.
11. If the processing takes place somewhere other than the sugarhouse, that area must be inspected. Was the area included as part of the inspection? / Yes No N/A
12. Is the OSP accurate regarding sanitation and pest control used in the processing area? / Yes No N/A
7.0 Storage and Transportation
Please review the storage table at inspection. The table should include all on-site storage from receipt of ingredients to final product storage. Please make corrections with the operator if it is found that actual practices differ. Please provide a copy with the inspection report.
1. Is the storage table complete regarding all parts of the operation that are used to store organic product? / Yes No
2. Do management practices appear adequate with regard to storage of organic products to prevent commingling or contamination with conventional products and prohibited substances? / Yes No
3. Are all off-site storage facilities listed on the OSP? / Yes No N/A
4. Are all products/ingredients that are stored off-site in impermeable packaging and/or in final packaging? / Yes No N/A
5. If off-site storage is certified organic, is the operation maintaining up-to-date documentation to show the storage is certified to the same organic regulations as the operation? / Yes No N/A
6. If off-site storage is not certified organic, is the operation maintaining documentation (such as an affidavit or agreement) regarding the handling of the product to ensure organic integrity is maintained? / Yes No N/A
7. Was there documentation regarding the off-site storage of the membrane? / Yes No N/A
8. If on-site storage is not dedicated organic, is the OSP accurate with regard to measures to prevent commingling and contamination? / Yes No N/A
9. Do these measures appear adequate? / Yes No N/A
10. Are organic products clearly identifiable in storage? / Yes No
11. Do management practices appear adequate with regard to storage of organic products to prevent commingling or contamination with prohibited substances? / Yes No
12. Is the OSP accurate regarding storage of cleaning/sanitation materials and oils, paints, lubricants, and pesticides? / Yes No N/A
13. Does the storage of these materials appear adequate to prevent contamination of organic product? / Yes No N/A
14. If in-process product is transported, is the OSP accurate about how this is completed? / Yes No N/A
15. Based on observation, interview, and records, is the OSP accurate about how in-process transport units are managed to ensure organic integrity is maintained? / Yes No N/A
16. Is the OSP accurate regarding outgoing transportation utilized and who arranges the transport? / Yes No
17. Based on interviews and records viewed at inspection, is the operation maintaining practices to ensure transport is free of prohibited substances or residue prior to loading organic product? / Yes No
18. Is the OSP correct regarding the forms in which finished product is shipped? / Yes No
19. Are steps taken to segregate organic products at transport the same as noted in the OSP and appear to be adequate? / Yes No
20. Is the OSP accurate with regard to information the operation includes on the label? If labels have been revised or changes, please explain and attach a copy of the new label. / Yes No N/A
8.0 Recordkeeping and Audit
1. Is the OSP accurate with regard to records the operation maintains? / Yes No
2. Was the operator able to demonstrate that records are maintained for at least 5 years? / Yes No
3. Does the operator maintain a complaint log? / Yes No
4. If there are complaints logged for organic products, did the operator document the actions taken in response to the complaint(s)? / Yes No N/A
5. If the complaint log includes any complaints for organic product, please detail the action taken by the operator with respect to such complaints and any deficiencies found in products or services that affect compliance with the requirements for certification. / N/A
6. If US-Canada Equivalency is requested, does it appear the operation can comply with the requirement to issue shipping documents with the required attestation statement (“Certified in compliance with the terms of the US-Canada Organic Equivalency Arrangement”), and apply labels meeting the NOP requirements? Please explain any issues or potential concerns, including the operator’s understanding of the agreement.
7. If Canada-Costa Rica Equivalency is requested, does it appear the operation can comply with all applicable labeling requirements? Please explain any issues or potential concerns, including the operator’s understanding of the agreement.
8. If Canada-EU Equivalency is requested, does it appear the operation can comply with all applicable labeling requirements? Please explain any issues or potential concerns, including the operator’s understanding of the agreement.
9. If Canada-Japan equivalency is requested, how does the operation plan to have the JAS logo applied? Please explain any issues or potential concerns, including the operator’s understanding of the agreement.
10. If Canada- Switzerland Equivalency is requested, does it appear the operation can comply with all applicable labeling requirements? Please explain any issues or potential concerns, including the operator’s understanding of the agreement.
11. Were samples taken at the time of inspection? / Yes No
12. If yes, please describe the sample taken, why it was taken, the source, and where the sampling occurred. Please also ensure to complete and provide the sample information form and lab analysis form. Copies of both forms must be provided to the operator and OCIA.
Traceability Audit
13. Please randomly select products and verify traceability from sale, through storage, harvest, crop management practices, and raw materials. In the case of sales to multiple programs, traceability must be verified for a sale to each individual program. Please note specific documents reviewed, how one document connects to one another, amounts and dates (and if they are consistent), and summarize the results of the analysis in a narrative or chart fashion, showing your math as needed. Additional pages may be attached as needed. Please ensure to include a description of the lot number or tracing mechanism the operation uses. Please ensure comments include an assessment of the audit trail of the operation, including, but not limited to, the quality of the audit trail, if documents were kept current, any concerns about missing information, and if any discrepancies were noted.
Inventory Balance
14. Please conduct an annual inventory balance of organic maple production versus sales reconciliation. Organic maple products produced in parallel production must all be reconciled. In the case of sales to multiple programs, reconciliation must be completed to each individual program. Please specific documents reviewed, if amounts and dates are consistent, and provide results in a narrative or chart fashion, showing your math as needed. Additional pages may be attached as needed.
15. Does the total outgoing product from the operation for all processed products match the actual production and/or production capacity of the operation? If no, please provide details below, including any evidence that commingling may have occurred. / Yes No
16.Please review estimated yields from the prior year and compare it to actual production from the same year. Please provide a summary of the findings, including specific details of numbers and sales if actual yield was far higher than would be expected.
Confidentiality, Signature, and Exhibits
The information contained in this report is confidential among the inspector, the inspected party, OCIA International, and its accreditors. This report does not constitute certification or consultation, nor should it be used for promotional purposes. All observations and compliance assessments made are based on current Standards of the certification program(s) identified in Section 1, and are derived directly from observations, review of documents made available, and operator interview by the OCIA inspector.
By signing this form, I attest that I, in my capacity as inspector for the above noted operation, affirm that I do not have an interest that conflicts with those of the above client’s case. I also attest to the fact that the inspection covered the programs noted above and that I understand the standards/regulations concerning these programs.
OCIA Inspector Signature / OCIA Inspector Number / Date (M/D/Y)
Attached are all exhibits used as supporting documentation, the Inspection Affidavit, and the Inspection Exit Interview.
List of Attachments:

EN-QS-F-201, Rev. IMaple Production Inspection Report (Canada)Page 1 of 12