Traditions Elementary School SCC

Meeting Agenda

Monday, December 11, 2017

1. Welcome & Call to order

Cyndee called the meeting to order at 8:00pm

2. Adopt Agenda

Leanne adopted agenda. Marshall second

3. Review minutes from previous meeting of November 6, 2017

Marshall adopted. Kim second

4. Business from previous meeting

a. Activity ideas

i. Christmas Program – Thursday, December 21 7:00pm

- cookies & hot chocolate

- who is purchasing and what quantities

- parents to bring cookies – Danielle email on Friday

- Purchase hot chocolate, cups and marshmallows, napkins at Costco and cups - Cyndee

- setup: what time6:00pm, who can help: Kim Danielle and Scott

- are we serving or is it self-serve: self serve

ii. Book Club – January

- book title chosen:Mr. Poppins Penguins

- note went out to parents to order books: done

- timeline/events planned:

- $400 prizes – Jillian motioned Kim seconded

- Scholastic Book Sale for prizes – Cyndee and Jillian

- Penguin Party at the end. Ideas: wear PJ’s, Show movie, read books by flashlight, etc.

iii. Spring Carnival – May

b. Teacher Appreciation Week – February

i. Potluck @noon March 15 – plan details in Jan/Feb

ii. What can we do during the actual week?Idea: daily surprise in staff room, encouraging notes, notes from kids, email to parents “My teacher is the best because…” sheets and have the kids fill it out and bring back that week

5. New Business

- Jillian & Cyndee purchased a set of books and we thought we could

have some kind of classroom competition to win them. Ideas?

-$55 - Marshall motioned Michelle seconded to purchase

-Contest for classroom to receive a preview 1st before going to the library. Books given to Danielle to do something.

6. Correspondence

- email from Ashlie fwd. to everyone Re: January Book Club

7. Reports

  1. School Administration– Scott

-Earth Rangers assembly was great (bird didn’t fly)

-Upstairs library furniture arrived and it’s set up

-Outside classroom furniture is here and will be set up in the spring

-Christmas Tree Lighting ceremony went well – student led

-College of Nursing will be here after Christmas for a few months

-Christmas concert next week/K-4 participating/student MC’s/using new lighting and sound equipment/

-French Immersion: went to the board again, emails to the parents to survey, want to do it right, for K-2 possibly, FI B program

  1. Board Trustee– Sam

-Community Carol sing at BKC – TES was one of 3 schools there

-Legalization of Cannabis statement: on behalf of students

-Continuous improvement plan

-Nov. meeting to elect officers (no changes) and plan for the year

  1. Playground Committee – Marshall

-Review totals in January

-Well recievied

-Octoberfest total: $22000 total - $7691.83 to each school

-Octoberfest will run next year - Oct. 19, 2018

-Food was only complaint – will do hotdog cart, popcorn cart, nachos etc. for next year

  1. Hot Lunch Committee

-Taco Time: less participated will make less than other

-$514 (Pizza Hut) $748 (Subway)

-Looking at other options: only those who use Heathy Hunger

-Email parents about what we are raising and why we are raising money. January newsletter.

-Sponsoring families that can’t afford hot lunch

8. New Business

9. Next meeting – Monday, January 15, 2018

10. Adjourn meeting

- Cyndeeadjoured at 8:85pm