Obama Campaign Announces Connecticut Leadership Council

Senate President Don Williams and Ned Lamont to co-chair diverse group of elected officials, activists who will oversee organizing for Obama in communities across the state

HARTFORD, CT—The Obama campaign today announced the membership of our Connecticut Leadership Council at a press conference at the Capitol in Hartford. Senate President Pro Tempore Don Williams and Ned Lamont will co-chair the group of Connecticut leaders, which will oversee organizing and outreach to undecided voters in communities across the state as the February 5 primary approaches.

“I know what it takes to bring people from different perspectives together to hammer out real solutions. Senator Obama’s track record of getting results in the Senate and his years working to help families as a community organizer make him uniquely qualified to lead our country at this critical time. I am condfident that under an Obama Presidency, Connecticut - as well as all states - will have a real partner in Washington who will help us enact meaningful and substantial health care and energy reforms. The enthusiasm in Connecticut is palpable across the state, and the Leadership Council is ready to get to work for the final push.” said Senator Don Williams, Co-Chair of the Connecticut Leadership Council.

“The people of Connecticut are looking for fundamental change—health care for every American and the restoration of our standing in the world. Barack Obama is the only candidate in this race who had the judgment to oppose the war in Iraq from the start, and he’s the only candidate who can energize new voters and bring people together for real change,” said Ned Lamont, Co-Chair of the Connecticut Leadership Council.

Members of the Leadership Council will work in their regions to build volunteer capacity, organize supporters, and reach out to undecided voters. Membership of the Leadership Council is expected to grow in the coming days as more Connecticut leaders decide that Barack Obama is the candidate who can bring about real change.

The Obama Campaign Connecticut Leadership Council

State Sen. Donald E. Williams, Co-Chair

Ned Lamont, Co-Chair

Mayor John DeStefano

State Rep. Joe Aresimowicz

State Rep. Beth Bye

State Rep. Tom Christiano

State Rep. Charles D. Clemons

State Sen. Eric D. Coleman

State Rep. Stephen Dargan

State Rep. Kim Fawcett

State Rep. Art Feltman

State Rep. Steve Fontana

State Rep. Gerald Fox

State Rep. Henry J. Genga

State Rep. Jack Hennessy

State Rep. Ernest Hewett

State Rep. Karen Jarmoc

State Rep. Tom Kehoe

State Rep. Marie Lopez Kirkley-Bey

State Sen. Martin M. Looney

State Rep. John "Corky" Mazurek

State Rep. David McCluskey

State Rep. Douglas McCrory

State Rep. Denise W. Merrill

State Rep. Russell Morin

State Rep. Bruce Morris

State Rep. Melissa Olson

State Rep. Jim O'Rourke

State Rep. Walter Pawelkiewicz

State Rep. Tom Reynolds

State Rep. J. Brendan Sharkey

State Rep. James F. Spallone

State Rep. William Tong

State Rep. Diana Urban

State Rep. Peter F. Villano

State Rep. Toni E. Walker

State Rep. George Wilber

State Rep. Roberta Willis

State Rep. Elissa Wright

Alderman Gina Calder

Commissioner for Planning and Zoning Ed Vargas



January 23, 2008

Contact: Reid Cherlin, (860) 729-4632