Career Project: How will I use English in my future career?

This project is designed to help you see the importance of reading, writing, speaking and listening in the real world. The information you research will be displayed on a poster (typed or neatly written) and should include

the following:

1.  Choose an occupation (job) you’d be interested in doing when you get older. To search for careers, look at the career list (on my website) or go to: for more help finding other jobs (the link is also on my website). If you would like to choose a career not on the list, it must be approved by the teacher. The career you choose will be the TITLE of your poster.

2.  Use the Internet to research your career and include a brief description of what the career is. Helpful websites are

3.  Include the low (starting), average (middle) and high annual (yearly) salary.

4.  Include the type (college/technical college) and length of schooling (years) you need in order to pursue the career. Include specific English classes you need to take for that career.

5.  Include TWO schools and the major you would need to take at that school. List the location (city/state) and tuition cost per year for that school.

6.  Tell me at least TWO ways how you will use reading, writing, speaking, and listening in this field (2 ways each- eight total).

7.  Include at least FOUR graphics, pictures or drawings to illustrate the career. Pictures can be from magazines, printed from the computer or hand drawn.

8.  Make sure to write your full name on the front of your poster.

**See the NEXT page for the rubric for this project!


Reflection Paper

Formatting: 1 page typed or two pages hand-written, Times New Roman 12-point font (if typed)

Write a one-page paper (or longer) about why you choose this career. What are some things you learned during your research? What is most intriguing about this career? Do you have any family members in this career? What challenges might this career bring you?

The above questions are just items to get you started. This paper is your opinion, so make it your own. I want to feel as though I got to know your thinking better after reading your reflection paper!


Time Management (just a suggestion)

Day 1: Project introduction, choose career, and gather materials

Day 2: Research career, take notes organize ideas

Day 3: Start poster; determine layout and work on title

Day 4: Finish poster

Day 5: Type reflection paper

This project will count as an assessment grade. Ten points deducted for each day late.

Projects are due on Thursday, May 18th.

Student Name: ______Grade ______/ 35 ______%

CATEGORY / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Title / Title can be read from at least six feet away and is very creative. / Title can be read from at least six feet away and is pleasing. / Title can be read from four feet away and is pleasing. / Title is too small and is lost in everything else. / Title is missing.
Information / Info on the poster captures important information about the career and increase audience’s understanding. / Info on the poster includes important information but the audience may need more information for understanding. / Info on the poster relates to the career but is general or incomplete. The audience needs more information to understand. / Info on the poster has little or nothing to do with the career. / Info on the poster is incomplete and has little or nothing to do with the career.
Graphics / Four graphics are included, related to career and are of excellent quality. / Four graphics are included, related to career and are of good quality. / Three or more graphics are included; some are related to career and may not be the best quality. / Two to three graphics are included, some are related to career, but are poor quality. / Graphics are missing or do not relate to the career.
Mechanics / Spelling, punctuation and grammar are excellent. / There is one error in spelling, punctuation and/or grammar. / There are two errors in spelling, punctuation and/or grammar. / There are 3-5 errors in spelling, punctuation and/or grammar. / There are multiple errors in spelling, punctuation and/or grammar.
Content / All 8 items listed are included in poster. / 7 items listed are included in poster. / 6 items listed are included in poster. / 5 items listed are included in poster. / Multiple items listed are missing.
Appeal/Effort / The poster is exceptionally attractive in design, layout and neatness. Poster shows a lot of effort. / The poster is attractive in terms of design, layout and neatness. Poster shows some effort. / The poster is acceptable though it may be a bit messy. Poster shows some effort. / The poster is messy or poorly designed. Poster shows very little effort. / The poster is not finished. Poster shows little to no effort.
Reflection paper / Minimum of one full page. Thorough discussion of career and insight into why it was chosen. / Minimum of one full page. Adequate discussion of why career was chosen. / Less than one full page. Adequate discussion of why career was chosen. / Less than one full page. No clear discussion of why career was chosen. / Paper is not included.




Air Traffic Controller









Biomedical Engineer


Budget Analyst


Chemical Engineer


Civil Engineer


College Professor

Computational Biologist

Computer Scientist

Computer Software Engineer

Cost Estimator



Electrical Engineer

Environmental Engineer


Financial Advisor

Foreign Exchange Trader

Forensic Analyst




Inventory Control Specialist

Market Research Analyst

Mathematical Biophysicist

Mathematical Physicist


Mechanical Engineer

National Security Analyst

Nuclear Engineer

Operations Research Analyst

Petroleum Engineer



Political Scientist


Purchasing Agent

Quantitative Financial Market Analyst

Software Engineer



Teacher, High School

Technical Writer


Urban Planner