2015 UNH Student Orientation Packet:

Disability Services for Students (DSS)


201 Smith Hall • 3 Garrison Avenue, Durham, New Hampshire 03824

Phone (603) 862-2607 • Fax (603) 862-4043 • TTY Users: 7-1-1 or 800-765-2964 (Relay NH)

Hours of Operation:

Monday-Friday, 8-4:30 pm

Summer Hours, Monday-Thursday 8-4:30 pm beginning Friday, 6/19/15

Welcome to UNH!

Congratulations on your acceptance to The University of New Hampshire. The University of New Hampshire (UNH) and Disability Services for Students (DSS) take great pride in promoting the development of student self-reliance and the personal independence necessary to succeed in a university climate. We seek to create a comprehensively accessible environment where students are viewed on a basis of ability, not disability.

The University of New Hampshire believes that students have the right and also the responsibility to determine whether or not to use support services. In keeping with this objective, students are expected and encouraged to utilize the resources of Disability Services for Students to the degree they determine necessary.

In accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 and the ADA Amendments Act of 2008, Disability Services for Students (DSS) is responsible for providing reasonable academic accommodations for qualified students with disabilities. Students with disabilities must self-identify to the DSS staff, register with the office and provide proper documentation by a licensed or certified official that states the disability, in order for the student to obtain academic & non-academic accommodations.

We invite you to connect with us to learn first-hand about the variety of options available to students with disabilities.

DSS Mission and Philosophy

At DisabilityServices for Students, wetake great pride in promoting the development of student self-reliance and the personal independence necessary to succeed in a university climate. We seek to create a comprehensively accessible environment where students are viewed on a basis of ability, not disability.

DSS is affiliated with the Student & Academic Services (SAS) Division. This division creates and maintains programs and services that enhance student life at the University.The office serves a growing number of students with documented disabilities entering higher education. These students come from Continuing Education, Thompson School, baccalaureate, Masters and PhD programs. DSS ensures reasonable academic accommodations and works to ensure equal access to all UNH students with a documented disability.

Social Media

For the most up to date information on all things DSS, please make sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter. DSS will post about office updates, accessibility alerts, available job postings, and the “word on campus”! Access DSS social media by clicking on the links below.

Tweet us at UNHDSS! ”Like” us on Facebook

When to Register with DSS?

Students may initiatethe registration process withDisability Services for Students (DSS) viaClockWorkonce they have committed to the University of New Hampshireand received their UNH credentials, typically once a deposit has been made.

First Year/Transfer Students must submitdocumentation at the time of completing theOnline Registration Form. The DSS DocumentationReviewCommittee begins to review First Year/Transfer Students documentation on June 1st, after the conclusion of the current semester. If you are requesting a housing accommodation, students must follow all UNH Housing policies and deadlines, while DSS is determining the status of your request. If DSS finds you eligible for a housing accommodation, UNH Housing will be notified.

When the DSS review process is complete, students will receive an e-mail to their UNH account from theDSS office stating the outcome of the review.If you are determined to be an eligible student with a disability: you will receive information specifying the how to create an appointment to become registered with the office.If you are determined to be ineligible as a student with a disability at that time: you will receive information detailing specifically why this determination was made. In addition, you may be referred to academic supports and resources available to all students at UNH.

Please do not send or email any documentation to the DSS office. All documentation must be submitted via ClockWork. All documentation sentoutside of ClockWork will be securely disposed.

Eligibility and DSS Documentation Guidelines

Recognizing the unique nature of disabilities and their impact on an individual, the documentation guidelines outline the information a student will need to submit in order to be considered for services and accommodations. This documentation is to be submitted directly to Disability Services for Students viaClockWorkby currently enrolled UNH students. Depending on the time of the semester, the completed review process may take several weeks. Once the review is complete, students will receive an e-mail to their UNH account outlining next steps.

All documentation is to be typed on letterhead stationery, dated, and signed by an appropriate diagnostician. The diagnostician ought to be impartial and not a family member. The documentation must include a clear statement that a disability does or does not exist; terms such as “appears,” “probable,” and “suggests” in the diagnostic summary statement do not support a conclusive diagnosis. Appropriate documentation reflects a student's historical and current level of functioning, describes what substantial impact/limitations the student experiences due to the disabilityand includes a diagnostic statement. Please note that a limitation in only one area (i.e. testing) is not a disability.


If the student is determined to be an eligible student with a disability, the student will receive information specifying how to create an appointment through Clockwork to complete the registration process, learn of the accommodations they are eligible for and learn about UNH policy and procedure specific to those accommodations.

If the materials provided lack sufficient information or if there is conflicting data/test scores,the student will be informed what additional information, if any, is needed. In addition, the student may be referred to academic assistance available to all students at UNH.

If information fails to establish the existence of a disability,the student will receive information detailing specifically why this determination was made and information on the option of providing further documentation which establishes a diagnosis. In addition, the student may be referred to academic assistance available to all students at UNH.

For a complete list of Registration Materials/Guidelines required by DSS, please click on the following link:


ClockWork is a complete online scheduling and data management system designed to meet the specialized needs of DSS. Clockwork provides 24/7 online access for UNH DSS students and faculty.

ClockWork was implemented in the fall of 2014 to streamline and simplify all DSS processes for both students and faculty. ClockWork is housed under the University's secure network (HIPPA Compliant) to protect the integrity of the office and our students.

Students have the ability to initiate registration, request accommodation letters, schedule a meeting with a DSS staff member, schedule upcoming exams, and much more!

Faculty have access to view and approve student accommodation letters, upload testing materials, and verify exam information.

UNH students and faculty are the only authorized ClockWork users. Parents and other UNH departments are not authorized to complete any fields on behalf of the student.

In order to access ClockWork, please have your UNH username and password ready and click on the icon below.

ClockWork for

Prospective Students

For a list of detailed instructions on how to use ClockWork, please click on the link below:

Please note: If you do not have your UNH email at the time of submitting your request, please use an appropriate, alternative email in its place. Students receive their UNH email during their Orientation visit. After the conclusion of Orientation, DSS will only contact the student via their UNH email.

Next Steps

When the DSS review process is complete, students will receive an e-mail to their UNH account from theDSS office stating the outcome of the review.If you are determined to be an eligible student with a disability: you will receive information specifying the how to create a Registration Appointment to finalize your registration with the office.

Registration Appointments are available during the summer months via in office, in person and/or skype. All appointment types are scheduled via ClockWork. If you prefer to meet with a DSS staff member once you are on campus, Registration Appointments are available all year round.

DSS Accommodations

Reasonable accommodations areadjustments to a course, program, services, job, activity, or facility that provide a qualified individual with a disability and equal opportunity to obtain the same benefit, or to attain the same level of achievement or to enjoy benefits as those available to a similarly situated individual without a disability. Reasonable accommodations are determined by examining: the physical and/or programmatic barriers resulting from the interaction between the functional impact of the documented disability and the course requirements or campus environment; the possible accommodations that might remove barriers; whether or not the individual has equal access without accommodations; whether or not essential elements of the program of instruction, service, job, or activity are compromised or fundamentally altered by the accommodations; whether or not accommodations would result in undue hardship for the institution.Through consultation and evaluation of documentation and student input, each student’s needs are identified on a case-by-case, course-by-course basis.

For more information on types of accommodations offered by DSS, click on the appropriate links below:

Academic Accommodations: Classroom, accessibility, testing, and Assistive Technology

Mobility Accommodations: Accessibility and Transportation

Housing Accommodations: Accessibility, Animal Assistance Policy

The University of New Hampshire is committed to providing appropriate accommodations and services to students with disabilities under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 including changes made by the ADA Amendments Act of 2008. Contact the Affirmative Action and Equity Office, Section 504/ADA Compliance Officer (603-862-2930 voice/tty) if you believe your rights have been violated.

Academic Assistance at UNH

DSS is just one part of your academic success at UNH! Listed below are a few tips from DSS to put yourself on the path toward success!

•The best place to seek help first is with your Professor in the course. Visit the professor's office hours (usually announced in the first class and published on the course syllabus), or schedule an appointment. Discuss your experience in the course, and options for improving your mastery of the material.

•Meet with your academic advisor to discuss your concerns.

•If the course has a teaching assistant (commonly referred to as the TA), that TA is another good resource for help. Ask where, when and how you can talk with the TA.

•Talk to other people in the course. Try to find a study partner or get a group of students together to study on a regular basis.

•Often students around campus offer tutoring on a private, fee basis. You can find advertisements offering tutoring services. Look for postingsin and around the department of the course you're seeking help in.

•You can post your own "Tutor Wanted" advertisement. Take your advertisement to the department office and ask if there is a place you can post it. Also ask the Administrator if they know of anyone in the majoror in a graduate program in the department who offers tutoring. At the Information Desk at the MUB they can tell you how to post advertisements at the MUB. If you hire a tutor, expect to pay between $7-9/hour for the services of an undergraduate and $ 12-25/hour for tutoring from a graduate student.

Students registered with DSS, who need additional assistance in a particular course or need to meet on a weekly basis for learning strategies, are referred to several resources on campus. Some of these include:

  • The Center for Academic Resources (CFAR)
  • The Mathematics Assistance Center (MaC)
  • Robert J. Connors Writing Center
  • The Assistive Technology Lab at DSS

In order for you, the student, to receive the most appropriate and effective support while at UNH, it is imperative that you contact the DSS office or other appropriate resources as soon as an issue or conflict arises.

Transition Strategies to College

To prepare for the transition to college, DSS is committed to providing a positive and holistic learning experience your child.

Students attending a higher education institution are considered adults, with privacy and confidentiality protections covered by the Americans with Disabilities Amendments Act (ADAA) and Section 504 (subpart E). College personnel including the DSS staff,will communicate directly with the student rather than the parents or guardians.

Asa student prepares to enter college, it is a good time for the student to learn how to seek out and acquire the services that s/he needs for him/herself. We encourage you to step back and let the student take the initiative to contact us so that s/he can begin to learn this important, life-long skill. However, in many cases, we understand that as a parent/caregiver you will begin this process for your child/student.

Listed below are accessible WORD documents that will provide information about the transition from K-12 into Higher Education.

  • Differences between High School and College for Students with Disabilities & Checklist for Preparedness
  • Tips from DSS
  • How the IDEA, 504, & ADA Influence Students with Disabilities Differently
  • Understanding the Rights & Responsibilities between High School & College
  • DSS General Information

We look forward to working with you during your time at UNH!