SchoolLinks Action Plan
Year 2013
Name Flemish school / Koninklijk Atheneum Mariakerke
Name South school / Kiruhura Secondary School

1.  Overview Grant Request




€ 270



€ 2436



€ 2706




€ 310



€ 20



€ 330



(number, name account holder)

/ BE69 0015 9128 3178

BANK DETAILS SOUTH SCHOOL (number, name account holder, Swift code)


00050-0443508-41 BK


The school commits oneself to use the requested funding as stated above for the implementation of SchoolLinks activities and to keep the invoices and proof of any expenditures in school at all times.

Date: …………………………………………

Signature of Head of School

This joint action plan must be submitted in a digital version (e-mail) by the Flemish school. The first page needs to be printed out, signed by the Head of School and sent to VVOB SchoolLinks both in Brussels and in the partner country. More information and guidelines concerning filling in this form can be found in the document ‘ Guidelines SchoolLinks 2013’.

2.  Contact information and general description

Contact information Flemish school



A. C. de ter Bekenlaan 26 9030 Mariakerke

Head of School


Walter Blieck

Contact person


Gladys Vanlommel; Yn Christiaens; Arno De Kerpel; Melissa Rademaker

E-mail address


; ; ;

Telephone number


0032 9 216 84 44

Fax number


09 216 84 35



Contact information South school



B.P. 371 Butare

Head of School


Domina Murekatete

Contact person


Domina Murekatete

E-mail address


(privé) of (school)

Telephone number


(privé)+250 0788733272

Fax number





General description of your school link in 2013


The northern and the southern school will continue to improve the visibility/communication of the project:
-communication board will be updated regularly
-a newsflash will be written and posted
-the number of pupils participating in the schoollink group will be increased and they will play a bigger role
-the number of participating teachers will also increase in number
-the mailbox will be more visible in both schools
Both schools will use materials and experiences of the recent visit to Belgium to compare countries.
-Video of French lessons will be shown
-a reaction to the visit will be written and shared with all partners
-a reaction to the science papers (biogas and ecological footprint) will be written by Kiruhura and mailed to Belgium.
Both schools will work on the integration of the schoollink in the regular curriculum
Thus working on including the project in their daily teaching as much as possible.
-common activities such as nutrition research, genocide, colonisation, French poems, songs and a film.
Concerning capacity-building focus will still be on teacher-teacher exchanges (teaching styles, teaching methods, curricula, teaching materials, visual endorsements, ...). Both schools have a digital camera at their disposal. We decided what will be filmed and by whom and we wrote this down in the action plan with each activity.
Kiruhura will try to implement a student counsellor (school management).

When filling out the form below, one must take into account the principles and conditions as stated in the guidelines for filling out the action plan. Through your planned activities, try to contribute to a sustainable school relationship, the involvement of students and teachers, an equal contribution of both partners and the quality indicators stated in the step-by-step plan.

SchoolLinks Action Plan 2013 1/15

3.  Activities concerning global education and intercultural exchange

Activity 1: (title) Sensitizing activities: school community and parents

Flemish school: (title) parent-teacher meeting




Description of the planned actions / During the parent-teacher meetings we display the various activities carried out: pictures, a presentation, explanations, … The pupils of the schoollink group organise and update the communication board (see further).
We will sell international fingerfood: bananas, crisps, chocolate, samosas
Target group / Parents and teachers as well as pupils
Goal / To improve the visibility of the project
Period / One parent –teacher meeting in each semester

South school: (title) parent-teacher meeting





Description of the planned actions / During the parent-teacher meeting we display the various activities carried out: pictures, a presentation, explanations, …
The pupils of the schoollink group make up and update the communication board. / / €10
Target group / Parents and teachers as well as pupils
Intended result / To improve the visibility of the project
Period / parent – teacher meeting in November 2013





€ 10

Activity 2: (title) communication pupils-pupils

Flemish school: (title) ) Writing informal letters




Description of the planned actions / Continue writing and sending letters to the pupils of Kiruhura. The children can choose an individual to correspond with; they can choose the age and the gender of their pen-mate.
Target group / All school pupils
Goal / To get to know one another better
Period / We try to send the letters together with the newsflash if we use the regular mail / See activity 3

South school: (title) Writing informal letters





Description of the planned actions / Continue writing and sending letters to the pupils of KAM. The children can choose an individual to correspond with; they can choose the age and the gender of their pen-mate. /
Target group / All school pupils
Intended result / To get to know one another better
Period / We try to send the letters together with the newsflash if we use the regular mail / See activity 3





€ 0

Activity 3: (title): expanding/ensuring close-knit relationships within the schoollink group

Flemish school: (title)newsflash




Description of the planned actions / Expand the existing schoollnk group to 20. This group will be in charge of communication with the other pupils of the school as well as the pupils from the other school (newsflash); they will update the communication board; they will organise collecting letters from pupils.
Making the group responsible to make a regular newsflash: two responsible people in each grade (2nd & 3rd ) will be elected. They will make sure that monthly meetings are organised and that the deadline of the newsflash will be met each time. The schoollink group will start with the January version of the newsflash.
Target group / Pupils from both schools
Goal / To get to know one another. To compare daily lives.
Period / 7 times in total: each month starting from January to March (3 times). April -May (1). September, October and November (3 times) / Shipping costs / € 70

South school: (title) newsflash





Description of the planned actions / Expand the existing schoollnk group to 20. Making the group responsible to make a regular newsflash. The schoollink group will start with the January version of the newsflash. /
Target group / Pupils from both schools
Intended result / To get to know one another. To compare daily lives
Period / Each month starting from January to March (3 times). April -May (1). September, October and November (3times) / Each time 10euros Airtime to access the internet (8months) / 70euros
30 euros





€ 100

Activity 4: (title)science project

Flemish school: (title)nutrition and sustainable agriculture science project




Description of the planned actions / Pupils will participate in a science competition. They will present a scientific paper on nutrition and sustainable agriculture. (in cooperation with the VZW ‘Natuur and Wetenschap’. )
Target group / Pupils of 4 sciences with biology and geography teachers (Vanlommel & Lösken).
Goal / To work cross curricular. To learn about differences in nutritional habits.
Period / October 2012- May 2013

South school: (title)reaction to science project





Description of the planned actions / Compare the ecological footprint of KAM and the school in Kiruhura; compare the different results and to ask questions about the origin of the difference.
To react to the work on biogas in Kiruhura which was presented at a science competition in Belgium. This paper was given to Soeur Domina during her visit in Belgium (sept. 2012) /
Target group / Science classes
Intended result / Comparison of scientific data
Period / From January to March 2013





€ 0

Activity 5: (title) exchanging course material on genocide

Flemish school: (title): lesson embedded in a unit on death (English)




Description of the planned actions / Pupils of the fifth form will learn more about genocide in the world.
Target group / Pupils of the fifth year with Miss Rademaker and/or DeVreese.
Goal / To learn more about world history and to obtain specific vocabulary and increase general awareness.
Period / October-November 2013

South school: (title) lesson embedded in genocide as a topic (Histoire)





Description of the planned actions / Pupils of the third form will learn more about genocide in the world. Some conversation will be filmed by Kiruhura and sent to Mariakerke to be used in class afterwards. /
Target group / Pupils of the third year with the history teacher (Mr. Vincent Karahamuheto).
Intended result / To learn more about world history and to obtain specific vocabulary and increase general awareness.
Period / May-June 2013





€ 0

Activity 6: (title)Colonization

Flemish school: (title) Discussion on colonisation as part of a field trip to the African museum




Description of the planned actions / Pupils of the fourth year will learn more about colonisation in general and Belgium through a fragment from a novel on Congo (David Van Reybroeck) and a visit to the Africa museum.
Target group / Pupils of the fourth year
Goal / To be critical towards the history of (Belgian) colonisation.
Period / September (if the museum is not closed due to restauration).

South school: (title)Reaction to the visit of the African museum





Description of the planned actions / The Rwandese visitors to Belgium will write a short text (impression) on their visit of the Africa Museum. They will share it with Kiruhura and KAM. /
Target group / Kam & Kiruhura
Intended result / Compare impressions
Period / Text will be finished in October 2012. The comments will be used by Kam in September 2013





€ 0

Activity 7: School link day

Flemish school: (title)KAM op z’n KOP




Description of the planned actions / International inspired workshops (art, music, food and games) during a special schoollinkday. Teachers, parents, pupils and other interested people can participate in a workshop and connect with the Rwandan way of life. / 4 workshops and
€50 per workshop / 200
Target group / Teachers, pupils and parents
Goal / To make sure the schoollink project gets integrated in our school, to be able to reach out to as many parents and pupils as possible, to provide the project some budget.
Period / May 4th 2013

South school: (title)Kiruhura Art&Scientific Contest





Description of the planned actions / During parents visit day,exhibition of produced stories,drawings,sketches.poems,songs in English on ecological and scientific subjects from Mariakerke and Kiruhura pupils.
Purchase materials to realise the art and scientific contest / / €20 1box writing papres
€60 rent of materials for sketch playing
€120Soft drinks for that ceremony / 200
Target group / Teachers, pupils, parents,community and leaders
Intended result / Teachers, pupils, parents,community and leaders appreciate schoollink intellectual,cultural and scintific benefits for students.
Period / By September 2013





€ 200

Global education and intercultural exchange
Flemish school /

€ 270

South School /

€ 310

4.  Activities concerning capacity building

GENERAL THEME: How do we teach French classes?Sharing teaching materials.
(to fill in)

Activity 1: (title) songs poems and film

Flemish school: (title)sharing teaching materials in French class




Description of the planned actions / The French teacher (Miss Bertin) will send recorded songs; poems written by the pupils. They will also watch a movie ‘Les Choristes’ on The ‘International French day’ / sending materials / € 10
Target group / Pupils from the first grade
Goal / To share teaching methods
Period / French day is March 19, 2013 (film) and the rest of the school year

South school: (title)reacting to French materials





Description of the planned actions / The pupils will react to the materials received from KAM (songs, poems). The pupils will watch the same movie as those at KAM. Some materials will be filmed by Onesphore Habanabakize. /
Target group / Pupils from 4-6th grade
Intended result / To compare teaching styles and teaching medhodology, to share poems and songs.
Period / French day is March 19, 2013 (film) and the rest of the school year / Cost of DVD and sending materials : / € 10



€ 10


€ 10

Activity 2: (title) Cross-curricular work: translation of scientific paper

Flemish school: (title):nutrition-agriculture in Belgium and Rwanda




Description of the planned actions / Pupils of the fifth year will translate the science papers (see activity 4) as part of their unit ‘environment’. They will send it to Kiruhura. / € 10
Target group / Fifth year pupils with Miss De Vreese
Goal / To improve their English and to share information. To work cross-curricular. To share information with Rwanda.
Period / April – may 2013

South school: (title) nutrition-agriculture in Belgium and Rwanda





Description of the planned actions / Pupils of senior 3 will send a list of food produced in Rwanda and their components. They will analyse the content of Rwandese food. Some materials will be filmed/photographed.
Pupils will also explain which food is produced at school and how it is produced. /
Target group / Pupils of senior 3 with Mr. Nicodème Habarurema
Intended result / Sharing, learning about and comparing nutritional habits and food production processes.
Period / May-June 2013 / Cost of DVD and sending materials : / € 10