Basic Information / Regional Director’s Office
Name of the RD / Human Resources:
  • Corps/Region
  • AsstRegDirTrgEval

  • Office Address
  • AsstRegDirCurr & Assess

  • Contact Numbers
  • PA/Spdt Off/Accts

  • E-mail Address
  • Ancillary Staff

  • Date of Appointment
  • Driver

  • Date of Induction at Sectt.

Qualifications / Facilities/Provisions:
Academic Qualifications /
  • Computer

Administrative Qualifications /
  • Internet facility

Total Professional Experience /
  • Transport facility

  • Education Administration (Primary, Secondary, Higher Secondary Level)
/ Comments by the RD:
  • Teaching (Primary, Secondary, Higher Secondary Level)

APSACS Courses Attended
Total APSs in the Region:
  • Category A

  • Category B

  • Category C

  • Category D

  • De-notified



  1. Coordination/ Dissemination/ Implementation of all APSASC Policies/ Procedures and Directives:

S# / Policies / Directives / Handbooks / Yes / No / Please state the implementation procedures
Academic Calendar
Syllabus Break-up
Syllabus Implementation Guide for Teachers
Academic Package
Block Syllabus for Exam
Assessment & Examination Policy 2016 – 17
Exam Papers
External Invigilation Marking System (EIMS)
Mentorship Activities Reporting Sheets
Values Education Reporting Sheets
ECAs Reporting Sheets
Award Selection Procedures
Whole School Programmes(booklets and guidelines)
  1. Comments by the RD:
  1. Details of Principals Inducted/ Resigned / Terminated in Year 20___- ___. (Please append more rows to the following table, if required):

S # / Name / School / Inducted/
Terminated / Date / Remarks / Exit Interview
& handing over taking over of Outgoing Principal / Sectt info.
Ltr / email ref.
  1. Comments by the RD:
  1. Details of newly Registered, Upgraded, Bifurcated and CDF Catergory Schools. (Please append more rows to the following table, if required):

S# / School / Status
(Newly registered/ Upgraded/ Bifurcated/CDF Catergory) / Date / Remarks (if any) / Sectt info.
Ltr / email ref.
  1. Comments by the RD:
  1. Details of CIE (O Levels) Schools:

S # / School / Date / Commencement of
Pre-O Level Classes / Remarks (if any) / Sectt info.
Ltr / Email ref.
  1. Comments by the RD:
  1. Details of Teacher / Section Head Transfer Cases. (Please append more rows to the following table, if required):

S# / Teachers Facilitated / Section Head / Transferred from:
(Corps & School) / Transferred to:
(Corps & School) / Comments/Remarks (if any)
  1. Comments by the RD:



S# / Security Measures / Remarks
Have the security procedures been reviewed?
What important steps have been taken to ensure the safety of students & staff? Please attach details.
What has been the RD’s role in identifying the inadequate security procedures of particular schools under threat or otherwise. Have the officials been informed in writing? Please substantiate your response with evidence.

1. Comments by the RD:

Note: Security form checklist is attached as Anx ‘A.’ Please fill it in for each school that falls under your Region. Attach all proformae with this document.



  1. Textbook Selection Procedure:

Please state the procedure to collect the feedback on the textbooks sent by the Sectt for review:
  1. Availability of Textbooks Notebooks:

Please state how the availability of the textbooks/notebooksprescribed by the Secttis ensured:
  1. Syllabus Implementation:

Please state measures taken to ensure the Syllabus Implementation:
  1. Syllabus Completion Report:

S# / Schools / Syllabus Completion Report
(Yes / No) / Date & ref ltr of Consolidated Report Sent to the Sectt
  1. Comments by the RD:



  1. Preparation of Sample Exam Papers. (Please append more rows to the following table, if required):

S# / Sample Papers (subject) / Term (First/Second) 4-8
Term (First/Pre-Board) SSC & HSSC / Paper format as per policy (followed / Not followed) / Prepared by (School Name) / Implementation of Exam Secrecy Policy / Date dispatched
to Sectt / Post Exam Report (1st & 2nd Term)
  1. Comments by the RD:
  1. External Invigilation Marking System (EIMS) . (Please append more rows to the following table, if required):

S# / EIMS Conducted in the Region
(Yes / No) 20___-___ / Schools Involved / Analysis / Report Fwd to Sectt (Date/ Ref ltr) / Remarks (if any)
  1. Comments by the RD:



  1. Please list the details of Trainings imparted as a Resource Person in Year 20___-___ .(Please append more rows to the following table, if required):

S # / Training Area/Topic / Date / Duration of Trg Session / Evidence
Please attach details of schools that attended the trg, pictorial evidence and post trg report as Anx‘B’
  1. Comments by the RD:
  1. Please state the teacher recommendation procedure for the eligibility of next level of training course.
  1. Please attach the consolidated record of all trainings arranged by the Regional Office in Year 20___-___ as Anx ‘C’:

(Ref details of trainings conducted at Regional Hubs / A-RITE)

  1. Comments by the RD:
  1. Please provide data / status of APSACS trained teachers in your Region as per format given below and attach it as Anx ‘D’to this document. (Please append more rows to the following table, if required):

S# / Name / Designation / School / APSACS Trg Attended / Status (Serving / Left)
  1. Comments by the RD:
  1. Please state procedure of handling APSACS Training and other Restricted Material:



  1. Please state the schedule of the school evaluation visits conducted in Year 20___-___. (Please append more rows to the following table, if required):

S # / School(s) Visited / Date(s) of Eval Visit (s) / Purpose
(regular/ diagnostic/surprise ) / Eval report sent to Fmn, APSACS Sectt & School
(indicate the Ref Ltr) / Pl. state reason if a particular school is not evaluated in Year 20--
  1. Comments by the RD:
  1. Please state the remedial measures taken to help schools overcome the inadequacies noted/ observed during Evaluation Visits. Provide evidence to support response.
  1. Please state School Self Evaluation Framework (SEF) and RD School Evaluation grades of the school in your Region in Year 20___-___. (Please append more rows to the following table, if required):

S. # / School Self Evaluation Framework (SEF) Grade / Regional Director’s School Evaluation Grade
  1. Comments by the RD:



  1. (Please append more rows to the following table, if required):

S # / School / Using AMS Software / Entered Staff Bio Data / Entered Student Bio Data / Entered Student
Results (Check Points, First, Second Term, Send-ups, Pre-Board) / Online Progress Report Cards + PDR generation (Soft & hard form) / Using Lib Management Sys / Uploaded School Planning Docs (SEF, SIP, Time-table, etc)
  1. Comments by the RD:


Whole school Programme

  1. Regional Hub Training. (Please append more rows to the following table, if required):

S# / Topic of the Trg / Modules / Regional Hub where Trg conducted / Schools that participated / No. of Participants / Report Fwd to Sectt on prescribed Format (Ref / Ltr)
  1. Comments by the RD:
  1. Mentorship Programme. (Please append more rows to the following table, if required):

S# / Mentor / Mentee / Date of Visit / Nature of Facilitation provided by Mentor / Improvement Observed / Report sent to Sectt on prescribed format (Date/ Ltr Ref) / Remarks
  1. Comments by the RD:
  1. Handshake Programme. (Please append more rows to the following table, if required):

S# / Handshake Partners (Names) / Handshake Visit Date / Any particular challenges encountered during visit / Remarks
  1. Comments by the RD:
  1. Values Education Programme: Social Action Plan (SAP) & Community Action Plan (CAP).

(Please append more rows to the following table, if required):

S # / Schools / Focus of SAP / Time Frame / Focus of CAP / Time Frame
  1. Comments by the RD:
  1. Bibliophiles READProgramme. (Please append more rows to the following table, if required):

S # / Schools / Details of READ Activities / Monitoring Procedures of the RD / READ Report sent to Sectt (Ref ltr)
  1. Comments by the RD:
  1. WRITE Programme. (Please append more rows to the following table, if required):

S# / Schools / WRITE Format Followed / not followed / Construction of Editorial Board at Regional Level / Literary material edited & sent to Sectt (Ref ltr)
  1. Comments by the RD:
  1. ECA - Internal & External.(Please append more rows to the following table, if required):

S# / Schools / Title of Contest / Contest held on / High Achievers / Awards Received / Photographs of Prize Distribution
  1. Comments by the RD:
  1. Sports Programme. (Please append more rows to the following table, if required):

S# / Schools / No. of participants / Sports activities conducted / Sport activities attended / High achievers / Awards Received
  1. Comments by the RD:

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Anx’ A’

APSACS Regional Director’s School Security Form




Ser # / Indicators / Yes / No / Measures Taken
1 / Manpower:
  • Security Officer (preferably retd from the Army)

  • Sniper (s)

  • Manned school entrance (s)

  • Strict procedures for key control in place
(where keys are used, their careful control enhances building security, this duty should be assigned to the Security Offr)
2 / School Map showing:
  • Surrounding streets

  • Primary and secondary access points (entries & exits)

  • Roof access points

  • Floor plans

  • Room names and numbers

  • Evacuation routes

3 / Emergency Evacuation Maps:
  • Clear and precise emergency evacuation maps in classrooms and other major building spaces and at key corridors locations

4 / Electronic Devices / Resources:
  • Walk through gate(s)

  • Metal detector(s) /Weapons detector(s)

  • Intrusion/ Fire Alarm at Section Heads, Principals and Security Officer’s office

  • Security Cameras at all important spots (entrance points, surrounding areas of school etc)

  • Security Camera monitoring procedures (dedicated person (s) to keep a watch out throughout the day)

  • Emergency notification system technologies in place

  • Fire extinguishers ( total number as per school size)

  • Staff trained in use of fire extinguishers

5 / School Perimeter Wall:
  • School Fencing/Perimeter Wall (purpose-built to avoid security breech/scaling etc)

6 / Classrooms/ Hallways /Egress Paths
  • Purpose built classrooms with two doors to facilitate evacuation procedure

  • Only 20 percent area of class walls and hall ways covered with art material & teaching resources (Fire codes generally prohibit coverage greater than 20 percent for reasons of fire safety)

  • Egress paths ― corridors, stairs, stairwells, and exits ― clear of obstructions and flammable materials.
(Examples of common fire code violations are obstructions such as empty cardboard boxes, boxes of used fluorescent light tubes, carts, lawnmowers, steel racks, ball racks, stored equipment, and tripping hazards such as electrical cords, tools, lumber, and hoses. Decorative materials, streamers or fabrics on corridor walls or ceilings should be flame resistant.
  • Corridor and restroom lighting controls are protected from unauthorized use

  • All wiring and electronic devices are regularly checked to avoid short circuiting

7 / Access Points:
  • Access to windows and roofs prevented
(e.g. by trimming trees, relocating objects near the building that can be used as climbing devices, and ensuring that covered walkway supports, light posts, and other building or site features are not scalable)
  • Secure roof hatches
(where possible, this should be best done from the inside the building so locks and latches are not exposed)
8 / Parking Area:
  • Bus and car access separated from school buildings and play areas (by curbs, removable bollards, or gates that allow emergency vehicle access but keep other vehicles at a distance)

  • Traffic calming devices in place (for example stop signs, pavement markings, bumps ― in parking lots and driveways)

  • Visitors Parking clearly defined and separated

9 / Trouble Spots:
  • Unattended storage areas / blind spots identified and dealt with

General Comments:

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