EARN Maryland Implementation Grant
Project Schedule Guidance
The EARN Maryland Project Schedule is a programmatic and fiscal blueprint of your overall Project. It is a consolidated outline of all activities and projected expenditures. This Project Schedule will allow DLLR to track the progress of implementation and anticipate quarterly expenditures for each Grantee.
The Project Schedule includes the following components:
1. Project Activities (Column A).
2. Project Characteristics (Columns B- H).
3. Schedule for each Project Activity (Columns I-K).
4. Total Project Budget (EARN + Leveraged Resources) (Columns L and M).
5. Funding Source: EARN Funds and Leveraged Resources (Direct Cash and In-Kind Support) (Columns N and O).
6. Projected Quarterly Expenditures (Column P).
1. Project Activities (Column A)
Project Activities are the main activities that comprise the Grantee’s “Project” for the life of the EARN Grant as defined in Grantee’s Grant Agreement. Each of these Project Activities is required to ensure successful implementation and attainment of deliverables and outcomes.
For the most part, these Project Activities have already been identified and detailed in the Grantee’s Proposal, and where applicable, any revised training plans. Project Activities include, but are not limited to, the following:
● Training Modules
● Project Management
● Support or Wrap Around Services
● Contractual Services (e.g., training providers, curriculum development)
2. Project Characteristics (Columns B - H)
Columns B-H SHOULD ONLY BE COMPLETED FOR THOSE PROJECT ACTIVITIES WHICH ARE TRAINING MODULES. Non-Training Project Activities (e.g., pipeline development, recruitment and screening, wraparound or support services) will be entered into Columns G and possibly H.
· Column B: Type of Training (entry level, incumbent).
· Column C: Name of Training Provider Organization.
● Column D: Number of times training to be delivered.
● Column E: Sequential Training -- If training is sequential (i.e., training participants that complete Training Module 1 are then expected to enter Training Module 2), identify the next Training Module that Completers are projected to enter.
● Column F: Total number of Training Participants -- If the Training Module is to be delivered more than one time, then calculate the projected number of training participants in total.
● Column G: Deliverables for Non-Training Project Activities -- If “pipeline development” is such an activity, then a possible deliverable might be the number of individuals contacted and recruited to come to a workshop to learn more about a particular training.
● Column H: Target Population(s) for Training (where applicable) -- If the Project has Identified target populations to be recruited and trained for a specific Training Module, please note in Column H (e.g., un/underemployed: 5; formerly incarcerated: 3).
● Column I: Length of Training.
● Columns J & K: Start & End Dates for each Project Activity. For Training Modules, identify start and end dates for each individual session of the Training Module.
4. Total Project Budget (Columns L-M)
The Budget and the detailed budget expenses should be based upon the Grantee’s Approved Project Budget. In most cases, the Approved Project Budget is the Budget (Budget Summary Form and Budget Narrative) included in your EARN Maryland Implementation Grant Proposal. In some instances, DLLR requested that Grantees revise their Budgets. Grant Advisors will confirm approval of any revised budgets.
· Column L: Budget Expenses -- For each Project Activity, detail the associated Budget Expense Categories. The detailed budget expenses should mirror, and in some cases expand upon, the information provided in the Approved Project Budget.
· Column M: Total Projected Costs -- For each Budget Expense, provide the Total Projected Cost, including EARN Funds + Leveraged Resources (Cash & In-Kind).
5. Funding Sources (Columns N-O)
Each Budget Expense will be paid for with either EARN Grant Funds, Leveraged Resources (Cash & In-Kind) or a combination of both. Please use Columns N and O to detail the source of funding for each Budget Expense.
● Column N: EARN Grant Funds -- Complete this column for each budgeted expense that EARN Funds will pay for.
● Column O: Leveraged Resources (Cash & In-Kind) -- Complete this column for each budgeted expense that Leveraged Resources will cover.
6. Projected Quarterly Expenditures (Column P)
The purpose of this Section is to provide estimated quarterly expenditure projections up to the two year life of the Grant for EARN GRANT FUNDS ONLY.
Please make sure that each Quarter’s Columns (Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4) are totaled at the bottom of the worksheet. This Total Amount will represent the Grantee’s best current thinking about the total amount of EARN FUNDS that will be needed each quarter to cover the cost of implementing the Project Activities over the life of the EARN Maryland Implementation Grant.