Mathematics 1 Ms.

Blog :

Grade Procedure:

Formative 30%

Summative 45%

EOCT Test 15%

Midterm 05%

Final Exam 05%

Notebook: You are required to keep an organized 3-ring binder with loose-leaf paper during the semester. It must have the following dividers: 1.Warm-Up and Notes ,2. Classwork, and 3.Graphic organizers, 4.Test and Quizzes.

You will need a one subject separate notebook for homework.

Students should have paper, pencils, textbook, and a calculator with them everyday.

Calculators (TI-30X IIS): Students that do not bring a calculator to class will not be allowed to share or borrow another calculator.

Make-Up Work: If a student is absent, he/she must bring an excused note the next time they are present to the class. It is his/her responsibility to learn, obtain, and complete the work missed within five school days.

EOCT Exam:At the end of the semester you will be allowed to replace your lowest test grade with your score on the EOCT exam, provided it’s higher. If you received a zero for a test because you were caught cheating, then that grade cannot be replaced.

Classroom Expectations
  • Be respectful. Keep hands, feet, objects, and comments to yourself.
  • Be on time and come to class prepared. Bring paper, pencil, homework, and calculator every day.
  • Follow all directions the first time they are given.
  • Stay focused and on task. Every student is expected to participate in all activities the entire class period.
  • No food, snacks, or drinks are allowed in the classroom. Bottled water is permitted.
  • No use of profanity will be allowed.

Choosing not to follow any of the above rules will result in disciplinary action.

Help Sessions: Students may attend any of the sessions highlighted below. Help sessions should be used to find out what work was missed due to an absence, making up tests, and for extra help with homework. Take advantage of this opportunity.

Mondays 7:45 – 8:10 and Thursdays 3:30 – 4:00

All other sessions by appointments

Syllabus Signature Form

I have read the information on this sheet and understand it and will abide by it.

Student’s Name (print) Parent’s Signature (signed)

Parent/Guardian contact information:

Name (please print)his ______her ______

Cell Phone #his ______her ______

Work Phone his ______her ______

Home phone ______

E-mail address ______


Parent/Guardian Signature ______


Student Signature ______