English I

Miss Terrazas – EE22

951-894-5750 ext. 6602


Welcome to a Vista Murrieta High School, your freshmen year, and English I! This syllabus will provide you with information on how to be successful in this class and start off strong on what promises to be some of the BEST years of your life! My expectations are that you exhibit Bronco C.L.A.S.S. in as well as outside of our classroom. Are you ready?

“It is our choices...that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” J.K Rowling

A passing grade in both semesters is required in order be on track for graduation

Course Content:

Glencoe Literature (Green), by Glencoe/Hall-McGraw

§  Short Stories, Novels, and Poems

§  The Odyssey, by Homer

§  Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare

To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee (I recommend students purchase for annotating-copies available in the library)

Materials/Major Assignments:

§  An endless supply of paper: always have it! Do Not Rely On Your Neighbor!

§  Pens (blue/black ink) or pencils

§  Highlighters and Post its

§  3 ring binder (recommended 2-3”), which includes a section for this course.

Must have an English I section with dividers labeled: Dailys/ Notes/Vocabulary/Writing/HW

Rules: Respect, Responsibility, and Readiness

Electronic Devices: Cell phones are not to be seen in the classroom unless there is an emergency OR the teacher has asked you to take them out. All other times these devices should be out of sight and OFF. The inappropriate usage of any electronic device during class time will result in the immediate confiscation of the device and submission to school administration to be picked up by a parent.

*It is important that you respect the little amount of time that we have in class.

Attendance: According to district policy, a student who is absent twenty times in a semester (unexcused) may be failed by the instructor of the course. Absenteeism is the number one cause of failure !! Regular attendance is essential to further your learning process and in order to be successful in this class.

*When absent you will be responsible to get the work that you missed from my Haiku page. It is your responsibility to stay on top of any missing work!

Tardies: You are expected to be in class when the bell rings! You will receive a detention—if this becomes a perpetual problem with further administrative action taking place.

*Be responsible and ready for the day when you get to class on time!

Late Work: Late work is NOT accepted. If you are absent, you are still responsible for turning in work by the deadline. In this day and age of email, you can send me the assignment or a picture of the completed assignment on Haiku or to my email. You will still be responsible for bringing the hardcopy (as needed) of the assignment to class. The only exception is in case of emergency, which is to be determined by the teacher.

Bathroom Pass: You will receive 6 bathroom passes for each semester. The bathroom is not an excuse to wander the school because you are “bored” in class. Use them appropriately and responsibly.


1. You will receive a warning before further disciplinary action is taken

2. Parent contact/ Intervention with Dean of Students

3. Parent contact/ Intervention with Dean of Students

4. Conference with Parent/ Teacher/ Student/ Administration

5. Suspension from class/ Behavior Contract


Grading will be composed of the total number of points accumulated from the following:

25% - Quizzes/Tests

25% - Essays/Projects

15% - Classwork

15% - Homework

10% - Semester Final

10% - Participation

GRADES Cont. . . Make sure to take an active role in your education and keep updated. Class and homework assignments must be completed and turned in on time in order to receive credit. On time means that the assignment is turned in at the time announced. Late work is NOT accepted. Participation is going to be a major part of your grade. There will be certain presentations, discussions and assignments that will require you to be in class. If you are absent, there will be no chance to make up those points! Your interaction with your classmates cannot be made up. If there is an emergency, it will be determined by the teacher and accommodations made.

→ KEEP ALL WORK. (I cannot stress this enough) If there is ever a discrepancy between your grading record and mine, you will need proof in order for me to correct your grade.

1.  Essay/ Papers: Papers/essays must be printed by your own means (library does charge $0.10 a page). Plagiarism: Because the school aims to uphold academic integrity and accountability for learning, be aware that the consequences for plagiarism are significant. The consequences for the first offense are as follows:

First offense: a. Teacher makes referral to the Learning Coordinator and notifies the parent.

Second Offense: b. Loss of all credits for the assignment and no make-up permitted.

Third Offense: c. Conference with student, parent, teacher, and Learning Director.

2.  Extra Credit: Extra credit is rarely offered in class and is not meant to replace regular assignments.

3.  Make-ups: Any make-up tests or other assignment that requires teacher assistance needs to be made up before/after school by appointment. This is BEST time to come for extra help with any assignment!! Tests and quizzes must be made up within one week of the date the test was given or it will be a zero in the grade book.

Dear Parent or Guardian: Due: ______

You may access this syllabus on Haiku or on my webpage on vmhs.net. This letter serves several purposes.First, I would like verification that you and your student have read and understand the syllabus, class policies and expectations. Second, I hope this opens the paths of communication; with support in the classroom and at home student success will rise!

Parent/Guardian Signature Printed Name Date



Phone/ Cell# (PLEASE LABEL EACH) ______



Email: ______

Student Signature Printed Name Date


I need positive permission for the films we will be viewing over the course of the school year. This letter is being sent to you in compliance with the District policy requiring parents/guardians to approve the intended use of videotapes that require positive parent permission prior to their scheduled showing.

To Kill a Mockingbird Romeo and Juliet (1968) (1997)

The Odyssey (1997) Percy Jackson and the Lightening Thief

You may e-mail me directly at (which I prefer) if you have any questions about this, please do not hesitate to contact me. I can be reached via e-mail at the address above or by telephone at

(951) 894-5750 x 6602.


Miss Katie Terrazas

English I, Academic Seminar