NCCoC Meeting – September 1, 2016. Held at NOYS, Ponca City

Meeting was called to order at 10:05 a.m. by Jennifer Haney.

  1. Welcome & Introductions

The following were present: Jana Nelson - Mission of Hope; Tammy Richmond - Mission of Hope; Emily Hays - Payne County Youth Services; Stephanie Connelly - Payne County Youth Services; Amanda Doran- DVPNCO; Denise Jack- DVPNCO; Jennifer Haney - NOYS; Terrie Hill - Peachtree Landing, Inc.;Teresa Benson- First Christian Church; Nathan Newell - Salvation Army (Enid); Melisa Brumley - United Way of Ponca City; James Carter - NOYS

Marie Robinson - Wings of Hope Family Crisis Services, had asked to be excused.

  1. Approval of August minutes:

Motioned by Teresa Benson and seconded by Terrie Hill. Approval of corrected July Minutes – all in favor.

  1. Agency Reports:

PCYS – Stephanie Connelly reported 3 currently in shelter, averaging 3/6 in last month. TLP – 1 participant getting ready to complete this month. Agency has been busy with foster families. They have been busy preparing for United Way Day of Caring 15 September.

Emily Hays reported 3 foster care families, 1 respite family and 5 children in care.

First Christian Church – Teresa Benson they had been busy with the Pie Partnership with Lincoln Elementary, had provided the school with Kleenex and Band-Aids as per their request. They are also doing a coat drive for the school and providing tutoring to students.

NOYS - James Carter reported the shelter kids are back to school, Life Skills program is being provided to Middle School & High School in Ponca. New Programs are: Strengthening families is open to all community who work with families, Trauma focused Therapy is for kids who have experienced Trauma.Shelter has had 10/11 kids for the last few months and is staying busy. School supplies/Personal Hygiene Items are still needed.

Jennifer Haney reported that ESG is still receiving active referrals even though all funding has already been utilized. Blackwell had a fire at apartment complex, she is working to assist those affected with the Salvation Army.

MOH – Tammy Richmond reported that in the Emergency Shelter – 40 clients, 30 new, 5 families (with kids), off sites are full. She is also working on Transitional Stuff.

Jana Nelson reported that there have been a lot more women clients lately, the women’s dorm is full. Boots & Bandannas Fundraiser went very well.

United Way of Ponca City - HMIS: Melisa Brumley reported that:

2014 HMIS Data Standards Data Manual

A new version was released on Monday, 8/29/2016. This release has two changes but nothing big for ESG and CoC programs. The June 2016 version 5.0 mostly has changes for Prevention Assistance and Temporary Housing (PATH), Runaway Homeless Youth (RHY) and HUD VASH programs. The changes you will notice which roll out in October 1, 2016 are:

Gender: Now has “Doesn’t identify as male, female or transgender”

Living Situation: Breaks out into two questions and adds “Interim Housing” (see handout for more details) Interim Housing is not a type of housing but rather a housing situation: reason why the client can’t move into their new home (being painted, old tenant moving out, has voucher but looking for unit to rent)

Move-In-Date: It’s been in HMIS Entry worksheet but wasn’t required until October 1, 2016. It will be used for RRH programs. (see handout for details)

Annual Performance Reports

Programs should now be able to view the APR’s in eSNAPS – make sure to follow the directions to pull your reports in. Please submit them in a timely manner – this will help our CoC overall.

HMIS Monthly webinar 8-31-16 shared future APR’s - in 2017 will be uploaded in CVS format just the like the ESG programs and will not be using eSNAPS. If your agency has an ESG or CoC grant but don’t use HMIS visit the HUD website it has vendor CVS notes and the HMIS Data Standards Data Dictionary for more details.

DVPNCO –Amanda Doran reported that the shelter has 4 families & 3 single females presently. Also hiring an Executive Director for DVPNCO.

Denise Jack reported that 14 participants in RRH, 10 are housed 4 are seeking housing.

Salvation Army Enid - Nathan Newell reported shelter residents;2 women and 3 men. Currently 9 weeks into the getting ahead class. Soup kitchen attendance in teens – gone down. Mercy House is now closed until Winter.

Peachtree Landing - Terrie Hill reported 16 in shelter – all single females, 2 have been there for 2 weeks, 1 has been referred to Edwin Fair for legal assistance.

  1. HMIS

Melisa Brumley reported that Bowman/A Mediware Company the HMIS vendor received guidance from HUD and adjusted some of the 700 series reports for the System Performance Measures so the numbers are a little different then what I shared with the CoC members at the August 4 meeting. On 8/11/2016 the System Performance Measures were submitted into the HUD Data Exchange (HDX) program (see handout). Deadline was due 8/15, 2016.

HMIS Monthly Reports

•Waiting on the vendor to verify the patch and install it to fix the HUD Verifications – Income section. It has passed quality control – only one more check before it can be implemented

•133 clients served in the last month

•I mixed up pages 2 and 3 when I was coping them on the backside

•Everyone did a great job getting client data entered into HMIS in a timely manner the ART 316 numbers went down from August

•There were a few increases with the child only households. Emails were sent out last night to those providers asking them to fix these households

  1. Revisit the COC Committees Members - Update Committee

Terrie Hill recommended a stand-alone Point in Time Committee – Jennifer will confirm with those already on CountyLiaison that they will count be PIT for counties.

Appeals Committee Process needs to be put in Policy & Procedures and voted on.

  1. CoC Consolidated Plan-Rating and Ranking to vote on

Jennifer reported that not all the Continuum of Care (CoC) Rating and Ranking (R&R) Score sheets had been handed in yet as the individuals CoC R&R had questions. Applicants can make revisions in e-SNAPS. 3 Agencies had questions that needed to be addressed by R&R Committee.

Melisa Brumley said we lost 3 points because grant was not submitted by August 31, 2016. Agencies had submitted grants by August 11, these were already in the Lead Agency’s e-SNAP system. There is concern as there is competition for these funds amongst all CoC’s and now we have lost 3 free points due to not been submitted by August 31.

Terrie Hill shared responded that the CoC R&R Team had only received the Score Sheets 1.5 days ago.

6 ESG Funding Applicants – 1 applicant has appealed ESG R&R, there have been questions from 3 agencies regarding, the grant inventory worksheet/grant submission. Because there is not currently an Appeal process in place with North Central OK Continuum of Care (NCOCoC) the Board agreed to have Oklahoma Department of Commerce (ODOC) finalize the appeal.

  1. New Business
  • Melisa Brumley said that Southwest Oklahoma CoC would like to merge their client data into ShareLink HMIS. The merge would be funded by ODOC. Would the CoC be okay with this? Teresa Benson made a motion for Southwest Oklahoma CoC to join our COC on condition of them signing an MOU and HMIS Sharelink Agreement Nathan Newell seconded.

10. Adjourn

Jana Nelson motioned to adjourn, Denise Jack seconded that motion. Meeting adjourned.

Next meeting will be at Address: 516 N Independence Ave, Enid, OK 73701 Phone:(580) 237-1910