Monday June 23, 2014

(Read this issue online:


1.  Executive Director’s Reflection *

2.  Would you be willing to be a mentor for those NACC members seeking certification? *

3.  Continuing the Healing Ministry… Reflections of a retired NACC member *

4.  Mark your calendar for March 6-9, 2015! NACC 2015 50th Anniversary Conference!

5.  What is the value of CPE to an institution?


6.  Ordering audio recordings of 2014 National Conference materials possible.

7.  2014 Conference resources can be accessed on the NACC website.

8.  Did you get photographed at the 2014 Conference?


9.  CHA’s E-Learning module on spiritual care as essential to Catholic Health Care *

10.  CHA’s Webinar on Spiritual Care Staffing *

11.  Register for the NACC 2014 webinars *

12.  Healing Tree: a request for prayers *

13.  Recent job postings *

* new/updated items

1. Executive Director’s Reflection *

Fr. Joe was seriously ill, days away from dying, lying in the hospital bed, too weak to leave. He hardly missed a day of celebrating mass in his 60 years of priesthood. The day came when he could not do so, when he had not enough strength to sit up in bed, or lift his arms. Initially saddened at the deep loss of not being able to celebrate what he embraced as the core of his priestly identity, he silently suffered for a couple of days, feeling somehow a failure.

Then in that silence came again softly the words, “This is my body. This is my blood.” These words now enveloped and caressed him, as he realized the ultimate giving over of his life was so near…(continue reading>)

2. Would you be willing to be a mentor for those NACC members seeking certification? *

The NACC office receives regular calls from members who are preparing for certification and are seeking a mentor to help them prepare for certification. If you would be interested in being a mentor who is already board certified or has renewed certification under the 2007 Standards for Certification, please contact Lindsey Tews ().

3. Continuing the Healing Ministry… Reflections of a retired NACC member *

Retired NACC member, Jim Castello, MA, BCC, shares his reflections on his ministry that continues during his retirement.

I have been retired from the professional chaplaincy ministry for 3 years and I miss it very much – being present to people in spiritual distress, being of service to anxious family members, supporting staff members and being in the center of God’s will doing His work for His people. I have been actively praying for some direction from God to show me if He wants me back in this incredible ministry. I am still waiting for the ‘Divine Billboard.’

Meanwhile, I believe He has directed me to serve the people in our retirement community and our church for I absolutely know God makes some great connections for us so I try to always have my antennae up in search of possible people He has sent me. It seems to me God likes to surprise us. For instance, He sent me a member of our 55+ community whose wife died 2 years ago and he was recently diagnosed with multiple myeloma. He is a charter member of the ‘Pool Boys’ who hang out at our community pool. This group provides transportation to various hospitals and clinics as needed and we get a chance to really get to know and support this wonderful man.

I also felt a strong calling to bring the Cornerstone Men’s retreat program to our parish in Delaware and, after 2 years of trying, the Spirit moved many people to go ahead with this project involving 16 team members and 40 participants. Plans are underway for a second program next year. I have also been privileged to talk to 40 members of the D.E. LEGATUS organization and 20 members of our parish’s men’s faith sharing groups about “Exactly What Do Professional Chaplains Do?” to educate people on the true value of the ministry.

And today I received two small billboards about a possible return to the active ministry. You never know!

Please pray for me.

God Bless You,

James J. Castello BCC/Ret. June 20, 2014

4. Mark your calendar for March 6-9, 2015! NACC 2015 50th Anniversary Conference!

Please mark your calendars for our 2015 NACC 50th Anniversary Conference to be held Friday, March 6th, to Monday, March 9th, 2015. It will be held at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City, near Reagan Airport, Alexandria, VA.

5. What is the value of CPE to an institution?

In addition to providing training for future chaplains, a CPE program offers many benefits to the institution that hosts it as well. Click here to read an interview in the May-June Vision with Sr. Claudia Blanchette, SNDdeN, about how CPE adds value to a hospital and the larger community.


6. Ordering audio recordings of 2014 National Conference materials

If you are interested in audio recordings of any of the 2014 National Conference offerings, you can place an order at

7. 2014 Conference resources can be accessed on the NACC website.

Whether you participated in the 2014 National Conference or not, you can access the support materials and PowerPoints for many of the workshops on our NACC website at

8. Did you get photographed at the 2014 Conference?

A few wandering photo-takers (not photographers ☺) captured a variety of poses. Once we start receiving photos they will be posted on our conference page.


9. Spiritual Care: Essential to Catholic Identity *

The NACC partnered with CHA to prepare an E-Learning Module on spiritual care as essential to Catholic Health Care in terms of these four points:

·  Why Spiritual Care is essential to Catholic healthcare

·  The varying ways associates are involved in the spiritual care of patients

·  The differing roles of a spiritual care team

·  The unique competencies of the Board Certified Chaplain

One can access this module on the CHA website in the CHA Knowledge Center.

10. CHA’s Webinar on Spiritual Care Staffing *

The CHA Pastoral Care Advisory Committee that includes several NACC members has worked on an important webinar and article on staffing spiritual care departments. The Mission Webinar - Effective Spiritual Care Staffing in the Midst of Health Care Reform, is set for August 12, 2014, 1 to 2 p.m. ET. The article will appear in the September-October 2014 Health Progress.

Webinar theme is: What does a "model" spiritual care staffing matrix look like in today's Catholic health care organization? During this one-hour webinar, presenters Julie Jones, executive director of mission and ministry at Mercy, and Rev. Tom Harshman, director of spiritual care and mission integration at Sequoia Hospital, who both serve on the staffing subcommittee of CHA's Pastoral Care Advisory Committee, will share the research findings. Their presentation will highlight the variables to be considered when staffing a spiritual care department and why a staffing model based on a ratio of a predetermined number of patient beds to a chaplain, is no longer tenable. They will also explore what chaplains might need to "let go of" in order to embrace new areas where spiritual care is needed and minister at the top of their certification.


After completion of this program, participants will be able to:

·  Articulate the multiple factors to consider when developing staffing models for spiritual care departments.

·  Explain why spiritual care staffing decisions should not be based on patient bed to chaplain ratios.

·  Describe three general categories of spiritual care competencies essential for today's health care environment.

·  Identify areas chaplains may need to "let go" in order to be available to new areas of health care delivery and to practice at the top of their certification.

·  Articulate strategic questions for key stakeholders regarding the provision of spiritual care in the future.

Click here to learn more and register today.

11. Register for the NACC 2014 webinar series

These NACC webinars for 2014 address often-requested topics by our members. All are scheduled, as in past years, on Thursdays, 12:00-1:00 pm Central Time. For more details and registration information visit the NACC website or contact Annie Kulhanek ().

July 10 and 17, 2014

Developing a Spiritual Support Volunteer Program

Presented by Beverly M. Beltramo, D.Min., BCC and Caroline Cella, M.A.

August 7, 2014 ~ Free webinar

Certification with NACC

August 21, 2014 ~ Free webinar

Renewal of Certification with the NACC

September 18 and 25, 2014

Theological Perspectives: Mystery of Suffering

Presented by Robin Ryan, CP, M.Div., M.A., Ph.D.

October 16 and 23, 2014

Pastoral Care Visitor’s Training Program for Volunteers

Presented by Beth Lenegan, D.Min., BCC

November 13 and 20, 2014

The Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services: Implications for Spiritual Care Decision-Making

Presented by: Rev. Thomas Nairn, OFM, Ph.D.

December 4 and 11, 2014

End of Life, Grief, the Divine, and Human Meaning-making: Exploring Their Relationships

Presented by Melissa Kelley, B.A., M.A., Ph.D.

12. Healing Tree: a request for prayers *

We continue to pray for: Sister M. Dianna Hell, Linda Piotrowski, Sister Maria Theresa Hronec, Betty and Louis Skonieczny, Mary Theresa (niece of NACC Chaplain Sister Dorothy Kline), Jim Castello, Sam Meo, Kelly Bigler (mourning the death of her father, Vernon), Jeff Michel (brother-in-law of David Lichter), Daniel Henze (son of Cindy Bridges), Thomas from Chicago (12 years old), Thomas Smiley (brother of member Diane Smiley), Marga Halala, Donn Renfro (son-in-law of Karen Pugliese), Amy in Atlanta (friend of NACC member Theresa Sullivan), Thomas (grandson of NACC member Ginny Grimes Allen), Beth from Boston (friend of NACC member Dana Sandlin), Sr. Janet Bielmann, Kelly Folan (daughter of NACC member Marty Folan), Mary Potts (twin sister of Deacon Francis Potts), Elizabeth A. Walsh, Francesco Marshall, Glenn and Pat Teske, Susan Murphy, Fr. Jim Radde, SJ, Sr. Mary Clare Boland, SP, Sr. Phyllis Ann DiRenzo, Kathy Brier (daughter of NACC member Theresa Brier), Gloria Troxler, Fr. Kevin Ikpah, Lourdes B. Ruta (wife of Peter Ruta), and Kelly Elizabeth Sexton (daughter of NACC member Melyssa Sexton).

13. Recent job postings *

The following positions have been posted recently on our Positions Available page. Please go to for more information.

PRIEST CHAPLAIN – Scheduled Half-Time

Froedtert Health, Milwaukee, WI


Baltimore, MD - Mercy Medical Center


Huntington, WV - St. Mary’s Medical Center


Santa Rosa, CA - St. Joseph Health Sonoma County


Monroe, MI - IHM Sisters


West Hartford, CT - Saint Mary Home

This e-newsletter is a publication of the National Association of Catholic Chaplains and is ©2014.

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National Association of Catholic Chaplains

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