parish messenger

Volume 114, Issue 1


V  If you didn’t get one last week, please take a bookmark for the suggested January Bible readings.

V  WednesdayNite Connections and a new quarter ofSundaymorning
Bible classes begin this week. This week’s Parish Messenger lists the classes. The meal for Wed Nite Connections will be served in the cafeteria from5:30 to 6:30pm.


V  You can take a ticket today for the Mexico Potato Bake onSunday,
January 26. We will begin serving at10:45am until 1pm. Donations will
go toward purchasing medicine for the mission trip in February.


V  Please pick up your 2014 offering envelopes before leaving church this weekend. They are on a table in the narthex.

V  Pick up a 2014 mission events brochure at our mission display across
from the music room and plan to meet our mission trip leaders on
January 26 at noonin room 2164-66.


Youth News

·  YOUTH NIGHT:SUPERHEROS, “What’s YOUR Hidden Identity?” Sunday, January 12, 6-8pm

·  Mark your calendars for a SKI TRIP to Perfect North on Sunday, January 19th!! More details to come!

Baptism Class: Tuesday, January 28, 7pm

Are you interested in being baptized or having your child baptized? Please call the church office 372-1571 x 2138 if you plan to attend our baptism class. You must attend this class 2 weeks prior to the desired baptism date.

National Lutheran Schools Week

During the week of January 27, Lutheran schools across our country will celebrate National Lutheran Schools Week. The theme for this year’s celebration is Witness Always – Raising up Faithful Disciples. The corresponding Bible verse comes from 1 John 5:7-8, “For there are three that testify: the Spirit, the water and the blood; and the three are in agreement.

Special activities during this week of celebration include:

§  Special worship services, including SPLS alum Rev. Daniel Tews as our guest preacher

§  Area Lutheran School chapel service at Trinity Lutheran High School, along with a special program

§  High School senior luncheon

§  8th Grade v. Staff Olympics

§  And much more!

At St. Peter’s, we are blessed to have the privilege to partner with partners in raising young disciples of Christ. It continues to be a tremendous honor and privilege to work with all of our students and their families!

As you continue to pray for St. Peter’s, please remember to pray for all Lutheran Schools. We have been given a tremendous blessing. May we never take the blessing of our School Ministries for granted. And finally, pray that God would bless Lutheran schools not just during NLSW, but every week throughout the year! Praise God for Lutheran schools!

Mission Meeting

·  Sunday, January 26, Noon-1pm, 2164

·  Meet mission leaders of 2014 trips

Mexico Potato Bake

·  Sunday, January 26, 10:30am-1:30pm, cafeteria

·  Free will offering for medicine for Mexico trip

Child Protection Program

Protection! Our policy keeps kids safe – it keeps workers safe from liability – it keeps our congregation safe from accidents and abuse. It’s about safety! We want to make sure that all those who lead, supervise, or interact with children act safely and in a Christian manner. We want to equip chaperons and leaders to make wise decisions and respond to unusual situations appropriately. This requires a brush-up every few years! All those who work with children at St. Peter’s must be certified in our Child Protection Program. Upcoming training dates are:

·  Tuesday, January 7, 6:30-8:15pm

·  Saturday, January 11, 10:00-11:45am **

* denotes a deviation from the standard schedule

Please call ahead to 372-1571 x2128 to reserve a spot! Applications can be submitted directly to George Denholm or left at the front desk to be given to him.

Delays and Closures

Tis’ the season to start thinking about winter weather! In general, SPLS will follow BCSC closures and delays due to inclement weather. Weather related information will be announced:

o Radio: QMIX 107.3

o TV: WRTV 6, WISH 8, WTHR 13, FOX 59

o Web: www.stpeterscolumbus.org

o Phone: Dial 372-5266, press “1”

Sanctity of Human Life Sunday

The mission of the Pregnancy Care Centers of South Central Indiana is to compassionately engage, educate and inspire our communities with the truth regarding sexual integrity and the value of human life. We are here to share the love and truth of Christ, while reaching out in tangible ways. Through our seven Centers we offer free pregnancy tests, limited OB ultrasounds, material assistance, options counseling, peer counselors for women and men, abortion recovery assistance and STI testing and treatments, in addition to sexual integrity programming in schools and churches. January 19 is Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, please prayerfully consider how you might become involved with the Pregnancy Care Center ministries and join with other believers in our community to help meet the hurting at their point in need. Contact PCC at 1-866-510-5067 for more information or check out the PCC website at www.affirminglifeonline.org.

Discipleship Ministry

Small Group Leaders Training

“I’ve always felt that I should lead a small group, but I don’t know what to do!” If you have ever said or thought that, there is a solution. St. Peter’s would like to offer small group leaders training for both new as well as experienced small group leaders. How to prepare, how to facilitate discussion, how to pray out loud, how to handle tough questions . . . all these topics will be addressed. This training will be offered on Wednesdays in February from 6:30-7:45pm. Childcare is available. Contact George at (812) 372-1571 x2128 or to register.

Discovering Your SHAPE for Ministry

There are so many ministries in which you can serve, how can you decide which is right? Discovering your SHAPE will help you see how God is uniquely gifted you. This class will be offered on Wednesdays in January from 6:30-7:45. Childcare is available. Contact George at (812) 372-1571 x2128 or to register or for more info.

Spiritual Growth Opportunities . .

Adult Sunday Education

Our regular slate of Sunday morning Christian education classes will include new classes in 2014. Here’s what happening for the Third Quarter –January 5-March 9:

Nehemiah – Matt Schuler – Room 2164 (runs through May)

Vicar Matt continues the in-depth study that began with Ezra and Esther. Keep coming, or start coming, to see how God re-established the Jewish nation after they returned from Babylonian captivity.

Apologetics – Bob Middendorf – Room 5119

Apologetics is the study of “why” we believe what we believe. In this class, you will see why the Bible can be trusted, why Creation is scientific, and why it is important
to do as 1 Peter 3:15 say: “Sanctify Christ in your hearts . . always ready to defend your faith.”

Spiritual Parenting – Pat Galligar – Room 5108

Spiritual Parenting introduces the simple, but revolutionary concept that parents are, by the power of God’s Spirit, to obey and depend on God in order to create an environment God can use to beckon their children to Him.

Bible Investigation – Mark Teike – Room 2161

This class is the first step in our new member class, but it is also a great review of basic Christianity.

Feasts of the Lord – Mike Spagnuolo – Choir/Band Room

Jesus Christ observed these feasts yet few Christians know anything about them. The “Church” is known as the “Bride of Christ” yet Christians know almost nothing about the Hebrew betrothal/wedding ceremony. We know even less about the Book of Revelation and End-Times Prophesy. Come and see how these topics are all related. This 10 week class will cover all aspects of the biblical feasts and the traditional Jewish betrothal/wedding including the historical background, biblical/modern observance and the prophetic significance. Bring your Bible!

Christian Financial Management – Matt Carothers – Room 5102

Everything we have is a gift from God. He has only asked us to be wise stewards of these gifts – including our money. Using a curriculum developed by Willow Creek Church, Matt will lead us in seeing how God would have us be better managers of our finances.

Stephen Minister Training – the team – Room 5104

The Stephen Minister’s role is to care and to listen, standing by a person and ministering to their spiritual needs as God works through the relationship to bring hope and healing to the care receiver. Come to this training to learn more about how to be a Stephen Minister.

Wednesday Nite Connections

We will continue this fellowship/discipleship opportunity every Wednesday (except Christmas Day, and New Year’s Day). Dinner 5:30 -6:15pm & Classes 6:30-7:45pm

Classes this Winter:

Sermon Discussion – all year – Church Library (2163)

Mike will share some additional insights on the current sermon series guide table discussions. Join this group as they grow in their faith as well as their relationships with each other.

Caring Community – all year – Room 2264

A blend of the elements of The Story and the Art of Invitation for those interested in the newly forming Caring Community Network

Discovering your SHAPE – Denholm – Room 2164 (Jan)

This class will help new Christians as well as lifelong members to discover how God has SHAPEd them with Spiritual Gifts, Personality, and Passion.

Small Group Leader Training – Denholm – (Feb)

By actually participating as a member of a small group, this experiential class will help you learn to lead a small group.

Youth – all year – Youth Lounge


Our Calendar: January 5 - January 12, 2014


Worship Services

Sunday, January 5

8:00am Classical Praise w/Holy Communion

10:45am New Song Worship

6:30pm Radio Broadcast on 88.1, 89.1, and 91.1

Wednesday, January 8

8:00am School Chapel

Thursday, January 9

7:00pm Classical Praise Worship

Saturday, January 11

6:00pm New Song w/Holy Communion

Sunday, January 12

8:00am Classical Praise Worship

10:45am New Song w/Holy Communion

6:30pm Radio Broadcast on 88.1, 89.1, and 91.1

Bible Study and Sunday School

Sunday, January 5

9:30am Adult Bible Study/Sunday School

9:30am Bible Investigation Class, 2161

9:30am Jr. Hi Discipleship, Gym

Monday, January 6

7:00pm Lifelight Bible Study (Wessel-Leopold), 2161

Tuesday, January 7

9:00am Lifelight Bible Study (L. Nordman), 2164

9:30am Bible Study (B. Goodart), 2264

8:00pm Thoroughly Equipped DC 101

(Hormann-Proehl), 5102

Wednesday, January 8

9:00am Wed. Morning Bible Study, 2164

6:30pm Lifelight Bible Study (B. Bense), 5119

6:30pm Sermon Discussion (M. Malinsky), 2163

6:30pm Discovering Your Shape (G. Denholm), 2164

6:30pm Caring Community (D. Teike), 2264

6:30pm Thoroughly Equipped DC 101

(Tracy-Bishop), 5108

8:00pm Thoroughly Equipped (Kanehl-Galligar), 2161

Thursday, January 9

6:00pm Jr. High Discipleship, 4107

Friday, January 10

6:00pm Recovery Bible Study, 2161

Sunday, January 12

9:30am Adult Bible Study/Sunday School

9:30am Bible Investigation Class, 2161

9:30am Jr. Hi Discipleship, Gym

Meetings and Activities

Sunday, January 5

9:30am Employment Support Ministry, 2117

Monday, January 6

11:00am Yarns of Love, 4207

5:00pm Women of the Cloth, 4207

Tuesday, January 7

6:30pm Child Protection Program, 2163

Wednesday, January 8

5:30pm Wed. Nite Connection Dinner, Café

6:00pm Youth (D. Teike), 4107

Thursday, January 9

5:30pm Operations Board Meeting, 2164

Saturday, January 11

9:00am Elijah House 201 School, 2161

10:00am Child Protection Program, 2163

Sunday, January 12

8:00am Stephen Ministry Training, 5104

5:30pm Youth Night, 4107