Symbiosis College of Arts and Commerce, Pune
Backlog Assignment Topics for FYBA Semester 1 (2012 pattern)
No. / Subject / Topic1 / Language through Literature - 1A / Explore the origins of 20 Nursery Rhymes
2 / Studying Genre - Poetry / – Write an essay on the various themes of poetry explored in your text
3 / Contemporary issues in the Indian Economy / Select an article and review it in your Journal. The article must be related to India and must reflect the progressive aspect about the Nation. Stick the article in the Journal
4 / Foundations of Psychology 1 / Write about -your idea of life satisfaction
5 / Basic Principles of Political Science / Political science relation with other subjects
6 / Contemporary Applied Geography 1 / Write Critical review on Rivers in Pune
7 / GadyaSansar and Grammar / “Do Kalakar” Kahanikaashay
“ Dhes” kahanikauddesh.
8 / French for Beginners 1 / Write a paragraph on
1) ma famille
2) mon ami (e)
9 / French Advanced 1 / Write a paragraph on
1) Ma villepréférée
2) Un voyage inoubliable
Symbiosis College of Arts and Commerce, Pune
Backlog Assignment Topics for FYBA Semester 2(2012 pattern)
No. / Subject / Topic1 / Language through Literature – 1B / Review and analyze any three poems by William Wordsworth
2 / Indian Writing in English / An essay on the critique of Nationalism in Saadat Hasan Manto’sToba Tek Singh.
3 / Introduction to Banking and Financial Systems in India / Select a Company of your choice and give a review of the company
4 / Foundations of Psychology 2 / Do you prefer online shopping? If yes then why? Which app do you prefer the most?
5 / Political Ideologies / Strength and weakness of democracy
6 / Contemporary Applied Geography 2 / Write Critical review on Drought in Maharashtra
7 / KavyaSaurabh and Grammar / “ Bhikshuk “ kavitakaPratpadhy
“ Himalaykeprati” kavitakaashay.
8 / French for Beginners 2 / write a paragraph on the following topics: (50-60 words)
1) Mon Collège
2) Ma Maison
9 / French Advanced 2 / Write a paragraph on all the following topics: (100-120words)
1) Les fêtes religieusesen France.
2) L'importance de l'Internetdansnotre vie.