Biography—Famous European

The final product for this project will be a file folder person which must include all of the following components.


It must be decorated to look like your person. You need at least one prop.

Back of Head

This is where you write your name, class, and the date.

Page 1

Include a brief letter of advice to someone who wants to be like your person. The letter should give tips on how to be successful.

Page 2

If your person is dead: Obituary

If your person is alive: 2016 New Year’s Resolutions (at least three)

Page 3

Famous quote

Page 4

You may choose to write a poem or a song about your person. Feel free to change the words to a song that already exists. Either format should ten-twelve lines in length.

Page 5

For this you need to create a bumper sticker/magnet/t-shirt with slogan that one might see on your person’s car /refrigerator/clothing. The slogan should relate to a topic your person feels/felt strongly about.

Page 6

You will create a recipe for your person. The recipe should show that you have a good grasp of the characteristics/qualities of your famous person.

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You must include at least four interesting or little known facts about your person.

Page 8

Write a Six Word Memoir.

Research Guidelines

1. Decide

Decide whose biography you will write. Learn enough about that person to make a wise choice. You will be spending a good deal of time on this person, so his or her life needs to be intriguing. Don’t make your life difficult by choosing some obscure person. You must get teacher approval.

2. Investigate

A great biography is driven by great questions. Boring questions produce boring answers. Boring answers put readers to sleep. Simple lists of facts are a bit like dry cereal…no milk…no fruit…no taste!

Some suggested questions:

§  In what ways was their life remarkable?

§  In what ways was their life despicable?

§  In what ways was their life admirable?

§  What human qualities were most influential in shaping the way this person lived and influenced his or her times?

§  Which quality or trait proved most troubling and difficult?

§  Did this person make any major mistakes or bad decisions?

§  What are two or three important lessons you or any other young person might learn from the way this person lived?

§  Some people say you can judge the quality of a person’s life by the enemies they make. Do you think this is true of your person’s life? Why or why not?

§  An older person or mentor is often very important in shaping the lives of gifted people by providing guidance and encouragement. To what extent was this true of your person?

§  Many people act out of a code or set of beliefs which dictate choices. If may be religion or politics or a personal philosophy. To what extent did your person act by a code or act independently of any set of beliefs? Were there times when the code was challenged and impossible to follow?

§  Was your person a “hero?” Why? Why not?

§  What was the person’s childhood like?

§  What was the person’s adult life like?

§  What kinds of struggles has this person faced?

§  What are some of this person’s accomplishments?

3. Synthesize

After you’ve collected good pieces of information about your person, you need to combine these pieces in such a way as to cast light upon your questions. Synthesizing is like moving puzzle pieces around until a picture emerges. Instead of moving cardboard pieces, you are moving ideas and facts. Decide which information fits into which section of your book.

4. Tell the Story—the Biography

Take the insights you created in the previous section and blend them together into a series of well-crafted paragraphs which tell a really good story. A good story offers drama, excitement, human interest, passion, and suspense. Tell this person’s story with voice. DO NOT PLAGIARIZE.

5. Review

Before you submit your final copy, you should revise, edit, and review your work several times. Correct all mistakes. Spelling, grammar, capitalization, and punctuation all matter. Neatness is important.

In Addition…

You may earn additional credit for things which far exceed the requirements.

Famous European Grading Rubric

Final Product:

§  Décor: effort made & person looks genuine 10 ___ 0

§  Prop included 4 ___ 0

§  Advice Column gives tips 10 ___ 0

§  Obituary/Resolutions well-written 10 ___ 0

§  Quote well-chosen 5 ___ 0

§  Poem/Song conveys understanding; 10-12 lines min. 10 ___ 0

§  Bumper Sticker relates to topic of interest 8 ___ 0

§  Recipe has thoughtful ingredients and instructions 10 ___ 0

§  Fun Facts are interesting 5 ___ 0

§  Six-word memoir is moving/tells a story 10 ___ 0

§  Name, class period, and date on the back 3 ___ 0


§  Person and all contents presented neatly 10 ___ 0

§  No errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation or cap. 5 ___ 0

TOTAL: ______out of 100