·  IPRS and FIPRS are only available for students who will be undertaking a research higher degree at Flinders University. Further information about research higher degrees is contained in the International Postgraduate Course Guide.

·  Make sure you complete all relevant sections of the form. For further information refer to the Application Guidelines and Information document. Please contact the scholarships section in the Student Finance area if you require assistance in completing the form, email: ; telephone: 61-8-8201 3143

·  Applications may be sent by email to: .




/ / / / / /
Title (Mr, Ms etc) / Family name / First Given Name / Second Given Name

Previous Name:


Student ID number:

Any previous family name (if applicable) / (if currently/previously a Flinders student)

Date of Birth:

/ __ __ / __ __ / ______/


/ Male / Female
Day / Month / Year
Name as it appears on passport:
Citizenship: / Country of Birth:

Address in Home Country:

Number and street (or PO Box number) / Suburb or town
State or Province / Country / Postcode
Contact telephone number / Mobile phone number / Fax number
Email address:
Other Contact Address:

(If different from above)

Number and street (or PO Box number) / Suburb or town
State or Province / Country / Postcode
Contact telephone number
/ Mobile phone number / Fax number

Are you living in Australia now?

/ Yes / No / If Yes, complete the following:
Visa type (ie student, visitor)

Address in Australia:

Number and street (or PO Box number)
Suburb or town / State / Postcode
Contact telephone number / Mobile phone number / Fax number




Before completing this section, you should contact the Head of the School/Department/Unit (or the Director of Studies or Postgraduate Coordinator) in which the research is likely to take place, to ascertain whether the research project can be accommodated. Scholarships will only be offered to applicants for whom the University is able to provide research facilities and supervision appropriate to the proposed field of research.

Information about areas of research focus and research undertaken at the University and the research interests of staff can be found at: This website may provide assistance in identifying a potential supervisor.


Do you wish to be considered for admission to a research higher degree as a full fee paying student if your scholarship application is unsuccessful? (Note: See comments regarding fees in the application guidelines.) / Yes / No

Commencement Details

If your application is successful, when would you be able to begin study in 2016?

Course for which admission is sought (eg Master of Arts (Population Studies), PhD (Meteorology), MA (English) etc.)

First preference:
Second preference (if any):
Third preference (if any):

Broad field of study in which you are interested


Has a Flinders University academic staff member agreed to supervise you? Please, give name below. / Yes / No

Please note: Applicants without a confirmed supervisor at the closing date of applications will not be assessed for a scholarship.

Research proposal: Attach a research proposal, approximately 500 words in length, which details the problem, hypothesis or question that you will examine, and the methodology or approach that you will use and the anticipated resources required for the research project to be viable. You are strongly advised to prepare your research proposal in consultation with a potential supervisor.

Research Experience: A brief summary of your research experience must be attached. Include details of any publications, research grants, patents, creative works or employment experience relevant to your proposed research project,

Publications: Please provide (Up to) five publications or other work should be selected as evidence of high quality work. Complete a Publication Details coversheet for each publication you wish to submit in support of your application. Those with more than 5 publications should consult with their Flinders University Supervisor in selecting the best five and provide a brief statement why they were selected. Refer to the Publication Details form and/or guidelines for details on how to cite your research publications.

Attach details of any distinctions, awards, prizes, etc. gained in your academic career that are not listed in your official academic records.



Degrees and Awards: Certified copies of academic transcripts, showing all subjects attempted and grades received, except for studies undertaken at Flinders University, MUST be submitted with this application. Please supply certified translations if transcripts are in a language other than English.

Are you currently enrolled/previously been enrolled in a research higher degree? / No / Yes / (provide details below)

List in chronological order all university or other post-secondary courses attempted or completed.

Name of Degree/Award / Institution / Major Field of Study / Language of Instruction / Completed or about to complete.
Answer Yes or No / Year last enrolled

Academic referees: Provide the names and contact details of two academic referees. Nominated academic referees should have an informed, personal and professional knowledge of your academic ability and should be able to exercise judgment of your research potential. (Note: It is your responsibility to send an academic referee’s report form to each of your academic referees.)


First Referee
Second Referee



English Language requirement must be met by the application closing date. IELTS and TOEFL scores should be no more than 2 years old.

If you have not met the University’s English Language requirements at the time of your application, you will not be assessed for a scholarship. Applicants that do not meet the English Language at the time of application will be assessed for admission to the requested degree only.

Please indicate below your current English language proficiency and attach certified copies of your test results. International student applicants must demonstrate an acceptable level of English language proficiency to gain admission to the University. Original documents will be required if you are successful. (See Application Guidelines for details of requirements).

My first language is English / Yes / No

If No, indicate which of the following applies to you:

IELTS è / Overall band score / Date test taken / __ __ / __ __ / ______
Day / Month / Year
TOEFL è / Score / Date test taken / __ __ / __ __ / ______
Day / Month / Year
GCE Ordinary Level English è / Grade / Year taken
Completion of tertiary degree program taught in English è / Year completed



Are you a citizen of Australia or New Zealand, or a permanent resident of Australia? (If yes, you are not eligible to apply for an IPRS or FIPRS.) / Yes / No
Have you applied to become a permanent resident of Australia? / Yes / No
If Yes, give date of application: / __ __ / __ __ / ______
Day / Month / Year
Country in which you will be applying for your Student Visa.
What is your passport number?


International students accepted for admission to the University will be subject to the same regulations, teaching methods, forms of assessment and rules of academic progress as other students enrolled in the relevant course.

Offers of admission are made on the basis that the applicant is applying as an international student. Therefore:

(a) the offer becomes invalid if a student obtains Australian Permanent Residency prior to commencement of their course. The student must re-apply as an Australian Permanent Resident, and is subject to conditions applying to Australian students;

(b) any refund of tuition fees paid is made in accordance with the University’s Policy on Payment and Refund of Tuition Fees: International Students.

Failure to comply with the University’s policy on the payment of tuition fees will lead to cancellation of enrolment and may result in action being taken by the Department of Immigration and Citizenship.


I agree:

• to comply with the rules on admission and enrolment of Flinders University;

• to inform the International Office immediately if there is any change to the information I have given in this application.

·  to give Flinders University permission to check my visa entitlements via DIAC’s entitlement verification online.

I understand that:

• the University may obtain official records from any institution in which I have previously been enrolled;

• the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations may obtain from educational institutions and relevant authorities at any time details which relate to my application for an IPRS and details of any benefits paid to me under the scholarship;

• the University may vary or cancel any decision it makes if the information I have given is incomplete or incorrect;

• I am required to make satisfactory progress each year, otherwise my candidature may be terminated;

• I am fully responsible for my educational and living expenses while studying at the University, unless the University offers me a scholarship;

• the University is unable to provide me with financial assistance if I experience financial difficulties during the course;

• I have read and understood the ‘Conditions relating to International Students’ contained in this application form.

I consent to the collection, storage and disclosure of information relating to record falsification or other irregular acts in accordance with Universities Australia procedures.

I declare that the information I have given in this application and any attachments is true, accurate and complete.

Giving false or misleading information is a serious offence under the Criminal Code (Commonwealth).

Signature of Applicant / Date




Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Have you provided: / Yes / No / Not Required
·  Original or certified copies of academic transcripts for all studies attempted, except study at Flinders University.
·  Original or certified copies of translations (where appropriate).
·  Original or certified copies of English language test results.
·  A research proposal approximately 500 words in length.
·  A summary of your research experience including details of any publications, research grants, patents, creative works or employment experience relevant to your proposed research project.
·  Details of currently or previously held scholarships or postgraduate awards.
·  Details of other distinctions, awards or prizes etc. that are not listed in your official academic records. Please do not provide non educational awards.
·  A Publication Details form for each publication or other work that you wish to submit in support of your application.
·  An abstract in English for each publication that is in a language other than English.
Have you also: / Yes / No
·  Forwarded an Academic Referee's Confidential Report form to the nominated referees.

·  Email: or send your original application with supporting documentation

Closing date for IPRS Applications: 14 August 2015

CRICOS Registered Provider: The Flinders University of South Australia

CRICOS Provider Number: 00114A

IPRS2016Application: 4/2015