Nithsdale Pony Club

Annual Parents Meeting

Monday 24th February 2014

Aberdour Hotel Dumfries 7.30pm



The District Commissioner, Susan Morrison opened the meeting with a welcome to all members and parents in attendance.


Anne Radley, Kirsty Johnstone, Shona Moore, Carol Higgins, Kerry Williamson, Sheila Clingan, Zoe Clingan, Karen Kerr, John & Myra Scott, Jill Kennedy, Sharon Sloan, Heather McColm, Michelle Jackson, Julie Gorman, Gillian Burgess, Carol Bell, Cath Mundell, Susan Morrison & Hayley Peden


Alison Blower, Lynn Barbour, Kirsty Somerville & Ruth Hastings

District Commissioner’s Report

The District Commissioner reported on a successful year thanking the Committee, members and their parents for their support. A special thanks was given to Mr & Mrs Bigham, Mr & Mrs Cook and Buccleuch Estates for the use of their land for events, and Kirsty Johnstone for her accounting skills.

A special mention to Ashley Higgins who will be 2014 Cornets Lass Elect for Dumfries, we all wish her well.

A full copy of the District Commissioner’s can be viewed below.

Office Bearers

DC Susan Morrison

Treasurer Cath Mundell Nominated Kirsty Johnstone 2nd Sheila Clingan

Secretary Hayley Peden Nominated Anne Radley 2nd Susan Morrison

Other committee members;

Carol Bell Kirsty Johnstone Shona Moore Alison Blower Trophy Co-ordinator

Anne Radley – Rally Co-ordinator Sharon Sloan – Show jumping Teams Co-ordinator

Sheila Clingan – Child Protection Officer (who wishes someone to shadow her to enable Sheila to step down next year)

Treasurer’s Report

The treasurer provided those members present with a copy of the current balance sheet showing we made a profit of £2,542.77.

It was noted that the junior committee have still to spend their £2198.88, Zoe has agreed to discuss with the members on how they would like to spend their money.

Secretary’s Report

The secretary reported that there are currently 52 members (5 new members) which is significantly higher than this time last year.

The Pony Club would prefer we communicated via email to our members using the Pony Club Members Administration portal to comply with Data Protection rules, where possible can I ask all members to ensure that I have an update to email address. We are happy to send the information via email to older members as well as their parent / guardian.


·  Website – Carol would like someone with a little bit more expertise to take on updating / renewing the website. Zoe kindly agreed to take this on. Can I ask all members to send Zoe lots of information for the website to .

Discussion around use of photos / names etc to comply with Data Protection rules.

·  Summer Rally Dates – Last year the committee raised the idea of moving rally nights to a Wednesday. This was suggested as DFSH also hold their rallies on a Tuesday night and Anne is finding it increasingly difficult to secure instructors, this will be exceedingly more difficult this year as Pony Club have increased their stipulations on the requirements on who can teach at Pony Club rallies.

It was mentioned that both The Barony and Southwest hold jumping competitions on a Wednesday night, however, some of these dates clash already as we currently change our Tuesday night to Wednesday nights during Guid Nychburris.

A vote was held with the outcome being Rally evenings will be held on a Wednesday evening starting from Wednesday 30th April 2014. (Rally dates etc will follow separately).

·  First Aid – Sheila Clingan

Sheila asked if any members held a First Aid Certificate, John Scott is a certified First Aider. Sharon Sloan and Kirsty Johnstone have agreed to attend the Equine First Aid course in May at the Barony.

·  Games Equipment – Susan Morrison

Susan stated the Games equipment will be ordered at the beginning of March. DFSH would like a friendly competition.

·  Rule Changes – Sheila Clingan

Sheila would like to highlight the following Pony Club rules for 2014

Hats – Page 15 of the Health& Safety Rules

Hats must be worn at all times when mounted with a chinstrap fastened and adjusted so as to prevent movement of the hat in the event of a fall.

Body Protectors / Air Jackets page 16

When an air jacket inflates the sudden noise startles horses in the immediate vicinity thereby causing difficulties for other members of a ride if used in a group ride in a confined area, e.g. an indoor school or outdoor ménage, air jackets are therefore not encouraged for group rides.

Jewellery – page 17

NO jewellery is allowed for safety reasons.

Stirrups – Tack Inspectors at the Drumlanrig ODE & XC would like mentioned that 80% of competitors did NOT have at least a ¼ inch clearance at either side of their boots. Please check before the start of the season.

Concussion – page 42

Riders concussed in the course of a competition are not allowed to ride again until passed fit by a Doctor and on NO ACCOUNT ON THE SAME DAY.

Hair Net Rules – CH

Sheila will draw up a checklist for all instructors / riders to ensure riders are aware of what is expected of them.

·  Tuck Shop – Gillian Burgess

Gillian mentioned how well she thought the rota for the Tuck Shop worked last year and suggested we continue again this year. Everyone was in agreement.

·  Tests – Gillian Burgess

Gillian raised the subject of tests, how and when do members know they are ready for them etc. Gillian also mentioned that some tests have UCAS points attached to them.

Susan will discuss with instructors at the beginning of the rally season.

Further Riding & Road Safety dates to be arranged.

C & C+ tests for 2014.

·  XC Rallies – Jill Kennedy

Jill requested more XC rallies, perhaps using other venues around D&G e.g. Craigbeck, Murray House, Greenlands. Jill also mentioned that when we have our XC rally at Drumlanrig could someone could take the parents round the more difficult jumps and explain how to jump judge these fences, this was welcomed by many of the attendees.