To the Instructor: Everyone enjoys a good puzzle and with this in mind, we have created a series of unique crossword and “word find” puzzles to accompany our series, Exploring Microsoft® Office 2003. Every chapter has two puzzles, one of each type. Your students can start with the “word find” and use the list of key words and concepts at the end of the chapter to determine what each clue represents, and then locate the corresponding word or phrase in the puzzle. Your students can then try the accompanying crossword which repeats clues from the “word find” to reinforce the material, and which adds additional clues to challenge them further. And if they want more of a challenge, you might assign the composite (“Sunday”) crossword puzzles that combine the clues from multiple chapters in a single puzzle. This document contains a sample puzzle, entitle “What’s New in Office 2003” in conjunction with the PHit lecture you are attending. The list of actual puzzles is below.

Bob and Maryann

Actual Puzzles in Student Version

Getting Started with Windows XP 1

Microsoft® Office 2003 Word

Chapter 1 – Introduction: What Will Word Processing Do For Me? 3

Chapter 2 – Gaining Proficiency: Editing and Formatting 5

Chapter 3 – Enhancing a Document: The Web and Other Resources 7

Chapter 4 – Advanced Features: Outlines, Tables, Styles, and Sections 9

Super Challenge – Chapters 1 to 4 11

Microsoft® Office 2003 Excel

Chapter 1 – Introduction to Microsoft Excel: What Is a Spreadsheet? 13

Chapter 2 – Gaining Proficiency: The Web and Business Applications 15

Chapter 3 – Graphs and Charts: Delivering a Message 17

Chapter 4 – Spreadsheets in Decision Making: What If? 19

Super Challenge – Chapters 1 to 4 21

Microsoft® Office 2003 Access

Chapter 1 – Introduction to Microsoft Access: What Is a Database? 23

Chapter 2 – Tables and Forms: Design, Properties, Views, and Wizards 25

Chapter 3 – Information from the Database: Reports and Queries 27

Chapter 4 – Proficiency: Relational Databases, External Data, Charts, and the Switchboard 29

Super Challenge – Chapters 1 to 4 31

Microsoft® Office 2003 PowerPoint

Chapter 1 – Introduction to PowerPoint: Presentations Made Easy 33

Chapter 2 – Gaining Proficiency: Slide Show Tools, the Web, and Slide Masters 35

Super Challenge – Chapters 1 to 2 37

Microsoft® Office 2003 Outlook 39

Essential Computing Concepts 41

Internet Explorer and the World Wide Web 43

What’s New in Office 2003? (No Peeking)


1 New file format (for Web pages)

4 Command to export PowerPoint presentation

6 His e-mail is

9 Helps to share documents (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint)

10 File formats of Office 2000, XP, and 2003

13 The best publisher for CIS texts

14 One of two operating systems required for Office 2003

15 Desktop publishing application

16 New view in Word 2003

18 Application that changed the most for 2003

19 Professional, Standard, or Student and Teacher, for example

20 Application with Object Dependencies and a green triangle

21 Marketing Manager for Exploring Office series

22 Editor for Exploring Office series

23 Server used with document workspace

24 Find e-mail to or from a specific person

25 Application which enables you to compare workbooks side-by-side


2 Has Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, Publisher, and Access

3 Version number of Office 2003

5 Ideal for a Tablet PC

7 Application which enables permanent slide annotations

8 Language associated with InfoPath application

11 Provides access to encyclopedia

12 New application to create XML forms

17 Office edition that has InfoPath application

What’s New in Office 2003? (Solution)


1 New file format (for Web pages)

4 Command to export PowerPoint presentation

6 His e-mail is

9 Helps to share documents (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint)

10 File formats of Office 2000, XP, and 2003

13 The best publisher for CIS texts

14 One of two operating systems required for Office 2003

15 Desktop publishing application

16 New view in Word 2003

18 Application that changed the most for 2003

19 Professional, Standard, or Student and Teacher, for example

20 Application with Object Dependencies and a green triangle

21 Marketing Manager for Exploring Office series

22 Editor for Exploring Office series

23 Server used with document workspace

24 Find e-mail to or from a specific person

25 Application which enables you to compare workbooks side-by-side


2 Has Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, Publisher, and Access

3 Version number of Office 2003

5 Ideal for a Tablet PC

7 Application which enables permanent slide annotations

8 Language associated with InfoPath application

11 Provides access to encyclopedia

12 New application to create XML forms

17 Office edition that has InfoPath application