Jobs - 5 Activities for learning jobs-
Lesson Plan & activity pages
Class level: Elementary – High school / Lesson Time: 60 minutes
English level: Beginner to Advanced / Expected number of students: 20 - 40
Context: Understanding and recognizing selected Jobs.
Teaching aids: White/chalk board. Jobs diagram page (this can be reused from the past lesson where the jobs diagram page was completed) or jobs flashcards, the five activity pages that accompany this lesson, and a soft foam ball for playing conversation hot-potato
Learner objectives:
For all students to recognize and understand the jobs studied and for advanced students to also use English to describe how the jobs are done, when they are done and who does them. Students should also have the opportunity to practice correct pronunciation. / Teacher aims:
Involve all students in an engaging lesson. Assess student learning.
Expose students to speaking English in a structured learning environment.
Procedure / Phase / Timing
Before class starts, the teacher will need to write the names of the jobs to be used during the lesson. The teacher should cover the words and reveal them as they are introduced during the lesson.
The teacher begins by asking the students what jobs they know. Also ask them to describe the jobs.
*Prior to this lesson, the students need to have completed the lesson “Jobs Vocabulary Introductory Lesson,” completing the jobs diagram page (the third page of this file)
Review either the jobs diagram page or the jobs flashcards one jobs at a time with the class to draw upon prior knowledge of jobs for this lesson.
(1) Ask the class to say the jobs displayed.
(2) The teacher models the correct pronunciation by reading the jobs.
(3) The class re-reads the jobs.
(4) The teacher asks the class as a whole or calls one student to demonstrate the job. (For students who need a lot of attention from their classmates or adults, this is a great way to have them focused on the lesson, yet at the same time get the individual attention they crave.)
Paired work-
Allow student to choose which two of the four activity handouts they would like to complete with their partner.
Activity #1 (for beginner English students)
Students drawing a line form the jobs to the correct label.
Activity #2 (for intermediate English students)
Crossword Puzzles #1 and #2
Activity #3 (for all level English students)
Jobs word find puzzle
Activity # 4 (for advanced English students)
Fill-in the blank jobs activity
Closing Activity
1.  The teacher demonstrates a job studied by holding up a job flashcard and asks the class “What is s/he?”
2.  The teacher, gently toss the foam ball to a student to answer the question.
3.  The student who caught the ball answers by identifying the job flashcard held by the teacher. The student responds “S/He is a __(job displayed on the flashcard held by the teacher)_.
4.  After answering, he teacher changes the card, the student tosses the foam ball to another student and the student who previously had answered the question now asks the second student, “What is s/he?”
5.  The student who caught the ball answers by identifying the job flashcard held by the teacher. The student responds “S/He is a __(job displayed on the flashcard held by the teacher)_.
6.  The process repeats itself with the responding student taking a turn at asking the question to the next student.
Continue to toss the ball until all students have taken a turn
The point of the activity is to have students attempt speaking in English and become familiar with the jobs studied. If the students do not respond correctly it is still okay as long as they are gently corrected and the class can hear the correct answer.
+If students decide they want to do an action not in the cards (actor, principal, athlete, etc.) that is okay also. Just inform the class that there are many feelings people can have. / Engage
Study / 10 minutes
15 minutes
20 minutes
15 min minutes

See the following pages for the jobs identification page and the five different jobs activity pages.


Draw lines from the pictures to their correct corresponding names.


Jobs Crossword Puzzle #1

1. / 6.

Jobs Crossword Puzzle #2
1. / 1. / 3.
5. / 7.
4. / 4.
/ Veterinarian
1. A person who catches fish is a ______.
2. A doctor for animals is a ______.
3. Someone who does ballet is a ______.
4. A person who puts out fires is a ______.
5. A police ______helps protect people. / Down
1. A ______helps you buy things.
2. A doctor for animals is a ______.
3. A ______conductor leads musicians.
4. A ______can make new clothes.
5. A ______helps a doctor.
6. A mail ______delivers letters.
7. A train ______collects tickets.

What are some other jobs people can have?


Jobs Word Finding Puzzle

Please find and circle the jobs hidden below in the puzzle.

C / A / R / P / E / N / T / E / R / U / P / A / U / T / H / O / R / W / O / I / J / Y
O / Q / W / E / R / T / F / Y / U / I / O / P / A / S / D / F / G / R / H / V / B / N
N / D / F / G / H / J / K / I / P / S / D / F / G / H / J / K / L / I / F / E / O / M
D / A / N / C / E / R / N / E / R / O / P / M / A / I / D / U / F / T / V / T / I / E
U / M / W / R / R / Y / H / N / O / E / J / K / L / E / D / D / D / E / R / E / U / C
C / N / S / D / L / E / R / G / G / A / F / I / G / V / C / A / S / R / E / R / Y / H
T / B / A / O / K / A / Y / L / R / A / D / I / D / F / V / B / S / A / S / I / T / A
O / V / E / C / L / S / E / I / A / S / A / V / G / K / L / Y / A / F / A / N / R / N
R / C / E / T / J / D / W / S / M / D / E / X / T / H / I / O / H / G / C / A / E / I
L / X / V / O / G / D / I / H / M / F / R / D / E / N / T / I / S / T / F / R / S / C
E / N / U / R / S / E / P / E / E / G / T / O / O / T / H / E / K / L / E / I / W / E
F / F / A / S / D / C / V / S / R / H / O / U / S / A / M / J / R / J / V / A / R / R
T / A / A / S / F / T / E / T / A / I / L / O / R / D / B / B / N / Y / B / N / F / I
D / R / I / V / E / R / V / Q / V / U / S / A / B / C / V / S / I / N / G / E / R / G
E / M / I / O / X / I / D / O / B / N / T / E / A / C / H / E / R / B / X / A / V / H
D / E / G / H / C / O / O / K / R / T / H / D / F / X / G / F / D / A / S / D / F / T
V / R / D / O / W / N / B / T / E / A / C / H / S / A / L / E / S / C / L / E / R / K

Vocabulary Words to Find (Across and Down):

cook / mechanic / programmer / conductor / dancer / dentist / singer
farmer / tailor / salesclerk / veterinarian / doctor / author / maid

Bonus words to Find (Across, Down and Diagonal):

firefighter / soldier / teacher / writer / nurse / driver / carpenter
Fill-in the blank feelings activity
Fill in the blanks in the paragraphs with their missing words from this box:
veterinarian / Shopping
mechanic / Home
mail carrier
At school today my ______told me that we would be learning about health and safety. I want to be a ______and help people when they are sick. My friend likes to care for animals and she wants to be a ______. Later in the afternoon I went to the cafeteria to eat lunch. The school ______had made many delicious things to eat. My friend put too much food on her tray and she dropped her food. The school ______is very nice, he helped my friend to clean up her mess. I like my school. There are many nice people there.
I went with my mom to the store last week to help her shop. There was a ______outside the store making music with a band to get people to come inside the store. I wanted to get candy, but my mom said no because if I get a cavity I need to go to the ______. So instead we bought some fresh fruit that a ______had grown near where we live. The ______at the store told my mom how much all of the food would cost. When we were driving back to our house he car broke down and we needed to call a ______to fix it.


Many things happened at my home yesterday. In the morning a ______came to fix the wooden front door of our house. Then a ______came and delivered a letter. My mom made a lot of smoke when cooking lunch and a ______came to our house because he thought there was a big fire. My dad was in his office all day working on the computer making a new program because he is a ______. I like to write, so maybe I will be a ______.

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