American Society of Safety Engineers
Protecting People, Property, and Environment Since 1911
Welcome to the Niagara Frontier Chapter of the ASSE
General Chapter Executive Committee Minutes
(5:00 pm –Thursday, March29, 2012)
Dave Brick / President / P / Brett Carruthers / Prof Development / EJohn Monson / President Elect / E / Tom Weisbeck / Communications / E
Ryan Knoph / Treasurer/ Secretary / P / Historian / -
Albert Stutz / Past President / P / Bo Burghardt / Honors & Awards / P
Art Dube / Program / E / Chris Kankiewicz / Newsletter / P
Mike Scime / Membership / P / Mike Scime / Const Sect Chair / -
Albert Stutz / Website / - / Ryan Knoph / Govt. Affairs / -
Austin Johnson / Delegate / P / Bob Overhoff / Construction Chair / P
General Information:
• A 15% discount has been offered to all ASSE members, by DiVal for this May’s Safety Summit. For more information the April Newsletter or check our website.
Financial Report: Ryan Knoph:
- The current chapter checking account balance of : $5,318.77 {Outstanding check of $103.60}[Checks pending deposit – $162.00]
Strategic Plan Update: John Monson/Al Stutz: John & All will have a game plan prepared for next month’s meeting.
ASSE Chapter of the Year Plan -
Secretary/Treasurer Report: Ryan Knoph – Ryan stated that to date we have only 3 people registered for the April 17 meeting. Dave stated that he will be unable to attend, due to a wall-to-wall insurance company inspection that day. Dave will ask John if he can ‘stand in’.
(Combined Mtg – Both NFCASSE General Section and the Construction section)
Date / Topic / Location / TimeSeptember 19, 2011 / OSHA Up-Date / Buffalo Marriott / 5:30pm
October 17, 2011 / Training in the New Workforce – Sharon Hilts / Protocol Rest. / 5:30pm
November 18, 2011 / Combined Meeting - GHS / Danforths’ Conference Room / 11:30a – 2p
December 7, 2011 / Board Christmas Dinner / Suzanne’s Fine Dining / 5:30pm
January 17, 2012 / Tour – Dunlop Tire / Tonawanda Plant / 5:30pm
February 23, 2012 / Combined Mtg Air Monitoring / DiVal Training Facility G.I. / 11:45am
March 15, 2012 / W.N.Y. Safety Conference / Seneca Casino, Niagara Falls / 11:45am
April 17, 2012 / Mind Over Matter-The Mark Obrien Story / Danforths’ Conference Room / 11:30a – 2p
May 21, 2012 / Combined Mtg - Lessons Learned/Case Review / Crazy Jakes, No. Tonawanda / 11:45am
Membership – Mike S.: Due to a glitch in the ASSE website, Mike was unable to get an exact members count.
Professional Development– Brett;
We had a very successful partnership with the WNYSC that was mutually beneficial. We will be looking to further this relationship next year. I will be meeting with Ray in the next few weeks to get the ball rolling.
Awards - The SPY and 25 year awards were presented. Congrats to you again on winning the SPY Award.
I would like to start a discussion regarding a new award - a "Distinguished Service Award" for members that are long serving and have made contributions to the Chapter and Profession. This would be an open award for members and would recognize long term members that might not ever qualify for the SPY Award. I need to discuss this further with Bo and Ryan - but this is the general scope. We could award several a year and could take nominations and also Committee Candidates as well.
Historian – Open; Al stated he will speak with Ronnie Brown and possibility Sharon Hilts about takingover this position.
Media Relations – Tom was excused from this meeting.
Newsletter – Chris; April’s newsletter is being finalized.
Website – Al mentioned we have not picked a ‘spotlight’ member to honor for April, Al stated that each month we choose to honor an ASSE-NFC member, we get additional STAR points. The committee suggested we honor Dave Brick for April and Sam Leone in May. Committee members approved.
Job-line – Al asked if anyone had any input, Committee members had nothing but positive things to say.
Construction Section – Bob stated that the April/May meeting will be a combined meeting. He is working on the June meeting. Bob says they have $645.31 in their account and have been averaging 10-20 attendee’s per meeting.
Delegate –Austin Johnson will be attending the ASSE Delegates Conference June 3-8, in Denver this summer.
Old Business/Agenda Items:
- 25, 20, 15, 10 Year Service Certificates (2011-2012):Committee members talked about making up cert’s for 10, 15, 20 year members. Bo, stated we use to do it, but it became very time consuming. Members decided to continue to have ASSE send out the 25 year certificates.
- Social Media Update –Al has started creating a Facebook page for us, regaining access has been an issue. Al will work with John and Austin (if necessary) to get us up and running. Austin looked into setting up a texting account and the associated costs. Committee members decided the costs exceeded the benefits.
- Recognizing fellow NFC members for achievements– {see ‘website’ above}
- ASSE Members Survey Follow-up:The ‘minutes’ are below.
- Vendor/Consultant Advertising on our Website: Committee members had a long discussion about what and how to handle this. Members agreed that we should charge $50.00 for an advertising spot on both the website and newsletter. Al will put that information on the website and Chris will include it in the April Newsletter. Members will re-assess this at the May Board Meeting.
- Students: Tom was excused from this meeting.
- Website – ease of understanding: Committee members agreed that our website is user friendly.
- Unemployed Safety personnel attending Monthly meetings:Any ASSE member currently unemployed, can get into our monthly meetings at no charge. Chris will include this in the Newsletter on an on-going basis.
New Business:
• Purchase a ‘convention booth’:Tom stated the booth Sharon Hilts has is similar to the booth Tom looked at on-line. Dave emailed Sharon last week to see if she could sent him a picture for Committee Members to look at. Sharon had not replied to Dave as of this date.
David Brick – President NFC-ASSE ChapterDate
[ASSE Board Mtg MinMar 2012] wd ‘docs’
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Niagara Frontier Chapter – ASSE
ASSE Member Survey Sub-Committee
Friday, February 17, 2012
Noon – 1:15pm
Sub-Committee Attendees: Dave Brick, Al Stutz, Austin Johnson
Dave asked Sub-Committee members to pick two or three items to address. Items chosen were:
1)Social Media Groups, including Facebook and Texting
2)CEU Credit availability
3)Meeting Topics (2012-13 meetings)
Al will work with John Monson and StarChapter to form a link with our website and Facebook. It should include our Chapter data on the Facebook page.
Austin will look into setting up a Texting to members. He and Al will survey our members to see who wants to be included in receiving updates of Chapter activities via texts.
Al will review with Art Dube the potential of including video’s borrowed from ASSE that will give CSP holders CEU’s for watching the videos. Dave will get a listing of available videos from ASSE for Sub-Committee member review.
Al will survey Chapter members on CEU’s video presentation, i.e., two (2) video’s to be shown before regular monthly meetings and one (1) meeting set to view video(s).
Al will set a membership survey for desired meeting topics for 2012-13.
______February 17, 2012
Dave Brick – Sub-Committee Chairperson
[ASSE_NFC Survey Sub_Com_2_12] wd ‘docs’