Capacity Building Activity

The following activity is designed to help coalitions build their capacity through recruitment. This activity can be done one of two ways: either within the coalition or also as a presentation to various service clubs and organizations. The main idea is to gain new members and eventually have a coalition that represents the twelve sectors of the community outlined by the DFC.

The 12 Sectors

1. Youth / 2. Parents / 3 Business Community / 4. Media
5. School / 6. Youth Organizations / 7. Law Enforcement / 8. Government
9. Other Organizations involved
in Reducing Substance Abuse / 10. Health Care
Professionals / 11. Civic and Volunteer
Groups / 12. Religious or Fraternal

1. For the Coalition

Items Needed:

  1. 1 sheet of paper per person with the 12 Sectors listed
  2. Sticky Poster or way of placing the poster on a wall. This poster also needs to have lines placed on it, in order for information to stay clear and not get lost
  3. Markers
  4. 6 participating members minimum
  5. 15 minutes

Activity Procedures:

  1. Pass out the 12 Sectors list
  2. After it has been reviewed, ask each individual where they think the coalition is lacking representation
  3. Once the group has come to a consensus, write the decided upon Sector name on the top of the Poster
  4. At this point, have the coalition divide into teams of two
  5. Then instruct the members that each team is responsible for coming up with 2 names of individuals they know in this sector.
  6. When they have come up with their two names (should be given a 5 minute maximum time limit) have each team write the names on the poster.
  7. Once all of the names are listed on the poster, ask “Who would be willing to recruit these individuals?
  8. At the end have a minimum of two individuals signed up to recruit those who have been listed.

Recruitment Procedures:

  1. Ways to contact the listed individuals would be through email, phone, in person, online, est.
  2. It is vital to make contact with each individual at least 3 times. If one way does not work, try another.
  3. When contacting the individual, present the facts of drug use and abuse in your community.
  4. Then, ask the individual where about their views on the subject and ways they think it could be resolved
  5. Quickly explain the CTC process happening in your community and ask if the said individual would be interested in joining with the process.
  6. When contacting an individual, it is important to have created some form of investment, even if that particular individual is not able to commit to joining the coalition. Asking questions of the individual is a great way to do this. Even if you can only get the person on your coalition’s email list, it is still a success and may prove to be an important contact later on down the road.

2. For a Presentation

When doing this as a presentation, be sure to research and know the group you will be presenting to. Tailor your presentation to the group’s purpose. Show them how CTC is a process that can help their organization’s individuals and establishment meet its own goals and missions. Be sure to have the CTC presentation ready and rehearsed. After a solid presentation, the activity should help with recruitment.

Items Needed:

  1. 12 Posters taped to the wall. Each Poster should have 1 sector named on the top.
  2. Markers
  3. Stickers preferably, colored garage sale stickers
  4. 6 participating members minimum
  5. 15 minutes

Activity Procedures:

  1. Have the posters already labeled and sticking to the wall
  2. First give a brief presentation on what CTC is and where it is going.
  3. Then, briefly comment on each of the posters labeled with the 12 sectors.
  4. Ask the people to quickly think and then write their name under the sector they identify themselves with most (it is ok if they want to write their name under more than one sector, but try to get the one they are most closely associated with)
  5. Now, pass out the garage sale stickers.
  6. They should be holding 3 different colored stickers. One sticker represents “Add me to your email list.” “One sticker represents, “I am interested in joining the coalition.” Once sticker represents, “I am interested in getting involved, but not becoming part of the coalition.”
  7. Once you have explained the meaning of each sticker, have the people come up and put a sticker next to their name that most represents their desired level of involvement with CTC. (If they do not wish to put a sticker next to their name, that is ok)
  8. After the exercise, be sure to get the people’s contact information as well as to connect with all of those who expressed interest.

Recruitment Procedures:

  1. Be sure to add all of the names to the email list that expressed interest.
  2. Follow up with those who wanted to get involved, but not join the coalition. Find out what it is they are interested in doing and see where their help may be of service to the CTC process.
  3. Be sure to stay in close contact with those interested in joining the coalition. It is important to keep them involved so they do not quickly lose interest.