Dmytruk Y.M.Biogeochemistry of a soil cover natural-anthropogenous ecosystem the Western-Ukrainian territory and Ukrainian Carpathian mountains. - Manuscript.- 37 p.

The dissertation on competition of a scientific degree of Dr. Sci. Biol. on a speciality 03.00.18 - Soil science.- National Scientific Center "Institute for Soil Science and Agrochemistry Research named after O.N.Sokolovsky" UAAS, Kharkiv, 2006.
In the dissertation conceptual bases of the biogeochemical analysis of a soil cover ecosystem are determined. The volumetric empirical data on soils of the Ukrainian Carpathian Mountains, Precarpathian and the Western-Ukrainian territory became base of development of methodology soil - geochemical researches. On the basis of results fossil uneven-age horizons it is revealed tendencies of hour dynamics of the contents of heavy metals and them dissipation a trend in cyclic changes.
Features of transformation soil-migratory structures agricultural ecosystem Precarpathian and the Prut-Dnister of raised area owing to agricultural process are determined. It is shown the main problems of the ecogeochemical status agricultural ecosystem, connected with redistribution of heavy metals. The ecogeochemical status geoecosystem the Ukrainian Carpathian Mountains and the main feature of their migratory structure - essential radial migration is characterized.
It is developed a technique and algorithm ecological soil-geochemical divisions into districts of agricultural ecosystem and their classifications. The characteristic of features of the allocated areas is given and it is offered practical steps for optimization of wildlife management.

Y. Dmytruk. The ecology-geochemical analysis of a soil cover agroecosystems. Chernovtsy: Ruta, 2006.- 328 p.

In the monography ecological and landscape-geochemical features of a soil cover agroecosystems the Prut-Dnister and Precarpathians heights are shown. Ekologo-geochemical works (512) are analysed. It is improved a technique of the soil-geochemical analysis, taking into account long-term field researches. In particular, factors are offered: an index of a saturation of soils heavy metals, a migratory index and a scale of their estimation, and also an indicator of the background content of heavy metals in soils. It is spent ekology-pedogeochemical division into districts of investigated territory, on the basis of an index of a saturation of soils by heavy metals. The established features of pedomigratory frame of the agroecosystems. It allows to carry out monitoring of a qualitative condition of environment, to optimise agrogenesis processes and use of soil-resource potential. The monography includes 42 tables, 4 skeleton maps, 26 figeres and 36 additions containing volume data about quantity of heavy metals and results of statistical processing.

Y. Dmytruk. Problem of the methods of the geochemical characteristics of the ecosystem soil cover.- Agroecological journal. - 2004. № 4.- p.p. 56 - 63.

On the basis of analytical determinations and empirical results the geochemical conditions of soils are proposed to be characterized by two indexes: migratory index and an index of soils saturation with heavy metals. Their calculation is carried out separately for the total content and mobile forms. These indexes simplify the analysis of heavy metals behavior in soils, proceeding from the peculiarities of the geochemical structure of the researched locality.

Y.M.Dmytruk. Ecology-geochemical status ecosystem of the Ukrainian Carpathian mountains.- Ecology: problems of adaptive-landscape agriculture. - Proceeding of II International scientific and practical conference. 20 - 22 June 2006. - p.p. 116 - 120.

The characteristic of theoretical positions of the analysis of soils migratory structure and the ecology-geochemical status ecosystem is given. Features of the contents and behavior of heavy metals for different areas of the Ukrainian Carpathian mountains are investigated.

Zanna Matviyishyna, Yuriy Dmytruk. Paleogeochemical features of landscapes Prydnistrov'ya (by the example of section Novosilka).- Naukovyi Visnyk Chernivetskogo Universitetu: Zbirnyk Naukovych Prats. Vyp. 305.- Geografia.- Chernivtsi, 2006.- p.p. 56 - 60.

For a section of typical landscapes Prydnistrov'ya parameters fossil soils and the contents in them of heavy metals are investigated. Their amount similarly modern soils and mobility of elements has essentially decreased.

Yu.M. Dmytruk, Y.P. Skrypnyk. Features of the contents and distribution of heavy metals in soils agricultural landscapeS of Prut-Dnister interfluve.- Ecology and harmonious exploitation. Scientific notes of the Sumy state pedagogical university.- 2005.- p.p. 35 - 45.

Changes of the contents of heavy metals and their distributions on a structure grey wood soils fields, gardens, pastorals, meadows agricultural landscape and forest belts are analyzed. Investigation of agricultural use is essential transformation of distribution of metals on a structure soils, in comparison with meadows land unit. Thus, the amount of elements practically has not changed. As a whole investigated ground are characterized as background behind contents Pb, Cd, Cu, Ni, Cr and Zn.

Dmytruk Yuri, Matviyshyna Zhanna.The comparative analysis of the heavy metals content and indices for modern and fossil soils of Precarpathian (after investigation of Brusnitca site).- Regionalne problemy ekologiczne.- Wyzsza Szkola Ekologii. Sosnowiec, 2005.- p.p. 23 - 35.

Changes of the environmental components condition is the consequence of anthropogenic influence. Such changes include rebuilding of regimes, proceedings and directions in the processes, changes of the element content. Soils, that possess to some buffering, can be in the contraposition to the anthropogenic influence. That is why very important to know background indices of soils for revealing of destruction processes in time. For to solve up this problem it is very useful to clear up the indices of the buried soil, that have been functioned till intensive anthropogenesis process start. Generalization of the obtained data of twin correlative and cluster analyses shows, that humus content as rule often diminishes heavy metals mobility, especially for chrome; in that time, when connection is straightly proportional as well as with the gross element content, first of all with cadmium. Increasing of acidity are accompanying by the growing of gross content, first of all of chrome; under this processes quantity of mobile forms of heavy metals are diminished, especially for chrome, zinc and iron. Influence of carbonate content are revealed more strongly for gross content, most often - it is copper, rarely - lead and nickel. Mobile forms of metals from carbonate content in the soils are depended on less degree. Including to the analyses, beside the heavy metals content, some properties of soils considerably complicate the cluster model of different age horizons. So, Vitachiv soils are creating common group not only with bedded deposits of Uday stadial, but and are disposed above them creating of the Boog time. Modern soil horizons are mostly like the soil creating of Kaidakian and, especially, of Prylukian stadials. All of them are connected with indices of Dnepr climatolite.

Sukhorada A.V., Dmytruk Y.M., Bondar K.M. at all. Magnetogeochemical features of top soil pollution around Mariupol.- Naukovyi Visnyk Chernivetskogo Universitetu: Zbirnyk Naukovych Prats. Vyp. 257: Biology.- Chernivtsi, 2005.- p.p. 185 - 190.

Industrial pollution of the top soil on the territory and near outskirts of Mariupol was studied. Heavy metals content in soil profile near the city was determined and the area of ferromagnetic pollution was located. The technogenic enchancement of the magnetogeochemical properties of chernozem was analyzed in comparison to natural values.

Yu. Dmytruk. Methodical aspects and problems of research of geochemistry soils of Carpathians.- Ecological and socio-economical aspects of preservation of an ethnocultural and also historical heritage of Carpathians. Materials scientifically-practical Conference. - 1-5 Sept., 2005. - p.p. 384 - 390.

The sanction of ecology and economic problems of Carpathian mountains is impossible without a deepening of soil - geochemical researches. Carrying out of the last is carried out on the basis of the precise methodical circuit. Applied problems are solved with the help of the detailed analysis of geochemistry of local landscapes.

Yu. Dmytruk, I. Nazarenko. Estimation of the content of some trace elements in soils of agrolandscapes the Prut-Dnister interfluve. Naukovy Visnyk of National agrarian university. - 2005 (81). - p.p. 163 - 168.

Features of the contents and spatial distribution on total and mobile forms of Cu and Zn in soils of the Prut-Dnister interfluve are revealed. By the lowered quantity of these trace elements are characterized soils of agrolandscapes of Hotin heights. For development of active recommendations on use of microfertilizers of Zn and Cu under cultures of their increased carrying out, additional large-scale researches are necessary.

Y.M. Dmytruk. Changes of a content and profile allocation of heavy metals in grey-wood soils of agrolandscapes by Ukraine western woodsteppe.- Environmental contamination geoenvironmental problems heavy metals. The first International geoecological conference. Tula, 2003. - p.p. 263 - 265.

The content of Pb, Cd, Cu, Ni, Cr and Zn was investigated, which were determined on nuclear-absorption instrument for measurement of an amount of heavy metals KAS-120M1: total - on the basis acid nitrogen an extract (1:1); mobile form - because of the buffer with pH=4,8.
The heavily use of grey-wood soils in field landscapes of agroecosystems has reduced in authentic increase for 30 years of a total amount of Pb both Cd and decrease of the mobile forms Cu and Zn, especially in a top of the soils profile. For monitoring a qualitative states of a soil coverage in bounds agrolandscapes it is necessary not only definition of a content of heavy metals, but also research of their profile allocation.

Bondar K.M., Dmytruk Y.M. and all. Magnetic susceptibility and heavy metals content in non-polluted and polluted soils from northern Asturia (Spain).- Monitoring of dangerous geological and ecological condition of the environment.- Abstracts of Ukrainian scientific conference. Kyiv, 2006.- p.p. 207 - 208.

The frequency magnetic susceptibility of a soil cover of Northern Asturias changes from 0 to 13 %. The total content of heavy metals is characterised by the raised variability. This fact confirms anthropogenous influence on their quantity. Variability of the content of metals decreases among: Zn>Fe>Mn>Pb>Cu>Cd>Ni>Cr. For distribution of heavy metals on a profile of soils is characteristic a maximum in the top horizon. Essentially above background quantity the Pb, Zn and Cd content. But the total quantity of chrome, nickel and manganese - is less, than an average for region.

Slusarchuk I.I., Dmytruk Y.M. Features of profile allocation of heavy metals in grey-wood soils of agrolandscapes by western woodsteppe.- Naukowiy Wisnyk Chernivetskoho universitetu: Zbirnyk naukovych prats.- Vyp. 193: Biology.- Chernivtsi, 2004.- p.p.160 - 169.

For the characteristic of distribution of heavy metals on a profile of soils it is necessary to divide them into kinds. In our case such division was spent behind intensity gleying and the maintenance of carbonates, it is less - for erodibility. Besides, lines of profile distribution of heavy metals depend on features of agricultural use. Zinc and chrome accumulate in an average part of a profile of soils; lead accumulates in the top horizon is more often, and nickel and, especially, copper and cadmium are characterised eluvial-illuvial by redistribution.

Y.M.Dmytruk. Copper and zinc in chernozem soils of Prut-Dnister interfluve.- Naukowiy Wisnyk Chernivetskoho universitetu: Zbirnyk naukovych prats.- Vyp. 17: Biology.- Chernivtsi, 1997. - p.p. 121 - 127.

The background maintenance of copper and zinc on chernozems is established: leached, degraded chernozem and typical. It is revealed, that the copper content depends on quantity of physical clay, in particular from the silt maintenance. To a lesser degree this metal is defined by absorption capacity. Dependence of quantity of zinc on properties of soils - multifactorial.

Rudenko S.S., Dmytruk Y.M. Analysis of spatial changes of Al in soils of natural areas of Bukovina.- Naukowiy Wisnyk Chernivetskoho universitetu: Zbirnyk naukovych prats.- Vyp. 38: Biology.- Chernivtsi, 1998.- p.p. 44 - 63.

The paculiarties of changing of Al amount in the upper horizon of soils of physics and geographical areas of Bukovina and its dependence from certain factors were considered. The maps and diagrams of Al content in soils with the definition of regions of diffusing-accumulations of this element were made.

Dmytruk Y., Slyusarchuk I. Nickel geochemistry in soils of biocoenosis of Prut-Dnister interfluve.- Genesis, geography and ecology of soils. Collection of the scientific works.- L'viv, 2003.- p.p. 126 - 130.

The total content and quantity of mobile forms of nickel for six main types of soils Prut-Dnister interfluve is established. Character of profile distribution of this metal testifies to its natural maintenance. It is revealed, that lateral migration essentially prevails on grey-wood soils. On other types of soils radial carrying out is observed, mainly.

Y.M. Dmytruk, I.S. Smaga. Qualities of brown mountain-forest and mountain-meadow of the Chivchinsky mountains (Carpathians).- Soil science. 2002. Volume 2. № 1 - 2.- p.p. 13 - 25.

With the help of correlations and claster analyses researches of qualities of brown soils of the Chivchinsky mountains were conducted, depending on morphology of slopes as well as on plants. The territory of the research characterized of peculiarity of physics-geographical conditions, rather to other regions of Ukrainian Carpathians.

Dmytruk Y., Slyusarchuk I. Evaluation of Ni content in soils of elementary landscapes of Pokutsko-Bukovinskich Carpathians with the aid of geochemical coefficients.- Soil science. 2003. Volume 4. № 1 - 2.- p.p. 78 - 83.

The nickel maintenance in soils Pokutsko-Bukovinskich Carpathians is established low, in comparison with clarke. A nickel maximum it is characteristic for deep (powerful) brown soil of eluvial-accumulative landscapes. Diagnostics of migratory processes will be more true if to use the factor of radial migration offered by authors.

Y.M. Dmytruk. The ecological-geochemical analysis of migration and the content of heavy metals in soils of elementary landscapes.- Soil science. 2004. Volume 5. № 3 - 4.- p.p. 26 - 42.

On the basis of the detailed analysis of ecological-landscape conditions together with the сontent in soils of heavy metals it is offered the new approach to classification of elementary landscapes. The main thing in geochemical classification is the index of a saturation of soils heavy metals. This index gives the chance to characterise landscapes on the basis of one number, without dependence from quantity of analyzed heavy metals. In practice 88 elementary landscapes it has been united in five groups, ecological-landscape factors similar behind a complex.

Y.M. Dmytruk. Zn is soils and plants of agroecosystems of Prut-Dnister interfluve.- Naukowiy Wisnyk Chernivetskoho universitetu: Zbirnyk naukovych prats.- Vyp. 39: Biology.- Chernivtsi, 1999. - p.p. 179 - 200.

The content of Zn in the upper horizon of soils, particularities it's spatial and temporary change, as well as absorption by certain plants were installed. Amount of the Zn in soils correlated with the geochemical lands an agroecosystems, to which processes of its migration are greatly transform. For the first time average scale of maps contents of Zn in the upper horizon of soils of Prut-Dnister area and s conduct its divide in regions were made.

Y.M. Dmytruk. Influence of natural environments average mountains of landscapes Pokutsko-Bukovinskich Carpathians on mobility of separate heavy metals.- Naukowiy Wisnyk Chernivetskoho universitetu: Zbirnyk naukovych prats.- Vyp. 169: Biology.- Chernivtsi, 2003. p.p. 210 - 219.

The processes of migration-accumulation of the mobile forma of heavy metals depend not only on properties of soils and units, but also from natural environments of elementary landscapes.

Y.M. Dmytruk and all. Features of a content and allocation of heavy metals in soils of Gorgan mountain (Carpathians).- Soil science. 2005. Volume 6. № 1 - 2.- p.p. 53 - 61.

For not infringed antropogeneous of territory of Gorgan is placed: a back-ground content of separate heavy metals in soils; features of their allocation under the profile brown soils wood and bows vegetative association; a direction and intensity streams of migration.

Dmytruk Y., Slyusarchuk I. Cluster analysis of soils geochemistry of elementary landscapes of Pokutsko-Bukovinskich Carpathians.- Physical geography and geomorphology. Issue 46. Volume 1. Kiev, 2004. - p.p.48 - 56.

For classification of elementary landscapes of mountains used cluster analysis. For this purpose used such indicators as capacity of a soil profile, capacity humus horizons, degree of gleying, geomorphology pattern, lithological structure. Besides, for the analysis used total factor - an index of a saturation of soils heavy metals, and also factor of local migration

Yuri Dmytruk. Ecological conditions of differentiation of profile distribution heavy metals in mountain soils.- Naukovyi Visnyk Chernivetskogo Universitetu: Zbirnyk Naukovych Prats. Vyp. 305: Biology.- Chernivtsi, 2007.- p.p. -

A variety of profile lines distribution of heavy metals which depends on a combination of ecological factors and features of elements is established. The big differentiation of heavy metals is characteristic for brown mountain-wood soils and slopes of east exposition.

Y.M. Dmytruk. Ecosystems biogeochemical classification (pedocentric approach).- Ecology and noospherology. Volume 17. 2006. № 1 - 2.- p.p. 86 - 90.

In the present article a new approach to the developing of biogeochemical classification is proposed. Such new types of classification suppose to use a progressive approach, taking into account both the ecological and the biogeochemical functions of the top-soil in biosphere. At the heart of such a scientific method is an estimation of the ecological- biogeochemical status - a synthetic cumulative index of the ecosystems migratory structure.

Dmytruk Y.M. Evaluation temporal dynamics of ecological and biogeochemical status of landscapes // Ecology Environment and Safety. - 2007.- № 3 (39).- pp. 76 – 81 (ukr.)

Bondar K.M., Dmytruk Y.M., Virshylo I.V., Matviishyna Zh.M. Magnetic susceptibility and heavy metals in clean and industrially contaminated soils northern Asturias (Spain) // Bulletin of Kyiv National University Taras Shevchenko. Geology. - 2007. - № 41–42. - pp. 88 – 91 (ukr.).

Dmytruk Y.M. Evaluation of anthropogenic changes in the behavior of heavy metals in soils // Modern problems of soil contamination. II International Scientific Conference. Moscow, May 28 - June 1, 2007. Book. Volume 2. - pp. 49 - 52. (rus.).

Dmytruk Y.M. Methods and Problems paleogeochemical soil analysis // Organization of soil systems. Methodology and History of Soil Science. Proceedings of the National II. Conf. with int. participation "Problems of history, methodology and philosophy of Soil Science." - 5 - November 9, 2007, Pushchino, Moscow Region. - Pushchino, 2007 - pp. 254 – 257 (rus.).

Dmytruk Y.M. Ecological conditions of differentiation of profile distribution of heavy metals in mountain soils / / Scientific Bulletin of Chernivtsi University. Series biology. - 2007. Vol. 343. - pp. 51 – 56 (ukr.).
Dmytruk Y.M. Structure of the soil cover. Textbook. – Chernivtsi: Ruta, 2007. - 87 p. (ukr.).

Dmytruk Y.M., Matviishyna Zh.M., Slyusarchuk I.I. The soils of the Trajanov shafts: evolutionary and ecologo-genetic analysis. Monograph. - Chernivtsi: Ruta, 2008. - 232 p. (ukr.).

Dmytruk Y.M., Varchol O.V. Ecological and genetic conditions soils of the Ukrainian Carpathians by potassium / / Agroecological magazine. - 2008. - № 1. - pp. 54 – 61 (ukr.).

Dmytruk Y.M., Varchol O.V., Galak N.D. The behavior of the potassium form of moisture soil samples / / Bulletin of Agricultural Science. - 2008. - № 4. - pp. 29 – 31 (ukr.).

Dmytruk Y.M. The concept and method of soil-geochemical zoning of Ukraine // Bulletin KHNAU. Proceedings of Kharkiv National Agrarian University. Series "Soil Science, chemistry, agriculture, forestry, environment." - 2008. - № 1. - pp. 111–113 (ukr.).