Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation

RussianAcademy of Science

World Heart Federation

Department of Healthcare of Moscow

Ministry of Healthcare of Moscow Region

Russian Society of Cardiology

Cardioprogress Foundation


IV International Forum of Cardiology and Internal Medicine

24–26 March, 2015, Moscow


Forum will take place on 24-26 March 2015in Moscow (new building of Russian Academy of Science) at the address: Leninsky prospect 32A (subway station "Leninsky prospect").


  • Medical care in cardiology and internal medicine
  • Emergency care in patients with cardiac and other somatic diseases
  • Cardiovascular risk factors
  • New medical technologies in the diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation in cardiology
  • Interventional cardiology and cardiac surgery
  • Comorbidity in internal medicine patients: diagnosis, treatment, prevention
  • Escalating global epidemic: obesity, diabetes mellitus and other endocrine diseases
  • Chronic respiratory diseases
  • Kidney diseases
  • Gastrointestinal diseases
  • Psychosomatic and neurological disorders in internal medicine patients
  • Systemic connective tissue disorders
  • Family medicine
  • Nursing in cardiology and internal medicine


The scientific program will included plenary sessions, scientific sessions, satellite symposia, lectures, meetings with experts, schools for doctors, debating sessions, interactive discussions, clinical debate and two-day poster session on topical issues of the organization , diagnosis, treatment and prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

The scientific program of the Forum will hold a symposium for young scientists (under 35) which will be awarded with diplomas and memorable gifts.

The scientific program of the Forum will be composed of keynote lectures, satellite symposia, posters, educational seminars, workshops with the participation of Russian and foreign doctors.

Full scientific program of the Forum will be available on the official site of International Forum 1.5 - 2 months before the Congress.


Abstracts and other materials will be published in the journal "Cardiovascular therapy and prevention", which is included to the International Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch) and Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition.

Abstracts publication in the abstracts book of International Forum of Cardiology and Internal Medicineis free.

Attention!!! Deadline for abstracts submission is February 15, 2015 Abstract received after the deadline will not be considered.

Procedure of abstracts composition

1.One page (A4), single spacing and wide (3 cm) margins. Use 12 pt. Times New Roman fonts. Please, use laser or deskjet printer. Text shall not include any tables or figures. Abstracts will be printed without any editing.

2.First line - title of the abstract (capital letters), second line - authors surnames and initials, and third line - institution, city, country.

3.Abstracts should consist of aim, methods, results and conclusions. Do not import tables, references to other sources and graphs. Abbreviations are not permitted

Procedure of abstracts submission

1.Save the file as IvanovllMoscowl (name of the file shall include: Surname and initials of the first author, name of the city and serial number of the work. For example, IvanovllMoscowl for the first work and lvanovllMoscow2 for the second work. The name of the file is printed by Russian letters without spaces).

2.Create a file with contact information ContactlvanovllMoscowl, where you should indicate the names of abstracts, authors, institution, city, country, surname and initials of corresponding author and his/her contact information (address, telephone number, e-mail)

3.Abstracts have to be send in Word format via e-mail [email protected]. The subject of the letter shall be indicated as AbstractlvanovllMoscowl. The letter shall contain:

•File with abstracts (this file shall include only texts of abstracts)

•File with contact information.

Abstracts prepared incorrectly will not be considered.

For example,


Ivanov 1.1., Sidorov S.S.

Regional clinical hospital, Ryazan (without dot)


The Scientific Committee of the International Forum of Cardiology and Internal Medicinewill select part of the scientific works (abstracts) for poster presentations. Poster (size 90 cm wide and 100 cm height) must contain a header (title, author name, organization name, city) and a summary of research (introduction, aims, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusions).


The scientific sessions and satellite symposia of the International Forum of Cardiology and Internal Medicinewill be held in 6 halls of the new building of the Presidium of RAS. The halls scheme will be available for each participant of the Forum.


All meeting rooms are equipped with multimedia projector Forum, complete with a laptop. Operating system MS Windows 2000, Power Point 2000 are available on all computers. Other audio-visual aids are not provided.


Leading international and European experts will participate in the Forum. Addresses of foreign speakers will be simultaneously translated. For a set of synchronous hardware each of the participants should have an identity document.


Hotel accommodation is planned in the hotels located close to RussianAcademy of Science (i.e. Sputnik, Salyutand etc.).

Booking in the hotels is available only after paying booking fee.

The cultural program includes museums and theaters of Moscow, Moscow sights tours, as well as tour of the "Cities of Golden Ring of Russia".

The official tour operator (hotel reservation, transfer organization and cultural program) is DMC group.

To book hotels, transfers, and cultural programs please contact Semerikova Tatyana tel: +7 4992545138, +7929960 6092, e-mail: .


Three cafes will operate in the lobby of the second and third floors during the Forum.


All information about International Forum of Cardiology and Internal Medicineis available on official web site also on web sites of partners:

The informational partners will be journals "Cardiovascular therapy and prevention", "Rational Pharmacotherapy in Cardiology", "Cardiology","International heart and vascular disease journal"and newspaper "Cardiology today".

Information letter and the scientific program will be included in the calendar of events of the World Heart Federation and the European Society of Cardiology.

The opening ceremony of the International Forum of Cardiology and Internal Medicine will broadcast in 54 cities of Russiain real time, as well as online The preparation and work of the Forum will be presented in social networks: facebook, twitter, vkontakte.


For drugs and medical equipment manufacturers the following events will be organized:

Satellite symposiums;

Exhibition of drugs, modern technologies, specialized scientific literature, medicinal products.

E-mail for the application for scientific program participation:

E-mail for the application in the exhibition:


Registration fee for the delegates of International Forum of Cardiology and Internal Medicineis notrequired.


  • Abstracts shall be submitted before February 15, 2015 at .
  • Registration form shall be submitted before March 5, 2015 at .