Name: ______Due Date:______

PreAPFictional Narrative Planning Sheet

You will be writing a fictional narrative short story (minimum of 1 full page; no more than 2 pages in length). We will be working in class, and you will be required to follow along and complete each step of the writing process that will help you build your writing successfully. We will be reading model texts to help us get a better idea of what our writing should look like. The final writing piece will count as one major grade.

A. Assignment: Write an imaginative short story about a person who faces a difficult challenge. Your short story should feature these elements (p.354):

-One or more well –developed ______

-A clearly defined ______that moves toward the ______of ______

-A clear and accurate ______, or perspective

-A specific, believable ______created through sensory details

-______, or conversations that develop the story

-Error-free grammar, including the use of ______

B. Expectations:

- Clearly address the entire writing task

- Have a thoroughly developed plot line, engaging major and minor characters.

- Provide a vivid, detailed setting and a thought-provoking conflict.

- The lead is interesting and attention-grabbing.

- Maintain a consistent point-of-view.

-Contains seven or more vivid examples of imagery.

- Includes outstanding use of dialogue that is used to develop character(s).

- Contains a variety of sentence types.

- Contains no errors in spelling, punctuation, or grammar.

- The story demonstrates thoughtful planning, revisions, and editing.


6(15) Students write literary texts to express their ideas and feelings about real or imagined people, events, and ideas.

6.15(A) write imaginative stories that include:

6.15A(i) a clearly defined focus, plot, and point of view;

6.15A(ii) a specific, believable setting created through the use of sensory details

6.15A(iii) dialogue that develops the story

Emerging (1)
65-69 / Developing (2)
70-79 / Proficient (3)
80-94 / Exceeds (4)
Development of Ideas
and Plot / No focus or development of plot, setting, characters, or conflict / Little explanation of the setting and characters, the plot and conflict are not completely clear / Has an adequately developed plot line, includes major and minor characters, a believable setting, and evident conflict / Has a thoroughly developed plot line, engaging major and minor characters, a vivid, detailed setting, and a thought provoking conflict
Sensory Details
(Imagery) / Contains little or no sensory details / Limited use of sensory detail can be found but is vague and/or unfocused / Contains three to five clear examples of imagery / Contains seven or more vivid examples of imagery
Mechanics / No sentence variety evident, limited vocabulary, errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation interfere with understanding / Little sentence variety, basic predictable language use, several spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors interfere somewhat with the understanding of the essay, some paragraphing / Some sentence variety, limited spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors, but they do not interfere with understanding the essay, evidence of paragraphing / Contains a variety of sentence types, language is precise and descriptive, few, if any, errors in conventions that do not affect understanding
Writing Process / There is no evidence of planning or use of the writing process / There is little evidence of planning, revision, and editing / The story demonstrates planning, revision, and editing / The story demonstrates thoughtful planning, significant revision, and careful editing in preparation for publication
