Mallinckrodt Academy Arrival/Dismissal Procedures
When 300 students arrive and dismiss at the same time, it can become a challenge. To ensure the safety and efficiency of drop off and pick up, please follow these procedures:
1. Drop off (no breakfast) is between 8:50-9:05 on the playground.
2. If you child want to eat breakfast, you may drop then off at 8:30 at door 3.
3. All parents dropping off their child should enter the parking lot and follow the arrows around the perimeter of the lot. Children should be dropped off in the designated areas only.
4. Parent who need to come in the building can park in a parking spot on the parking lot.
5. Students arriving on the bus will enter the front of the building from Pernod and join students eating breakfast or on the playground.
6. Children arriving after 9:10 are tardy and must be signed in at the office.
1. Pick up for all students is between 3:55-and 4:10.
2. Parents picking up their child should park in the lot and come to the gym (through the gym door) to sign out their child.
3. Only those listed on the Student Information Form will be allowed to pick up your child and will be carded for your child’s safety.
4. Students riding the bus will exit the front of the building with an assigned adult where their bus will be waiting.
5. Please inform the office of transportation changes by 2:00!
6. There will be no student dismissals after 3:30 in the main office. Parents arriving after 3:30 will be asked to go to the parking lot to wait for students to dismiss from the gym.
7. Parents will ENTER Door 5 and EXIT Door 6
As we instruct children on their new dismissal routines,
we will start “Pick-Up” dismissal 15 minutes early the first 3 days.
Early Dismissal:
In the event it is necessary for your child to leave early, the following procedures will be followed:
1. Children leaving before 3:45 are considered to be an “early dismissal” which will be recorded on their attendance.
2. Parents report to the office to sign out their child.
3. The secretary will call students to the office to meet their parents.