Smart Home and IoT-based Building Automation
Prof. ArunShaikh
H.O.D,Dept of Computer Science
Maharashtra College
Mumbai, India
Hanna SaadyaShaikh
KC College
Mumbai, India
Abstract: -
A smart home (sometimes referred to as a smart house or eHome) is one that has highly advanced automatic systems. A smart home appears "intelligent" because its computer systemscan monitor many aspects of daily life. It is based on a universal implementation model for the smart home. The “Home Intelligence” (HI) module of the smart home, offers important added-value to the intelligent behavior of the smart-home environment. The HI creates an integrated environment in which the Artificial Intelligence (AI) mechanism can infer and suitably react according to changing conditions and events. By identifying abnormal or unexpected events and, when necessary alerting the home’s occupants, the AI module can provide an immediate automatic response if desired. This not only improves the quality of life but also makes it feasible for people to live a normal life.It integrates of many new technologies through home networking for improving human’s quality of living, so there have many projects researching in diverse technologies to apply to the smart home system. Accordingly, this paper reviews various topics on smart home technologies from surveying for smarthome researchprojects. In this paper we focus on making life of people with disabilities with ease of use in every days use.
Keywords: - Smart home technology, Smart home system,Security, Automation,Standardization, Universal Model, Artificial Intelligence, Home Intelligence
A home, which is smart, is the technology used to make all electronicequipment around the home act "smart" or "intelligent" orsmarter, or moreautomated that is to say smart home has highly advancedautomatic systems for lighting, temperature control, securityand many other functions.
The most heard about smart technologies are that of thekitchen. Example appliances which are smart arerefrigerators, microwaves, coffee makers, and dishwashers.
The Internet Refrigerator applies the technology of smarthome to make many works much easier. There is Internetenabled and allows for users to communicate with it via theInternet, so it is able to download recipes and then displaythem on its LCD screen. Moreover, the refrigerator also takesan automatic inventory of items inside of it and it can alert theusers to what is there. What’s more, microwaves are alsosmart. Microwaves can communicate with smart refrigeratorsand suggest recipes based on the food items available in therefrigerator. The microwave can even be set to start at certaintimes while users are away from home.
1) In living room
Stepping away from the kitchen, one part of the home whichhas smart home technology adoption is living room. Smartdevices like televisions and stereos will utilize this technologyto improve the entertainment experiences. The smart TV willhave many functions like desktop personal computer so thisleads to interactive TV and more interactive content willbecome available.
Furthermore, lighting control systems can be used to controlhousehold electric lights by using of motion detectors toautomatically extinguish the lights in a room after people haveleft and turn on the lights if people enter a room.
2) In Bedroom
The room has smart climate control which the users can setthe scene in bedroom with single-touch heating and canchoose a unique night-time temperature and lighting profilefor each bedroom. The bed is also equipped with sensor thatcan monitor movement of a person in bed for detecting healthcondition regarding sleeping in typical routine of a person.
The suggested Home Automation and Securitysystemis composed of three main modules:
Using Arduino as Web Server, Hardware
Interface module and Human Interface whichcan be accessed from any PC or Wi-Fienabled phone. In case of long distancecommunication without using wires, Wi-Firouter provides convenient and cost effectiveway of communicating with our sensors andactuators from webpage. The different InputOutput devices are controlled using TCP/IPover the IEEE 802.11 standard protocol. Databeing gathered from sensors, such as PIRsensors, temperature sensors, IR transmitterand receiver is being processed on an ArduinoUNO micro-controller as a server and thendisseminate with an attached Ethernet Shieldusing the TCP/IP protocol via Wi-Fi router.
Arduino has a statically assigned IP address.
Each time a request is passed to that IPaddress, an HTML page is sent as a responsewith implemented functionality and status of thedevices.
III.Overcoming these challenges and my recommendations
Overcoming these challenges will require leadership, investment and collaborative actions among key stakeholders.
To seize near-term opportunities, capitalize on the long-term structural shift and accelerate the overall development of the Home Internet, I recommend the following actions:
— Technology providers should begin to inventory and share best security practices, perhaps by establishing a global security commons. They should participate in the development of technology test-beds to demonstrate how solutions from different organizations can work together. And they need to focus on innovation to support existing equipment in the field, and raise the market awareness on successful use cases and implementations.
— Technology adopters should first reorient their overall business strategy to take full advantage of the latest developments in the Home Internet. They also need to identify their new ecosystem partners, and determine whether they should join a partner’s platforms or develop their own. Apartment that still is new to the Home Internet should identify one or two relevant pathfinder applications that can be piloted within the next six months to create necessary momentum and learning.
— Public policy-makers must re-examine and update their data protection and liability policies to streamline data flow. They also need to revisit the current regulations on such industries as utilities and healthcare to encourage investment and the adoption of new digital processes. In emerging markets, governments will need to increase investment in digital infrastructure (e.g. embedded sensors, broadband connectivity) to take advantage of the potential of the Home Internet in accelerating regional economic development. And policy-makers need to learn more about societal and policy implications of the Industrial Internet and function as role models in advocating and supporting high potential applications.
IV.Smart Home Software and Technology
Smart home technology was developed in 1975, when a company in Scotland developed X10. X10 allows compatible products to talk to each other over the already existing electricalwires of a home. All the appliances and devices are receivers, and the means of controlling the system, such as remote controls or keypads, are transmitters. If you want to turn off a lamp in another room, the transmitter will issue a message in numerical code that includes the following: An alert to the system that it's issuing a command
An identifying unit number for the device that should receive the command and
A code that contains the actual command, such as “turn off”
All of this is designed to happen in less than a second, but X10 does have some limitations. Communicating over electrical lines is not always reliable because the lines get "noisy" from powering other devices. An X10 device could interpret electronic interference as a command and react, or it might not receive the command at all. While X10 devices are still around, other technologies have emerged to compete for your home networking dollar. Instead of going through the power lines, some systems use radio waves to communicate, which is also how WiFi and cell phone signals operate. However, home automation networks don't need all the juice of a WiFi network because automation commands are short messages. The two most prominent radio networks in home automation are ZigBee and Z-Wave. Both of these technologies are mesh networks, meaning there's more than one way for the message to get to its destination
V. Challenges in Home Automation Security
Data, information, video or audio feeds available from home are almost always personal.
Almost all smart homes are connected to the Internet 24/7. This allows an attacker to be anywhere in the world and can still be targeting the home. Moreover, an attacker can cherry pick the moment of attack.
Home automation systems don’t have a dedicated system administrator, unlike a traditional network, which means that attackers can do their “foot printing” efficiently with comparatively less monitoring. When the network is compromised, there is also very little chance of detection.
A homeowner who is also the system administrator may be reluctant to do the upgrades or patches necessary, like a homeowner’s reluctance to do the plumbing. In addition to this, home automation systems could look very complicated to an ordinary non tech-savvy homeowner.
Home automation systems usually consist of devices belonging to different manufacturers. Each comes with its own vulnerabilities. Moreover, home inhabitants who are not experts on networking or security do the upgrade or reconfiguration of their own home networks, unlike researchers do in the labs, which brings in its own set of vulnerabilities.
An attacker always has the choice to scan the Internet for a specific vulnerability belonging to a specific home automation device from a particular manufacturer. An attacker can keep up the scanning process until finding the specific vulnerability they are looking to exploit.
VI. Smart Home Technologies
Designing a home automation system for monitoring and controlling various devices in remote locations can be done through a variety of communication options such as wireless LAN technologies, dial-up modems, secured radio networks, satellite communication (SATCOM), Internet, cellular network and many more. Several studies on home automation have been done using different types of control methods.
The paper proposed by QifanPu et al, is an example of a novel gesture recognition home automation system that leverages wireless signals (e.g., Wi- Fi) to enable whole-home sensing and recognition of human gestures, commonly known as WiSee.”Wireless Home Automation System Using ZigBee” and “Research on home networking with ZigBee” are ZigBee based research papers, a standard that defines a set of communication protocols for low data-rate short-range wireless networking. An application of Bluetooth technology in home automation and networking environment is proposed in. Bluetooth is an ideal solution for a wireless home network that does not incur additional costs of wiring. A typical Bluetooth based home automation system includes a host and several client modules. Considering the entrance price of the Bluetooth, it will be more cost effective to have multiple Device Controllers (DC) connected to a Bluetooth device. The design and implementation of a home automation system where communication technologies GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication), Internet and speech recognition have been used. All the above techniques are merged into a single wireless home automation system and have been studied by“A GSM, internet and speech controlled wireless interactive home automation system”. A low cost Java-Based Home Automation System has been introduced, but does not include in-depth details of the type of peripherals that can be attached to this system. All the appliances and devices in a home automation system are receivers, and the means by which they are controlled, such as remote controls or keypads, are transmitters. If an electrical appliance is to be used in another room, the transmitter will send a message in numerical code that includes the following:
An alert signal to the system that it'sissuinga command. A distinguished unit number for the device that should receive the command. A code with the actual command, such as "turn on"
All of this is designed to happen within a second, so on basis of speed of communication between the controller and the controlled devices, few prominent technologies are discussed below. The other factors that make these protocols unique are: degree of compatibility with various home devices, its reliability, power consumption, range of applications and most importantly the cost of installation and maintaining the entire system.
VII. Conclusion
This paper based on the meaning of smart home and the details of smart home elements. And the main objective of this paper is to give a survey for these smart home researches and summarily describe the details about smart home.Smart Home is a residence that uses a Home Controller to integrate the residence's various home automation systems.Integratingthe home systems allows them to communicate with one another through the home controller, thereby enabling single button and voice control of the various home systems simultaneously, in preprogrammed scenarios or operating modes.
Our work focuses on the security aspect of the existing home automation system and points out its flaws. It shows how the concept of security and meaning of the word “intruder” has changed in modern homes. The paper points out the shortcomings of existing home automation systems in identifying and preventing sophisticated intruders in a home environment.
Security is vital for the proper implementation and development of the home automation systems. Moreover, it provides a sense of security to a home’s inhabitants and puts their minds at ease.
VIII. References