Pastor: Fr. Ray Kosmicki 308-754-4649
1405 Custer St., St. Paul, NE 68873
Weekend Mass Schedule
Saturday: 5:00 p.m.
Sunday: 8:00 a.m. & 10:00 a.m.
Parish Office: 754-4002
713 Elm St.
St. Paul, NE 68873
Reconciliation: 4:30 p.m. on Saturday
Marriage & Baptism Preparation:
Appt with Fr. Ray, please call 754-4649
Sts. Peter and Paul Church Website
Weekly bulletin and Ministry List can be found on the Church Website:
Church Directory website:
Church Office Secretary: Marie Platek 754-4002
Farwell/ Elba Secretary: Kathy Gorecki 336-3351
St. Paul DRE: Sandi Mudloff 754-5544 or 750-6439
Farwell DRE: Kathy Gorecki 336-3351
Elba DRE: Cynthia Paczosa 863-2134
Pro-Life Coordinator: Ann Rief 687-6872
Prayer Chain Leaders:
If in need of Prayers….please call…
St. Paul : Leona Pflepsen 754-4885
Farwell: Michelle Woitalewicz 336-3241
Farwell: Thereasa Nealon 336-3349
Elba: Rae Jean Radke 863-2356
+Saturday evening Confessions before the
5 p.m. Mass when Reconciliation light is on.
Pray for World Peace
Please join us in praying the Holy Rosary on Wednesdays at 12:30 p.m. in the Chapel
at Sts. Peter and Paul during the Lenten Season.
March 18, 2012
May there always be work for your hands to do;
May your purse always hold a coin or two;
May the sun always shine on your windowpane;
May a rainbow be certain to follow each rain;
May the hand of a friend always be near you;
May God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you.
Ministers for Weekend Mass 3/24 -3/25
Saturday 3/24 5:00 p.m.
Intro:Julie Dush
Lector:Chris Elstermeier
E.M.H.C. Frank & Mary Stepanek
Chloe Wichmann
Greeters:Marian Potts / Dorothy Koperski
Clarence & Ernestine Schmidt
Servers:Skyler Nelson & Katherine Bauer
Music:Julie Dush
Rosary: 4:30 p.m. Jean Rozmiarek
Sunday 3/25 8:00 a.m.
Lector:Mitch Sok
E.M.H.C.Jean Thede / Braden Townsend
Betty Roebuck
Greeters: Bob & Betty Dvorak
Alan & Jolene Lewandowski
Servers: Rachel-Proehl Thompsen
Amanda Kulwicki
Rosary: 7:30 a.m. Jim Leonard
Sunday 3/25 10:00 a.m.
Intro:Mary Gregoski
Lector:Sandi Mudloff
E.M.H.C.Matt Rief / Kathy Lewandowski
Joe & Dee Mlinar / Cindy Hansen
Rich & Marlene Kosmicki
Greeters: Neil & Chris Dethlefs
Bill & Emily Gregoski
Servers: Chelsey Costello
Victoria Donovan / Allie Kunze
Music:Linda Kezeor / Linda Schmaderer
Rosary: 9:30 a.m. Volunteer
Monday 3/199:30 a.m. Bible Study in Convent
Tuesday 3/20 1:00 p.m. Quilting in NW classroom
Wednesday 3/21 6:15 a.m. “ THAT MAN IS YOU”
Friday 3/23 5-7p.m. Fish Fry
Sunday 3/25 9 a.m. – 9:50 a.m. Adult Fellowship
Mass Intentions
Monday3/198:00 a.m.
Kay Larson
+by Polly Payne
Tuesday3/208:00 a.m.
Pat Pokorski
+by Elaine Nowak
Wednesday3/218:00 a.m.
Leonard Olsufka
+by Dan Hurt
Friday3/239:45 a.m. Heritage
Irene Kizior
+by Frances Mrkvicka
Saturday3/24 5:00 p.m.
Minnie Nagorski
+by Keith & Rona Christensen
Sunday3/258:00 a.m.
People of the Parishes
Sunday3/25 10:00 a.m.
Joe & Victoria Radke
+by Jerry & Shirley Hanisch Fam.
Sunday 3/25 11:30 a.m. / Farwell
First Communion
God Loves a Cheerful Giver
Sts. Peter and Paul 3/11/12
General Fund$3,167.52
Catholic Relief 74.00
Diocesan Appeal 486.00
Memorial 70.00
Parish Hall Envelopes $665.00
Maintenance 140.00
Parish Hall Fund
Parish Hall Donations $165,663.37
Memorials 71,342.00
Fundraiser Committee 66,711.55
Investments 10,905.10
In Memory
In Gratitude for the Memorial gift of $70 given in memory of
Ruth McIntyre.
Dear Faithful Ones;
With all the Faithful of the Diocese we pray.
For all those whose lives are touched by grace as a result of our response to this year’s Appeal.
Let Us Pray to the Lord.
That we will recognize the annual Diocesan Appeal as an opportunity to do together what none of us can do alone.
Let Us pray to the Lord.
Father Ray
Reach Out In Prayer For:
Father Jose Chavez, young Pastor at Elm Creek, with very serious health problems.
Our Sunday Visitor
Father Jim Murphy is our guest Celebrant this weekend while Father Ray is at Elba this weekend.
Sunday Breakfast
Please join us for Breakfast after the 8 a.m. Mass this Sunday, March 18 in the Church Gathering area.
Hostesses: Marilyn Schmaljohn & Pat Geiger and the
Elizabeth Circle Ladies.
Spring Cleaning at Sts. Peter and Paul
Cleaning Day is set for Saturday, March 24th beginning at 8:30 a.m. Bring your own cleaning tools, rags, buckets etc. The To-Do List is in the sacristy. How early you come or how late you want to stay is your choice.
The bathrooms are currently being updated, if you would like to help in any way call Mary Santin @750-8242.
The monthly meeting of Catholic Daughters will be held on Tuesday, March 20th at 7 p.m. in the Church Meeting Room. Hostesses: Martha Havlik,Dorothy Koperski
and Betty Leonard.
Communion and Stations of the Cross will be celebrated atMatelynRetirementCenter on Monday at 10 a.m., the Feast of St. Joseph. Everyone welcome.
Note of Thanks
The Fish Fry on March 9th was a huge success.
Thank you to all of the men who helped in the garage, and our delivery man.
Thank you to the students who were so polite and very helpful in the dining area.
Thank you CCW members for donating baked goods, your time, smiles and encouraging comments.
You All Rock!Chairmen, Marilyn Schmaljohn & Pat Geiger.
Confessions will be heard at 7 p.m. on
Wednesday, March 28 at Sts. Peter and Paul
with visiting Clergy assisting.
Holy Week Schedule
Palm Sunday – April 1
Holy Thursday – 7:00 p.m. Mass of the Last Supper
Good Friday Service – 7:00 p.m.
Holy Saturday – 7:00 p.m. First Mass of Easter
Easter Sunday - 8:00 a.m. & 10:00 a.m.
Lenten Fish Fry
Sts. Peter & Paul 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Menu: Deep Fried Fish, Scalloped Potatoes, Cole Slaw, Green Beans, Bread, Dessert & Drink
Cost: Adults: $7.00, Ages 6-12: $3.00, under 5 free
New menu additions this year . . .
Carry-outs available call 754-4002 to place order
after 4:00 p.m.
Fish Fry Committees & Weekly Fish Menu
3/23 Virginia Schenck & Chris Dethlefs
Deep Fried & Baked Fish
3/30 Judy Rose & Liana Wroblewski:
Deep Fried Fish &Salmon Patties
Flower envelopes are available in the back of church for anyone who wishes to donate for Easter flowers in memory of a Loved One. If you would like to bring your own plant please bring to the back of Church by April 6th to allow the decorators time to arrange the flowers on the Altar. Thank you.
Upcoming Topics at Fellowship
3/18 We will not meet because of Sunday Breakfast.
3/25 Fasting
4/1 Spiritual Reading
4/8 Easter Sunday – No Fellowship Meeting
Reflections from ‘Rediscover Lent’
When you walk into Mass next Sunday,
simply ask God in the quiet of your heart,
“God show me one way in this Mass that I can become a better- version-of- myself this week!”
Then listen.
Calling all Liturgical Ministers
Some find a reminder call of their scheduled times to be helpful. Would you like to help with the calling?
Call the parish office @ 754-4002 for information.
The more volunteers the fewer times you will be a Friday caller. Thanks for answering the call.
Reconciliation in Grand Island
Communal Reconciliation Services are set for
7:00 p.m. at the Grand Island Churches.
Sunday, April 1st - Blessed Sacrament
Monday, April 2nd - St. Leo’s
Tuesday,April 3rd Resurrection
Wednesday, April 4th Cathedral
Happy are they whose sins are forgiven!
40 Days for Life
The 40 Days for Life prayer Vigil is taking place during Lent outside the abortion facilities in Lincoln and Omaha.
Those not able to physically participate in this vigil, can still participate in spirit by offering a holy hour (or just a short visit) before the Blessed Sacrament at your church or one of the days abortions are done ( Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday) or any day that works. Or pray a Rosary or some other prayer at home, while you are driving to work, or while doing other daily activities. Offer a sacrifice ( big or small)
In tandem with your prayers. This is very powerful and fruitful.
Prayers For Life:Visit the website for Daily Prayer to End Abortion, Novena to Reverse Unjust HHS Mandate, and Lenten Prayer for Life
On the Calendar this week….
Saint Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Saint Turibius and Lenten Holy Days.
Saint Joseph, Patron Saint of Elba, Pray for us.
Irish Humor…
Father O’Malley answers the phone.
‘Hello, is this Father O’Malley?
‘It is’
This is the Inland Revenue Service, income tax department.
Can you help us?
‘I can’
‘Do you know a Ted Houlihan?’
‘I do’
‘Is he a member of your congregation?’ ‘He is’
‘Did he donate $10,000 to the church?’
‘He will.’
First Communion at St. Anthony’s
Mass for First Communion is set for Sunday, March 25th at 11:30 a.m. at St. Anthony’s.
Candidates for First Communion are:
Kolby Gorecki, son of Larry & Patty Gorecki
Bryce Gorecki, son of Mike Gorecki & Renita Gorecki
Kyler Kosmicki, son of John & Chandra Kosmicki
Good Friday Service
Good Friday Service at St. Anthony’s will be at 7 p.m.
Father Anthony from India, residing at the Cathedral will be the guest Celebrant at Farwell and Elba.
Lenten Confessions at Farwell
Confessions at Farwell at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, April 1
with Father Murphy our Confessor.
Stations of the Cross
Stations of the Cross will be held at St. Anthony’s
on Wednesday, March 28 at 7 p.m.
Mass of Blessing at St. Joseph- Sunday, March 18 – 8 a.m.
Morning Refreshments after Mass in Church basement.
Mass Intention for: Ann Alt
Lenten Confessions at St. Joseph’s
Lenten confessions will be celebrated at
St. Joseph’s on Sunday March 18 following the Sunday Mass.
Good Friday Service at Elba – 5:30 p.m.
Father Anthony from India, residing at the Cathedral will be our guest at Elba and Farwell on Good Friday.
Ann Alt Memorial Scholarship
The Ann Alt Memorial Scholarship 2012 is available for eligible seniors who are parishioners at
St. Joseph, St. Anthony’s and Sts. Peter and Paul.
Scholarship applications can be obtained by calling
Fr. Ray at 754-4649 or Stacey Hoppes at 754-9187.
St. Joseph update…
+ The tear out part of the to be remodeled rest rooms is
+ A temporary restroom is found near the kitchen area
where it was once upon a time.
+ Construction of the shaft for the lift is underway.
+ The old furnaces stopped working and have been
replaced last week.
If anyone would like to volunteer to help please call
Tony Morrow.