Gracee-Notes for the Week of September 17, 2017

God of grace and mercy, your forgiveness is a gift of life to us as you remove the weight of sin and brokenness. Give us courage and humility to offer that same forgiveness to those who have hurt us. Make us people of mercy and love in this world, for Jesus’ sake. Amen.

The designated offering for September is: Lutheran Disaster Response, our agency which brings God’s hope, healing and renewal to people whose lives have been disrupted by disasters in the United States and around the world. Work is done in coordination with other relief agencies so that we all complement each other. Because our regular giving to the work of the ELCA provides for all of the administrative costs, 100% of the funds directed at LDR are put to use in relief. The work of LDR includes:

  • Providing emotional and spiritual care for people who have been affected by a disaster and for leaders who respond to a disaster
  • Assisting refugees in a holistic way by meeting the varied needs of the community
  • Providing long-term recovery efforts by addressing the unmet needs months or even years after a disaster strikes

Thanks to the Grace Foundation, all gifts through our designated offerings will be matched dollar for dollar in 2017. Please make your check to “Grace Lutheran Church” and add “LFS” to the notation line. You may place checks in the offering box or in the Church Office. Thank you for your generosity.

The link in last’s week’s e-Notes to post thoughts and memories about Dennis Riggin, a member of Grace who died on August 16, was not functional. Here is the link to use if you would like to communicate your thoughts with Dennis’ mother, sister, and his wife Leslie:

Pastor Janice is away Monday through Thursday at the Rocky Mountain Synod fall theological conference in Colorado Springs. She is available via email and phone.

Rooted in Grace

October 8

It’s that time again!!! October 8th, 2017 from 1-4pm at Grace. Brats, food, and a live oom-pah-pah band! BYOB this year, so bring your favorites and some to share. Join us in welcoming our neighbors and visitors while we celebrate this tradition during the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation. For members, it’s a potluck and donations are welcome for the brats.

Still time to attend the Adult Class! The first class was Sunday the 17th, and there will be four more in this series. Kurt Lichtfuss leads the conversation on “Christ the Center” by Dietrich Bonhoeffer. The class begins at 8:45am as we consider why we are Christian in a post-religious, scientific world. If you participated in Kurt’s class last spring, you know you will be gently challenged and greatly encouraged. Books are available in the narthex for $10.

Grace Book Group: Grace's book discussion group meets on Tuesdays, 11:45-12:45. We're concluding "Science, Faith, and Ethics" by Alexander and White. Bring a brown bag lunch and join the conversation.

BACHTOBERFEST: BOULDER BACH FESTIVALpresents some of the world’s most revered artists specializing in the expressive music of the Baroque. This program includes sacred texts sung by the great Dutch soprano Josefien Stoppelenburg. And, world renowned violinist and Juilliard faculty, Elizabeth Blumenstock is joined by musicians from Amsterdam, Basel, and Boston in a splendid program.

  • Thursday, October 12, 2017, 7:30at Boulder Adventist Church, 345 Mapleton Avenue.
  • Saturday, October 14, 2017, 7:30pmat the Stewart Auditorium at the Longmont Museum, 400 Quail Road.

Pre-concert lectures at6:30pm. Tickets (General, Senior and Student) and All-Access Passes available at: .boulderbachfestival.organd720-507-5052.

September 24 – Marty’s Party – a Reformation Oktoberfest at Christ the Servant in Louisville, 3-6pm (brats, beer/root beer, FACE vocal band, and a bounce house) $10. Tickets are on sale now! Go to:

Reaching Out in Christ’s Love:

September 23, Shred & Share: Bring all the documents you’d like to have shredded (for free) to Thrivent Financial-Flatirons Group parking lot at 864 W. South Boulder Road in Louisville from 9-11 am. While there, you are invited to help assemble gift bags for teens at Attention Homes. Complimentary espresso drinks and breakfast treats provided. RSVP by September 21st by calling 303-673-0444 or emailing

Harvest of Hope Food Pantry is grateful for our contributions of non-perishable food items. They have a growing number of people seeking food, and your gifts make it possible for them to help.

New Beginnings Prison Ministry is thankful for the blank greeting cards they receive from us. The cards allow the inmates to send notes to loved ones, providing that invaluable “touch” they and their loved ones need. Thank you for sharing.

From Lutheran Campus Ministry at CU: Students are here! Tuesday evening Bread & Belonging will be bringing together new and returning students, and dinner hosts are needed for the following:September 26; October 10; October 24; November 14; December 5

LCM Fundraiser: Mark your calendars September 30th for the LCM beer tasting at St Aidan's Episcopal Church, 3:00 to 6:00pm. Join in for good food, good beer, and lots of fun with fellow members of Grace and other ELCA Lutheran churches in the area. The price is $30.00.

Tickets can be purchased online anytime, payment by Pay Pal.Go to scroll down to the announcement for the beer-tasting, then click buy tickets now. Or you canpurchase ticketsby checks,payable to Lutheran Campus Ministry,from Patty Meyers.

Looking Ahead in This Politically Active Climate:

Lutheran Lobby Day at Colorado State Capitol on February 15, 2018

In recent years, we have held Colorado Faith Advocacy Day - a day of learning, relationship-building and action -ona weekend or holiday in the winter during the legislative session. This year, our Policy Committee has elected to return to our previous model of holding a specific lobby day on a weekday during the session, to give people of faith an opportunity to visit their legislators and see the political process in action.

We now have a date: please join us on Thursday, February 15, 2018, for a morning of learning, prayer, and action for justice. Registration for the event will be available at after December 1. Look for printable posters, bulletin inserts, and more on the website!

Eagle-eyed readers will notice that this is the day after Ash Wednesday. What better way could there be to kick off a Lenten season of devotion and repentance than to engage our political leaders for the sake of justice for our neighbors?

From Lutheran Family Services:

Older Adult & Caregiver Services offers free monthly telephone conferences to answer your questions about aging, called Ask Your Care Manager. Join us on October 11 from 12:00-1:00pm MST for the conference titled “Concerned about an Aging Family Member? When it’s Time to Step In.”Most have experienced the moment when we realize our aging loved one has changed. Maybe they seem more frail or appear to be having a harder time getting around. How do you know whether they are managing well or may benefit from additional assistance? Learn what signs to watch for that may indicate your loved one needs more assistance, and what you can do to address these concerns.Registration is required: sign up at contact our staff at 303-217-5864 or 970-232-1180.

Older Adult & Caregiver Services offers free in-person consults to discuss Advance Care Planning and Advance Directives, such as Medical Power of Attorney and Living Will. We can help you understand your options, insure that your legal documents reflect your medical wishes, and get your directives completed and notarized. Don’t put it off. Contact our staff to schedule an appointment at 303-217-5864 or 970-232-1180.

This Week at Grace


Sunday, September 17

10:00 am WORSHIP followed by fellowship

11:30 – 12:30Church Council Meeting

4:30-7:00Boulder Walk for Unity

7-9Romanian Dancers

Monday, September 18

Tuesday, September 19

10-3Office Administrator Hours

11:45 – 12:45Grace Book Group

1-3Valerie Hess organ practice

Wednesday, September 20

10-3Office Administrator Hours

10:30 – 12:10International English Center, Fellowship Hall

1:00 – 2:40International English Center, FH

3-5Bookkeeper Hours

7:15-9:00Grace choir rehearsal

Thursday, September 21

9-12LWR Quilting Group

10-3Office Administrator Hours

Friday, September 22

1-3Valerie Hess organ practice

5:30-7:30AA Meeting

9:30 – 11:30pmHA meeting

Saturday, September 23

9-12pmBoyd Hamilton rehearsal

Sunday, September 24

10:00 am WORSHIP followed by fellowship

7-9Romanian Dancers