The Communiqué

Newsletter of the GFWC of Holden Beach

P. O. Box 902, Supply, NC 28462

Volume 9, Issue 1, January 14, 2014

Julie Wolfe, President Judy Brock, Editor

“Start by doing what is necessary; then do what’s possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” Saint Francis of Assisi


Dear Friends

Happy New Year! Hope your holidays were enjoyable and that you are all ready, willing and eager to jump into 2014!

Our first meeting of the year is Tuesday, January 21st. We are changing things up just a bit for this meeting: we will start the meeting promptly at 6:30 and will have our refreshments and socializing when the meeting is adjourned. We have a packed agenda for this meeting starting with the Art Festival. All entries must be delivered to the Chapel between 9:00 am and 12:00 noon on Tuesday, the 21st. They will then be displayed and judged and ready for your admiration that evening. You will want to arrive a few minutes before the meeting starts to allow yourself time to enjoy all of the beautiful Art Festival entries. (Every year, I am amazed by the talent of our club members!)

We are delighted to welcome Beverly Lassiter to this meeting. A long time friend of GFWC of Holden Beach (she conducted our very first Installation/Induction meeting!), Beverly is not only a former GFWC-NC president, she is the Membership Chairman for GFWC. She is currently running for GFWC Treasurer and we are thrilled that she could make room in her incredibly busy schedule to come join us at the Beach! In addition to installing our 2014 Executive Board, Beverly will be inducting our newest members: Linda Dieudonne, Peggy Storella, Marjorie Volk, Holly Coleman, Renee Edwards, and Dinah Fowlkes. Please help me welcome Beverly and each one of our new members on Tuesday!

This is also the meeting where we announce our annual club awards. It is always a fun time for us—all that silver practically blinds us! Then we enjoy those delicious refreshments. You won’t want to miss it!

This year, for the very first time, our Club will host the District 7 Arts Festival and Meeting. It will take place Saturday, February 22nd, but preparations have already begun. As you might imagine, this is a huge undertaking that will need the cooperation and participation of each of you. As our plans evolve, you will be kept informed of where your help is needed. But be assured, YOU WILL BE NEEDED! So mark your calendars: on February 21 & 22 you will be busy!

Plans are also underway for this year’s Charity Gala, Saturday, May 3rd at Sea Trail. This is our signature fundraiser and, with Karen Throckmorton as Chairman and B.J. Stephens as Co-chairman, it promises to be another fabulous and successful event in support of Providence Home and Hope Harbor Home. Every member gets involved in this event, which explains just why it is so amazing.

Even though I’ve known for months this was coming, the departure of three exemplary Board members gives rise to such mixed feelings! Knowing that they are each remaining active, committed members of our Club gives me great comfort but it is still hard to adjust to the change. Every month Maureen Wright has managed to transform the sometimes disjointed and confusing items, issues and discussions considered at our Board and General meetings into comprehensive and accurate minutes. Thank you, Maureen, for creating order from chaos and never once complaining about it! Judy Brock has served on our Board in several capacities, always so competently, always so kindly and patiently. Judy, you are an amazing teacher! And, thankfully, you also have a great sense of humor! Finally, if you arrive before our General meeting begins in February and notice B.J. Stephens wandering around, please be kind to her. Next month will be the very first time since she joined the Club that B.J. will be attending a meeting of GFWC of Holden Beach without first doing her duties as a Board member. B.J. has been part of the foundation of our Club since the beginning. It is because of her time, energy, and selfless giving that our Club is such a success! She has had my back this year and it is because she has promised to keep my back that I (and YOU) can know that we will be just fine! You ladies all lead by example. Thank you all for all you have done and all you have given to our Club! We look forward to your continued support in your new Club rolls!

I am so pleased to welcome our new Board members, Jean Newland, 2nd Vice President, Donna Geise, Recording Secretary, and Patti Hogan, Treasurer. All three of these ladies are already making invaluable contributions to our Club’s success. I can’t wait for them to bring their creative ideas, their enthusiasm, and their energy to the Board! 2014 is going to be a great year for us!

I am thrilled and honored to be serving again as your President this year. You are an amazing group of ladies! GFWC of Holden Beach is a great organization and I am so proud to serve with you.

In Federation Love,

Julie Wolfe, President


GFWC of Holden Beach

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Holden Beach Chapel

Holden Beach, NC

GFWC of Holden Beach held a regular meeting on Tuesday, November 19, 2013, at the Holden Beach Chapel. President Julie Wolfe welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order at 6:55 pm.

Chaplain Elene Busch‘s opening devotion focused on Psalm 23, with “God’s abundance flowing to you and out to others.”

First Vice President B.J. Stephens led the Club Collect and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Chairman of the Arts CSP Caroline Galan explained the evening’s program, painting on glass. After the meeting, Sandi Emerson will instruct members on how to decorate wine glasses, clear mugs or cups. President Wolfe thanked the Arts CSP for the refreshments.

The minutes of the October meeting were approved as sent in The Communiqué.

Executive Board Report:

By direction of the Executive Board, Recording Secretary Maureen Wright moved that the club donate $500 each to Hope Harbor Home and Providence Home.

Motion adopted.

By direction of the Executive Board, Recording Secretary Maureen Wright moved that the club donate an additional $500 to Hope Harbor Home for emergency situations at its safe house.

Motion adopted.

Treasurer Karen Throckmorton reviewed line items in the proposed 2014 Budget.

By direction of the Executive Board and the Finance Committee, Treasurer Karen Throckmorton moved to accept the 2014 Budget as presented.

Motion adopted.

President Wolfe thanked the members of the Finance Committee for their work.

President Wolfe announced that as per Article VIII, Section 4 of the Bylaws, she has appointed Jean Newland, Patti Hogan and Donna Geise to serve on the Audit Committee.

CSP Committee Reports:

  • Arts – Chairman Caroline Galan reported that Lockwood Folly Marketplace will hold a painting class on November 21. They will be creating whimsical Santa Claus paintings.
  • Conservation – Chairman Carol Ann Lohman thanked everyone for the books which will be donated to the Holden Beach library.
  • Education – Chairman Donna Geise, reported that Sara Ruiz, Parent Facilitator at Supply Elementary, was seeking sponsors for children at Christmas. Cedar Grove Middle School held a partners’ meeting on October 28, which she, Jane Decker, and Ann Landis attended. They met with Chris Ferry, the CGMS art teacher, to discuss needed art supplies. He will provide a “wish list” soon. The Education CSP will be providing some of the supplies on the list. Donna has contacted North Brunswick High School regarding the Carey Page Truesdell/Sallie Southall Cotton Scholarship. Donna has asked Ann Mayberry to identify and submit the necessary information to any qualifying students. The student interviews will begin the second week of December. Any current or new members of the Education CSP should contact Donna if they can participate. The Education CSP’s annual Souvenir Auction will take place at our December party. Don’t forget to bring any souvenirs collected during your summer travels.
  • Home Life – Chairman Penny Heidtke asked for $5 donations to purchase scarves and mittens for the backpack program.
  • International Outreach – Jean Newland thanked everyone for their support of the Heifer Program. She has honor cards for any purchases of flocks of chicks.
  • Public Issues – Chairman Peggy Schiavone reported that items are still being collected for the Precious Purses program. The CSP also plans another collection of professional clothing for Hope Harbor Home.

Officer Reports:

--First Vice President B.J. Stephens reported that she needs all volunteer hour reports by December 1.

--Second Vice President Judy Brock asked that members complete the survey about the newsletter and web site tonight.

--Membership Vice President Linda Sturgill welcomed two guests to the meeting. Please contact Linda with any updates for the roster.

--Treasurer Karen Throckmorton reported a checkbook balance of $7507.58. Dues and Belk Charity Sale money are being collected tonight. She plans to have the books clear by mid-December for the audit.

Peggy Schiavone, Chairman of the Festival by the Sea Bake Sale, reported that $1006 was received. As determined earlier, $503 was donated to the GFWC-NC President’s Special Project, No Kid Hungry, which was eligible for a matching donation from a group of corporate sponsors. The remaining $503 was donated to Wings Backpack Ministry, which supplies food for the weekend for students in Brunswick County.

Donna Geise and Doris Kelley reported on the Belk Charity Sale. Since they worked the morning of the sale, the club will receive a portion of the proceeds as well as $105 from pre-sale table time. President Wolfe thanked them for their work.

October’s Gem Maureen Wright chose to honor Peggy Schiavone as November’s Gem of the Month. Peggy was praised for her support of GFWC activities and especially for heading the Festival by the Sea Bake Sale. Carol Ann Lohman was also thanked for co-chairing the bake sale.

Chairman of the Charity Gala, Karen Throckmorton reported that work has begun on securing items for the silent auction. The committee will begin meeting every other week, as of January 16, 2014. President Wolfe thanked Karen for their work.

GFWC-NC Recording Secretary Ann Landis and GFWC-HB First Vice President B.J. Stephens gave a report on the GFWC SER annual conference, held November 1-2 in Winston-Salem. With the theme “Knowledge Is Power,” workshops included information for CSP programs, leadership tools, opportunities to serve, and healthy lifestyles. Members were encouraged to attend the next convention in Kingsport, TN on November 6-9m 2014, (I have this whole report, if it needs to be included.)

President Wolfe announced that the club’s Christmas party will be at 6:00 pm on December 17 at the home of Linda Sturgill. Please bring a dish to share and your favorite beverage. Also, bring a $5-10 ornament for the “Chinese Auction.” The Souvenir Silent Auction will be conducted by the Education CSP.


All outgoing chairmen and officers are asked to transfer any materials to the new officers before the January meeting.

Ballots for annual awards are due tonight.

The club is sponsoring Karen Throckmorton as a LEADS candidate at the GFWC-NC District 7 level.

GFWC-NC Recording Secretary Ann Landis has Collect pins, which honor the Club Collect, available for $30.

Chaplain Elene Busch offered a prayer of Thanksgiving.

The meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm. The Arts CSP then led its painting activity for those who wished to participate.

Maureen Wright, Recording Secretary



Caroline Galan, chair

The Art CSP met on January 7, 2014 at the home of Caroline Galan. Members in attendance were: Karen Throckmorton, Bennie Hall, Doris Kelley, Ann Landis, and Caroline Galan. We began the meeting with a glass of wine, pizza, salad, discussion, and much laughter.

We spent several hours reading and judging literature submittedby students fromBolivia Elementary, Cedar Grove Middle School, and Montessori. We will send the 5 first place winners to the District Art Festival which will be held at Holden Beach on February 22. There was some discussion regarding table decorations for that meeting.

The Art CSPreminds you of the GFWC-HB Art festival on January 21. Please bring your art to the Chapel between 9am and 12 noon on the 21st. Our judges will be Kelley Morris and Marlene Hahn and the judging will begin at 2pm on the 21st.

Thank you in advance for all your entries.

Art committee members Bennie Hall and Doris Kelly read student literary entries for the upcoming Arts Festival.


Peggy Schiavone, Chair

Public Issues is looking forward to an interesting and productive year 2014. I will wait and see if we have some new members

and then get together after our January 21 meeting. I will be the state CSP Public Issues chair for the new administration and look

forward to sharing some new information with you all. Peggy Schiavone


Coming Events Calendar

January 21: 5:45 Board Meeting

6:15 Club Social

6:30 Club Meeting

February 22: District 7 Arts Festival

Holden Beach Chapel

Membership corner

By Linda Sturgill, Membership VP

Can you believe another year has gone by?

We had a wonderful New Member Orientation dinner on January 6th at Julie’s house. We had 6 new members and 14 incoming and outgoing officers present. We had a wonderful time getting to know each other, eating delicious pasta, salads and desserts. In fact, playing a “truth and lie game” I learned some very interesting facts about our members; ha ha – but I’ll never tell !!

At our January 21st meeting we will induct into membership:

Holly Coleman

Linda Dieudonne

Renee Edwards

Dinah Fowlkes

Peggy Storella

Marjorie Volk

These ladies have joined our wonderful circle of women and friends.

If you know someone who is interested in joining our club, send me their contact information and I will send them club information and invite them to our next meeting. It’s that easy!!

Happy New Year to all

Linda Sturgill

Membership VP

New Member Orientation Dinner

New members peruse their GFWC-HB handbooks at during the

Orientation Dinner at the home of President Julie Wolfe.

Members, along with new members watch a video explaining


Club members,

I would like to thank you for all of

your support over the past 7 years as I

attempted to assist, work with and be

a leader to each of you in my various Board

positions. It has been a pleasure and honor

to serve on the GFWC-HB Board, and I am

looking forward to being with each of you

and serving in different capacities during

2014 and the years to come.

In my leadership roles of President & 1st VP,

each of you surpassed all of my expectations—

stepping up to the plate with new and

old projects and going above and beyond

in making them happen—you were awesome.

“Our way is unplanned and our path is

unknown, but the best thing about

moving forwward is that, at every step

you will find something new.” Thank you

for helping me take those steps forward

with such a wonderful group of women and

here is to “NEW steps!

In Federation Love,

B. J. Stephens

1st Vice President, GFWC of Holden Beach

Gem of the Month

October Gem of the Month Maureen Wright recognized Peggy Schiavone as the November recipient of the Gem for her support of GFWC activities and especially for heading the successful Festival by the Sea Bake Sale.

From the Editor:

I want to say THANKS to all of you who contributed to and supported the Communiqué this past year. It is your interesting reports and prompt attention to my deadlines that made my job so easy. It made our newsletter an overwhelming success. Thanks also to Ann Landis, World’s Greatest Photographer, for the plethora of photos she sent on every occasion. Next year we have a new editor, and I am sure Jean Newland will bring new and exciting ideas to our newsletter. Please continue to give her the unfailing support you afforded me. Thanks, Judy

Club Christmas Party

Members pose during the annual Christmas Party at the home of Linda Sturgill where everyone enjoyed dinner, an ornament exchange and lots and lots of laughs!



Bennie Hall, 10

Suzanne Gurski, 25