(You may wish to address this to specific parents, or to all)

All Schools and Centers in the Diocese of St. Petersburg are required to have on file the following information in instances where there has been legal dissolution of the marriage of a student’s parents or a mandate of Guardianship:

  • Names and addresses of both parents/guardian(s)
  • Certified copy of the Order of Dissolution or Guardianship
  • Subsequent modification(s) of the Order of Dissolution/Guardianship

Please complete the enclosed form and return it to the school/center administrator to ensure that your child(ren)’s file is current for the school year.

In addition, all schools and centers are required to observe the following procedures regarding Access to Educational Information and Access to Students.

Access to Education Information:

Unless otherwise decreed in the Order of Dissolution, information commonly made available to parents of any student in attendance, (i.e., notices of school functions, report cards, appointments for parent-teacher conferences, etc.) should be provided to both parents.


The following procedures further clarify the above:

  1. Custody of a child, either solely or shared, establishes the right to access educational information regarding the child, and the right to participate in decisions affecting the child’s education.
  2. In cases where a step-parent or other adult seeks to act on behalf of a parent, authorization, signed by both parents, is required.
  3. In the case of conflicting instruction, or requests that the school is not clearly authorized to honor, both parents must seek appropriate court instructions for the school.
  4. The school will respect and comply with lawful court orders.

Access to the Student

The school does not allow “visitation” on the school premises during school hours. By way of exception, the primary residential parent or non-custodial parent with written permission of the primary residential parent, may, with permission of the administrator, have access to the student during class hours. Examples would include, but not limited to, medical/dental appointments, school events, etc.