Media Literacy
Clip 3: The ball of the century
Activity 5: Background music
  • Ask students to close their eyes and listen to the sound track of the opening sequence to this episode and clip.
  • Ask them to identify the style of music represented for the era. They should also describe what the music adds to understanding what era the episode is addressing.
  • Research the music styles of this era and assess whether the title music of the episode matches the historic era.
  • List some typical Australian song/music from the era and their artists.
  • Discuss with students the importance of background music to develop atmosphere and meaning to each scene.

  • Ask students to identify how sound has been used to create atmosphere and tension in this scene.
  • Have them list the types of sounds used and how they were made.
  • Ask them to assess the style of background music that is used for this scene and its effectiveness to convey the meaning.

Students Activity Sheet: ML2.5

Student Activity Sheet: ML2.5

Clip 3:The ball of the century

Activity 5: Background music

NAME: ………………………………………………………………………...CLASS: ………………

(1)Identify how sound has been used to create atmosphere and tension in this scene. List the types of sounds used and how they were made.

Sounds identified / How they were made

(2)Assess the style of background music that is used for the scene and its effectiveness to convey meaning.

Media Literacy
Activity 6: Strength of character
  • Discuss the concept of strength and resilience and what students need to take on these characteristics.
  • Ask students to identify the characters in the story that show strength and resilience and give reasons why.
  • Ask students to identify what elements are obvious in these characteristics? For example, coping with disappointment, holding your head high when you are discriminated against, etc.
  • Discuss why this understanding is important to the story and follow the theme of strength and resilience throughout the episode and note examples of when this is evident, particularly for Mohammed and for Danielle.

  • Have students read the Episode 2: 1998 Mohammed, script particularly the part where Danielle and Brian Hilliard are talking.
  • As a class, discuss what is said particularly referring also to how this scene was portrayed in the clip.
  • Ask students to consider what Mohammed means when he tells Brian Hilliard, “Ramadan is how he did it?”

Students Activity Sheet: ML2.6

Student Activity Sheet: ML2.6


Activity 6: Strength of character

NAME: ………………………………………………………………………...CLASS: ………………

  • Read the script for Episode 2: 1998 Mohammed, particularly, the part where Danielle and Brian Hilliard are talking.
  • Consider what Mohammed means when he tells Brian Hilliard, “Ramadan is how he did it?”
  • Write a diary entry from Mohammed describing what happened on this day. Also, imagine what you think Mohammed would like to happen for him in the future.

My Place for Teachers