Location:Bodie/SierraConference Room

11290 Pyrites Way, Suite 150

Rancho Cordova, CA 95670

Members present via teleconference:

Region 1 - Susan von Zabern, Riverside County DPSS Director

Region 2 - CaSonya Thomas, San Bernardino County HSA Assistant Executive Officer

Region 3 – Sanja Bugay, Kings County Human Services Agency Director

Region 4 - Kathy Harwell, Stanislaus County Community Services Agency Director

Region 5 - Scott Pettygrove, Merced County Human Services Agency Director and Chair

Region 6 - Mike Dent, Nevada County Department of Social Services Director

Region 7 – Shelby Boston, Butte County Dept. of Employment and Social Services Director

Region 8 – Sheryl Spiller, Los Angeles County Dept. of Public Social Services Director

Region 8 - Antonia Jimenez, Los Angeles County Dept. of Public Social Services Chief Deputy and Vice Chair

Region 8 – Michael Sylvester, Los Angeles County Dept. of Public Social Services Assistant Director

Region 8 – Brandon Nichols, Los Angeles County Dept. of Children and Family Services Acting Director


Tom Hartman, C-IV Project Director

  1. Chair Scott Pettygrove convened the meeting at 2:01p.m.
  2. Public opportunity to speak on any Item NOT on the agenda
  3. None.

JPA Board Action Items

  1. Approve the Minutes of the September21, 2017, JPAMember Representative and BoardMeeting and Update of Action Items

Summary: The Consortium is seeking Board approval of theSeptember21, 2017, JPA Member Representative and BoardMeeting Minutes.

Action Items from previous meeting:

  • None

Motion to Approve was made by Member Kathy Harwell.

Motion was seconded by Member Mike Dent.

All present board members were in favor of the motion.

Motion passed unanimously.

  1. Approve Accenture C-IV Change Order CO-101 – Inter-County Transfer

Summary: As regulated by Senate Bill (“SB”) 1339, the California Department of Social Services (“CDSS”) must implement changes to the process for inter-county transfer of eligibility for the California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (“CalWORKs”) and CalFresh programs. Effective June 1, 2017, when a recipient of aid changes residence from one county to another, the new county of residence is prohibited from interviewing that recipient for determining continued eligibility for the CalWORKs or CalFresh programs until the next scheduled recertification or redetermination. Additionally, the recipient’s benefits must be transferred and the related case file documents must be shared electronically between the prior county of residence and the new county of residence; these actions must be completed no later than the first day of the next available benefit month following 30 days after a county was notified. As a result, Enhancements to the System are required to support the enactment of SB 1339 and enable the Counties to perform the related program activities.

This Change Order outlines the Charges and timeline for Accenture to design, develop, test, and implement Enhancements to:

•Update the System’s existing electronic inter-county transfer (“eICT”) interface to allow additional images of a recipient’s case file documents to be transferred after the case’s initial eICT request has been completed, and;

•Create new data fields in the System to capture the date of the initial request to transfer a recipient to a new county of residence.

Total Change Order Costs: $609,020

Motion to Approve was made by Member Susan von Zabern.

Motion was seconded by Member Kathy Harwell.

All present board members were in favor of the motion.

Motion passed unanimously.

  1. Approve Accenture C-IV County Purchases and authorize the addition of funding to the FY 17/18 C-IV Project Budget

Motion to Approve was made by Member Susan von Zabern.

Motion was seconded by Member Sanja Bugay.

All present board members were in favor of the motion.

Motion passed unanimously.

  1. Approve Accenture C-IV Contract Amendment No. Ninety-Five and Updates to Exhibit A


•The Agreement was amended to reflect that, effective as of September 1, 2017, Los Angeles County joined the Consortium and the 40 counties agreed to change the name of the Consortium from the California Statewide Automated Welfare System Consortium IV or C-IV, to the California Automated Consortium Eligibility System.

•Change Order CO-101 – Inter-County Transfer increases the Total Contract Value by $609,020. This Change Order outlines the Charges and timeline for Accenture to design, develop, test, and implement Enhancements to the System’s existing eICT interface to allow additional images to be transferred after the initial eICT request and create new data fields in the System to capture the date of the initial request to transfer a recipient to a new county of residence.

•The Extension Two Cost Pricing Schedules were adjusted to reflect a shift of funds from the Software line item to the Application Development Facility line item for State Fiscal Year 2017/18 for facility preparation required for implementing a video conferencing solution that would support ongoing collaboration between the C-IV and LRS project sites. Additionally, the Extension Two Cost Pricing Schedules were adjusted reflect a shift of funds from the Software line item to the Technical Infrastructure Services line item for State Fiscal Year 2017/18 for additional hours required to design, configure and implement the video conferencing solution.

•Using the County purchase process, the Counties of Humboldt, Modoc, Marin, Mono, Monterey, Napa, Nevada, San Benito, Shasta, and Trinity have purchased various Services, Equipment and Software items. These purchases were funded and approved by the individual Counties. These County Purchases increase the Total Contract Value by $2,402,084.

Amendment No. Ninety-Five increases the Total Contract Value by $3,011,104.

Motion to Approve was made by Member Mike Dent.

Motion was seconded by Member Kathy Harwell.

All present board members were in favor of the motion.

Motion passed unanimously.

  1. Approve Accenture LRS Contract Amendment No. Six and Updates to Exhibit C


•The Agreement was amended to reflect that, effective as of September 21, 2017, the Agreement was assigned from Los Angeles County to the California Automated Consortium Eligibility System.

•The Agreement was amended to allow Los Angeles County to purchase services in connection with the LRS.

•Exhibit C was updated to shift funds allocated for hardware/software to the Regulatory & Administrative Change Budget Services for additional hours for Application Software Changes and Related Services for State Fiscal Year 2017/18.

Motion to Approve was made by Member Michael Sylvester.

Motion was seconded by Member Sheryl Spiller.

All present board members were in favor of the motion.

Motion passed unanimously.

  1. Approve First Data C-IV Change Order CO-046 – Inter-County Transfer

Summary: As regulated by Senate Bill (“SB”) 1339, the California Department of Social Services (“CDSS”) must implement changes to the process for inter-county transfer of eligibility for the California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (“CalWORKs”) and CalFresh programs. Effective June 1, 2017, when a recipient of aid changes residence from one county to another, the new county of residence is prohibited from interviewing that recipient for determining continued eligibility for the CalWORKs or CalFresh programs until the next scheduled recertification or redetermination. Additionally, the recipient’s benefits must be transferred and the related case file documents must be shared electronically between the prior county of residence and the new county of residence; these actions must be completed no later than the first day of the next available benefit month following 30 days after a county was notified. As a result, Enhancements to the System are required to support the enactment of SB 1339 and enable the Counties to perform the related program activities.

This Change Order includes an additional 281 hours of QA Services for the First Data QA Team.

Total Change Order Costs: $37,530

Motion to Approve was made by Member Susan von Zabern.

Motion was seconded by Member Kathy Harwell.

All present board members were in favor of the motion.

Motion passed unanimously.

  1. Approve First Data C-IV Contract Amendment No. Fifty-Six and Updates to Exhibit A

Summary: The following items are being requested to be amended into the First Data Agreement via Contract Amendment No. Fifty-Six:

•The Agreement was amended to reflect that, effective as of September 1, 2017, Los Angeles County joined the Consortium and the 40 counties agreed to change the name of the Consortium from the California Statewide Automated Welfare System Consortium IV or C-IV, to the California Automated Consortium Eligibility System.

•Change Order CO-046 – Inter-County Transfer increases the Total Contract Value by $37,530. This Change Order includes costs associated with QA Services related to the design, development, testing, and implementation of Enhancements to the System’s existing eICT interface to allow additional images to be transferred after the initial eICT request and create new data fields in the System to capture the date of the initial request to transfer a recipient to a new county of residence. This Change Order includes an additional 281 hours of QA Services for the First Data QA Team.

Amendment No. Fifty-Six increases the Total Contract Value by $37,530.

Motion to Approve was made by Member Shelby Boston.

Motion was seconded by Member Sanja Bugay.

All present board members were in favor of the motion.

Motion passed unanimously.

  1. Approve the 2018 JPA Meeting Schedule through June 30, 2018

Summary: The Consortium is seeking Board approval of the 2018 CalACES JPA Meeting Schedule through June 30, 2018. Prior to approval, Tom Hartman reviewed the anticipated meeting dates and discussed any changes that may need to be made with the JPA Board Members.

All present board members were in favor of the 2pm-4pm timeframe and the current dates listed.

Motion passed unanimously.

Informational Items

  1. LRS/C-IV Migration Update

Summary:June Hutchison and Susan von Zabernprovidedan update regarding recent activities and discussions:

Reviewed slide deck 11-1 10-17 JPA Migration Update.pptx

LRS/C-IV Executive Leadership Committee

No update was given at this time.

Migration Activities

The Board Chair signed all governance documents on October 5, 2017. Thanks to Scott Pettygrove for signing many pieces of paper. Originals were sent back to Counties on October 10, 2017, Counties confirmed receipt October 16, 2017 and copies were posted the Web Portal on October 18, 2017. The Migration D&I IAPDU was submitted to the Federal Partners on October 9, 2017 and CalACES responded to questions submitted on a previous version. CalACES has not received questions as of this morning regarding the slightly revised IAPDU from our Federal partners. There was a question asked, is there any information on when we might hear from the Federal partners. Tom stated, he has a call with Kris Dudley this afternoon and hopefully he will get a better insight. John Boule said, the Federal partners are aware of our January 1, 2018 timeframe and have positive comments that they will meet the January 1, 2018 start date. The combined M&OIAPDU is to be submitted October 31, 2017 and includes CalSAWS Migration Planning. The recruitment for 12 brand new migration positions’ is currently open and will close tomorrow, October 27, 2017. There have been several requests from the RPMs to turn in a couple of applications on Monday and that has been approved. We will be scheduling interviews the week of November 6, 2017 hoping to finalize job offers soon after and start employees January 2018. We will also have a second part to the Migration recruitment in January for test writer positions that will have an April 2018 start date. There have been three really great Change Control Process workgroup meetings. Work has been done to describe how we will do things going forward. The Project Steering Committee will review the workgroup recommendations as guiding principles. The next Project Steering Committee meeting is scheduled for November 1, 2017. There was a request presented to the Project Steering Committee members at the last meeting on how we can structure the meeting to make it more valuable for the Project Steering Committee members. Feedback was received that they would like more material on decision-making, giving guidance, more balanced content, and more transparency with release metrics. We are working on providing better content for the Project Steering Committee members. Additional thoughts will be shared on how we can collaborate better and become one project at the November Strategic Planning Conference.

  1. M&O Application Update

Summary: Michele Peterson provided an update on recent M&O Project activities and their status.

Reviewed slide deck 12-1 JPA-PSC Policy Update 102617.pptx

Policy Changes - Implementation

CCR-C-IV and LRS are scheduled for 17.11 release. In late September, CDSS notified that they were going to delay implementation of level of care rates until February 2018. A draft letter is being created, no expectations that SAWS would make changes preventing the LOC rates. C-IV is moving forward with LOC rates as planned. Will be available in C-IV system in the November release. CIT will go out for counties not to select those rates. CDSS said counties might go back to effective dates of December 2017 if eligible. LRS- will not be operational until CDSS gives the “go ahead”.

Child Care Rates- Child care policy introduced new income ceiling limits of 85%. Child Care Eligibility Detail page will be updated to allow the worker to indicate whether they want to apply the 70% income ceiling values or the 85% values to determine eligibility. The Regional Market Rates (RMR) ceiling changes are effective 1/1/2018. A list will be provided of all families who have Certificates ending on or after 1/1/2018 whose rates need to be changed due to this new RMR update. The Child Care Family Fees schedule was revised effective 7/1/2017. The childcare family fees are stored in the C-IV System. The family fees values will be updated. LA County determines child care outside of LRS. However, it will impact migration if the changes are expected to move into CalACES. A Change request is being created to address the impact to migration.

State Minimum Wage Increase- Effective 1/1/2018 California’s minimum wage will go up to $11 per hour. This change will be made either in mid-November or in December. When the date is selected, the Batch Memorandum call with the counties will be scheduled. LRS will generate automatic journal entries on all cases ran through batch. Detailed reports will be provided of the cases impacted by this change.

Policy Changes – Legislative Watch

Slide deck 12-2 JPA-PSC Legislative Watch_20171026.xlsx is for your review.

  1. 2017 Conference Agenda

Summary:Tom Hartman announced the following regarding this year’s Strategic Planning Conference.

•Complete Registration Form

•Make your Room Reservations!

Tomencouragedpeople to register and book their rooms for the CalACES Conference in November 2017. The deadline for booking rooms has been extended to Wednesday, November 1, 2017.

Open Agenda Items:

Information was shared regarding this year’s conference attendance and how many Counties will be present.

  1. Adjourn Meeting

•Chair Scott Pettygroveadjourned the meeting at 2:45pm

Closed Session: Report Out

Phebe Chu stated no formal action was taken regarding the position of Consortium Executive Director.

Action Items from previous meeting / Assigned to / Due Date / Status
  1. Provide, as needed summary updates on critical policy efforts that are in different states of development at C-IV to ensure that County Executive Management is aware of the upcoming changes and if necessary allow them to exercise their influence with the Project and/or with oversight partners.
/ Tom Hartman / As needed
Action Items from this meeting / Assigned to / Due Date / Status
  1. None.

Next Meeting

CalACES JPA BoardMeeting

Conference Call

December11, 2017

Bodie Conference Room

11290 Pyrites Way, Suite 150

Rancho Cordova, Ca 95670