Mayo County Council

TerminalFour Training


Mayo County Council © TerminalFour Notes

T4 Website Training

Login 3

Logging Out 4

Important Notes 4

Workflow Stages 4

Site Structure 5

Traffic Lights 5

Preview a Section 6

Content 6

Adding Content 6

Modifying Content 7

To Delete Content 9

To Undelete Content 9

To Move Content 9

Mirror V Duplicate 9

Media Library 10

Templates 12

Page Intro No Image 13

MCC_Body Content 14

Contact Info 15

Approval Process 16



1.  Type the following address into the address bar http://mayocms/terminalfour/servlet/SiteManager

2.  Enter your username and password (Note: These are the same as those you use to log onto your PC in the morning)

3.  Click on the Log In button

The menus are located along the top right of the Site Manager screen.

Logging Out

To properly log out of Site Manager, then do the following:

Click on the Content menu and click on Log Out


·  If you leave Site Manager inactive for 30 minutes, it will automatically log you out.

·  If you close your Browser window without logging out properly first, this may not properly save changes made during the session.

·  Always ensure that you click Add/Update before you log out to ensure that the content is saved.

Important Notes

Do not use the Browser Back button, instead use the Cancel and Update buttons provided in Site Manager. If you use the Back button, the contents of any data fields will be lost. Use the Cancel button to quit or use the Update button to save any changes that have been made. If there are no cancel and update buttons, then simply choose another menu option from the top right menu bar.

Workflow Stages

Workflow defines the approval process for a piece of content. The process of generating content, reviewing it, and publishing it can be specified as a series of steps, called a workflow.

There are 3 stages in the process of updating content on your web pages: Creation, Review and Publishing

You are a Contributor and will Add and Modify Content on the various web pages

It is then reviewed and Approved/Rejected by the Moderator in your section.

It is then approved a second time and Published by the web team, who are know as Administrators.

Site Structure

To display the Site Structure: Click on Content – Site Structure

The website is displayed in a tree/folder structure.

Click on the Plus sign to expand the tree and click on the Minus sign to collapse (hide) it again.

Each section within the site structure has an associated drop-down menu for the section, as well as a set of traffic lights

Note: You may not have privileges to create, modify or delete sections.

Traffic Lights

These tree lights indicate the status of content within a particular section.

Green Content which is approved for publication

Amber Content waiting to be approved for publication

Red Deleted content currently within the Recycle Bin, waiting to be purged from the system.

Preview a Section

Previewing a section will generate a browser view of the section as it will appear when it is published. The view appears in a separate browser window.

1.  Content – Site Structure

2.  Click the down-arrow to the right of the section that you wish to preview

3.  Click on Preview from the pop-up menu

4.  Click Preview for the required Channel


Adding Content

There are four stages to adding content:

1.  Choose the Section you want to add content to

2.  Choose a Template

3.  Enter the Content

4.  Preview the Section

STEP 1: Choose a Section

From the Content menu, choose Add

This will bring you to the Site Structure screen.

Click on the underlined section name that you wish to add content into.

STEP 2: Choose a Template

Click the down-arrow to choose the template that you want to base the new content on.

Different users will have different templates assigned to them.

It is recommended that sections have the following pieces of content:

1.  Page Intro

2.  MCC_Body Content

3.  Contact Info

STEP 3: Enter Content

Example: the MCC_Body Content template is the standard template by which most content is added. It resembles Microsoft Word and contains such formatting buttons as Bold, Italic, Bullets etc.

STEP 4: Preivew

Click the Preview button to see how your content will look once it is published.

A new browser window opens displaying the page. Close this browser window.

Click Add when you have completed adding your content.

Modifying Content

1.  Select Modify from the Content menu

2.  Click the required section

3.  You are presented with a list of content which is already contained in this section, which are listed under Existing Content.

4.  Click on the content that you wish to modify

5.  Edit the content as required using the WYSIWYG text editor

6.  The Version number is incremented to Version 0.2

7.  Click Preview to view the web page

8.  Click Update to save the changes

Note: If you copy content in from a Word document, ensure that you click on the Remove Word formatting button. You will have to reapply all formatting using the formatting buttons provided in the Terminalfour editor.

To insert a Link to another web page

1.  Highlight the text that you wish to act as a link

2.  Click on the Insert Web link button

3.  Type the link, e.g.

To insert a Section Link

1.  Highlight the text that will act as the link

2.  Click the Insert Section Link button

3.  Select the appropriate page from your site

To Delete Content

When you delete content, it is copied to the Recycle Bin.

·  Click the down arrow to the right of the piece of content that you want to delete.

·  Click on Delete

·  The Status will change to Inactive

To Undelete Content

·  Deleted content will have a status of Inactive

·  Click on the piece of content

·  Click Update

·  The status changes back to Pending

To Move Content

Click the relevant Move button. You MUST click on Save Changes.

Mirror V Duplicate

Both Mirror and Duplicate will copy a piece of content. But mirror will update automatically if the original content changes, i.e. Contact Info. Duplicate create a new distinct piece of content.

Media Library

The media library stores different types of media: images, documents, sound files etc.

To View the Media Library: From the Tools menu, choose Media Library

The Categorised folder contains all media that the web administrator wants shared between Site Manager users.

To Add Media to Library

1.  Select the folder that you wish to add the media to

2.  Click on the Add New Media button

3.  Enter a Name for the media

4.  Click Browse beside Media to locate
the required image

5.  Click Add

To Delete Media

Right click on media name

Select Delete from the pop-up menu

Click Yes to the message Are you sure you want to delete this media?

To Use Media as part of a Content

1.  Click on Insert Item from Media Library

2.  The Media Library is displayed

3.  Locate and click on the required media

4.  Click the Select button

5.  The media is inserted


Templates define the types of content that you can have on the website and they ensure that consistency is maintained throughout the website.

There are approximately 20 templates that you can choose from when adding content to your web pages.

Here is a sample of the templates available:

Name / Description
mcc_Events / Use to post events, meetings, etc. on the website.
Publications / ME_Publications
MCC_LargeDocs / Large Document Template
Large File Download / Large File Download
MCC_News / General News Template for all Sections
Page Intro No Image / Page Intro with no Image at the top of the page
MCC_Forms and Documents / Used to upload Forms and Documents/Publications to your page.
MCC_Body Content / Use this template for putting up text and images in the page.
Contact Info
Public Art
Feature Story
Weekly reports / t4: used to display weekly reports
Road Works / t4: used when displaying links
Page Intro / t4: used to display HTML content
Minutes / t4: used to display weekly minutes
Positions available / t4: used to current positions available
FAQ / t4: used to display Q and As
Mayo Councillors / t4: used to display info on Councillors
External Links / t4: used when displaying links
File Download
Media Template / This is the Media Template

It is recommended that each page has the following three templates:

1.  Page Intro No Image

2.  MCC_Body Content

3.  Contact Info

Note: You can use the Page Intro template if you do not require an image as part of your page intro.
Page Intro No Image

The Name will not appear on the page. It identifies the content within Site Manager and is the name displayed when you are selecting a piece of content within a section. Ensure you give each piece of content an obvious name.

MCC_Body Content

Whatever you type in Name will appear on the page as the Heading for the content.

When you add content using this template, you use a text editor which is very similar to Word, e.g. Bold, Italic, Bullets, Cut. This is a WYSIWYG Editor (What You See Is What You Get).

Contact Info

Approval Process

If you are an approver, you review content that has been created or updated by contributors.

Content – Approve

You will see a list of all jobs Pending, i.e. awaiting review and approval

Click Approve to approve the content

Note: Once approved, the content does not appear on the live web page, it still has to be approved and published by the web team.

Review Content

You can review the content to add more detail before you approve it.

Click on the content name.

Click the Edit button to make further changes to the content. This will open a new window. Ensure you hit Update to save any changes you have made. Close the window and hit Approve.