Date this form was created:
Full name of Character:
Reason, meaning or purpose behind the name:
Reason for nickname:
Social class:
Physical Appearance:
How old she is:
How old she appears:

How old she acts:
Eye Color:
Glasses or contacts?
Hair color length and style:
Weight and height:
Type of body (build):
Skin tone and type (j.e., hairy, slimy, scaly, oily, fair, burns easily):
Shape of face:
Distinguishing marks (dimples, moles, scars, birthmarks, etc.):
Is she healthy?
If not, why not? Or why are they healthy? Do they look healthy? Why/why not?


Nervous habits?

Character's favorite color, why:
Least favorite, why?

Least favorite music, why?

Mode of transportation:
How does he spend a rainy day?
Is he a daredevil, or cautious?
Does he act the same alone as when with someone?

Greatest Strength:
Greatest Weakness:
Biggest Vulnerability:
Type of childhood:
First Memory:
Most important child hood event that still effects him/her:

Relationship with her:
Relationship with him:
Siblings, How many, relationship with each:
Children of siblings:
Other extended family:
Close? Why or why not:

Is she a good daughter?
Most at ease when:
Most ill at ease when:
How she feels about herself:
Past failure she would be embarrassed to admit:
If granted one wish what would it be, why?
Optimist or pessimist?

Introvert or extrovert?
Drives and motives:
Extremely skilled at:
Extremely unskilled at:
Good characteristics:
Character flaws:
Biggest regret:
Minor regrets:
Biggest accomplishment:
Minor accomplishments:
Darkest secret:
Does anyone know? How did they find out:
Three words she would use to describe herself:
What does she consider her best physical characteristic and why:
The worst one? Why?
Are these realistic assessments? If not, why not?
What four things would they most like to change about themselves:
How does she relate to others:
How is she perceived by strangers:
Does she have many friends:
Does she have a spouse, boy/girlfriend, partner?
Long term:
How does he plan to accomplish them:
How will others be effected by this:
How does he react in a crisis:
How does he face problems:
Kind of problems does he usually run into:
How does he react to change:

Favorite clothing, why:
Least favorite, why:
Other accessories:

Is clothing important to her?

Is she neat or messy?

Is she vain?

Where does she live:

With whom?
Where does she want to live:
Whom does she secretly admire, why:
Person she is most influenced by, why:
Does she have enemies?
What is the most important thing your character has forgotten?
Most important person in her life?
How does she spend the week just before the story starts?
What dream do they have just before the story starts?
Spending habits, why:
If they had 1 million dollars how would they spend it?
What do they do too much of, why:
Most prized possession, why:

Does she make her bed?

What is likely to be in her refrigerator?

Does she have any pets?

Does she have any kids?

If yes, is she a good parent?

What famous person does he look like?

Does he have any chronic illnesses?

Are his best days ahead of him, behind him, or right now?

Favorite store?

Like to be the center of attention?

Hyper, or still?

Laugh a lot, or serious?

Ever arrested?

Believe in any causes or charities?

Morning routine: Describe the character's morning rituals. What time does he/she wake up? Is he/she cheerful in the morning? What wakes him/her up -- alarm, spouse, kids, pet? What does he/she do during breakfast-read, watch TV, feed kids, etc? What does s/he eat?

Afternoon/Workday/School Day: Now describe the character's workday or afternoon behavior. Does s/he work outside the home? How does he/she get there? Does he/she anticipate, dread, resent the work ahead? Does s/he give the job genuine attention and effort? Does s/he enjoy this work? Is s/he good at this job? What would he/she rather be doing? How long and hard is the work day? Does s/he stop for lunch? Where?

Dinner: Does s/he eat at home or go out a lot? If the latter, what is/are his or her favorite restaurant(s)? At home, who prepares the meal? Who does he/she eat it with? What does it typically consist of? What goes on during dinner -- TV, conversation, fighting, reading, etc? Who cleans up?

Evening: What does your character do on a typical evening? Where? With whom? How much does he/she enjoy it? What is the ideal evening for him or her?

Bedtime: Does he/she go to bed at a consistent time? Alone or with someone else? Does s/he usually fall asleep right way, or is s/he an insomniac? Does he/she dream -- a lot, a little, never? Are most of his/her dreams scary, pleasant, imaginative? Are there any recurring dreams? Does s/he sleep well or poorly (e.g. tossing & turning)?