EDFacts Data Notes – School Statuses

School Statuses,

School Years 2014-2015

EDFacts Data Documentation

June 2017

U.S. Department of Education

Betsy DeVos

Secretary of Education

National Center for Education Statistics

Administrative Data Division

Ross Santy

Associate Commissioner

This technical documentation is in the public domain. Authorization to reproduce it in whole or in part is granted. While permission to reprint this publication is not necessary, the citation should be: School Statuses - School Year 2014-2015 EDFacts Data Documentation, U.S. Department of Education, Washington, DC: EDFacts. Retrieved 02/28/2016 from http://www.ed.gov/edfacts.

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Title: / Regulatory Four-Year Adjusted-Cohort Graduation Rates
School Year 2014-15
EDFacts Data Documentation
Revision: / Version 2.0
Issue Date: / July 2017


Version Number / Date / Summary of Change
1.0 / March 2016 / Initial documentation for School Year (SY) 2014-15
2.0 / July 2017 / Revised documentation for updated School Year (SY) 2014-15 data:
·  Document Control section added
·  Section 4.0 (see “When were the data pulled?”) revised to reflect updated Mathematics AMO Status and Reading/Language Arts AMO Status file creation and data recency dates.

Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction 4

1.1 Purpose 4

1.2 EDFacts Background 4

2.0 EDFacts School Status Data 6

2.1 Definition 6

2.2 Education Levels Reported in EDFacts 9

3.0 File Structure 10

3.1 Variable Naming Convention 10

3.2 File Layout 12

DG 557 (High School Graduation Rate Indicator) files 12

DG 553 (Reading/Language Arts Participation Status) and DG 555 (Mathematics Participation Status) files 14

DG 552 (Reading/Language Arts AMO Status) and DG 554 (Mathematics AMO Status) files 16

DG 34 (Improvement Status—School) and DG 779 (State Defined School Status) files 18

4.0 Guidance for using these data - FAQs 19

Appendix A - Date of the Last SY 2014-15 School Level Submission by State, as of 2/28/2016 21

Appendix B - Identified Data Anomalies 23

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Purpose

The purpose of this document is to provide information necessary to appropriately use the school level data files of School Status Data Groups (DG) submitted to EDFacts by SEAs.

1.2 EDFacts Background

EDFacts is a U.S. Department of Education initiative to put performance data at the center of policy, management, and budget decisions for all K-12 educational programs. EDFacts centralizes performance data supplied by K-12 state education agencies (SEAs) with other data assets within the Department, such as financial grant information, to enable better analysis and use in policy development, planning, and management. The purpose of EDFacts is to:

·  Place the use of robust, timely, performance data at the core of decision and policymaking in education.

·  Reduce state and district data burden and streamline data practices.

·  Improve state data capabilities by providing resources and technical assistance.

·  Provide data for planning, policy, and management at the federal, state, and local levels.

All data in EDFacts are organized into ‘data groups’ and reported to ED by the state education agencies (SEAs) using defined file specifications. The School Status data files contain seven data groups collected at the School level through six separate file specifications. The table below indicates the data groups in this file, along with the file specifications through which the data are collected.

Table 1. Data Groups in the School Status Files

Data Group Number / Data Group (DG) Name / File Specification Number / File Specification (FS) Name
557 / High School Graduation Rate Indicator Status Table / 107 / High School Graduation Rate Indicator
555 / Mathematics Participation Status Table / 108 / Mathematics Participation Status
553 / Reading/Language Arts Participation Status Table / 110 / Reading/Language Arts Participation Status
554 / AMO Mathematics Status Table / 109 / AMO Mathematics Status
552 / AMO Reading/Language Arts Status Table / 111 / AMO Reading/Language Arts Status
34 / Improvement Status – School / 130 / ESEA Status
779 / State-Defined School Status / 130 / ESEA Status

Thirteen (13) separate files have been provided for these school statuses, containing one data group in each file for the school year for which the data was collected.

The remainder of this document contains pertinent information regarding definitions and table layout information, frequently asked questions, and appendices containing known data anomalies, Racial/Ethnic mappings and definitions, file submission dates, and state-specific proficiency level mappings that are crucial to take into consideration prior to conducting any analyses on the data.

2.0 EDFacts School Status Data

2.1 Definition

In order to move forward with State and local reforms designed to improve academic achievement and increase the quality of instruction for all students in a manner that was not originally contemplated by the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB), a State educational agency (SEA) may request flexibility, on its own behalf and on behalf of its local educational agencies (LEAs), through waivers of ten provisions of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA) and their associated regulatory, administrative, and reporting requirements.

States are required to report this data to ED under Title I, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). In October 2008, ED published final regulations amending the existing regulations implementing Title I, Part A of ESEA. The data presented in this file are used to monitor and report performance on programs and activities supported by the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, as amended.

As mentioned in Section 1.1, the data in this file are organized into seven data groups, collected through six separate file specifications:

·  Data Group 557—High School Graduation Rate Indicator Status (collected through File Specification 107) is defined as: an indication of whether the district met the High School Graduation Rate requirement in accordance with the state definition.

·  Data Group 555—Mathematics Participation Status Tables (collected through File Specification 108) is defined as: an indication of whether the district met the 95 percent participation requirement in the mathematics assessment in accordance with state definition.

·  Data Group 553—Reading/Language Arts Participation Status Table (collected through File Specification 110) is defined as: an indication of whether the district met the 95 percent participation requirement on the reading/language arts assessment in accordance with state definition.

·  Data Group 554—AMO Mathematics Status Table (collected through File Specification 109) is defined as: an indication of whether the district met the mathematics proficiency target in accordance with state definition.

·  Data Group 552—AMO Reading/Language Arts Status (collected through File Specification 111) is defined as: an indication of whether the district met the reading/language arts proficiency target in accordance with state definition.

·  Data Group 34—Improvement Status – School (collected through File Specification 130) is defined as: an indication of the improvement status of the school.

·  Data Group 779—State-Defined School Status (collected through File Specification 130) is defined as: an indication of the state designated status of the school according to the state’s approved ESEA flexibility request. Please visit www.ed.gov/edfacts to access the file specifications.

Within these data groups, the permitted values allowable within the data are typically presented as integer variables, providing a status indication of a particular requirement. The following tables show the permitted values within the data in this file.

Table 2. File Specification 107: Data Group 557—High School Graduation Rate Indicator

High School Graduation Rate Indicator / Definition /
METGOAL / The school or district met the goal for the high school graduation rate indicator for a student subgroup or for all students.
METTARGET / The school or district met the target for the high school graduation rate indicator for a student subgroup or for all students.
NOTMETADDIND / The school or district did not meet the high school graduation rate indicator for a student subgroup or for all students.
TOOFEW / The number of students in the school or district or for a student subgroup was less than the minimum group size outlines in a state’s consolidated accountability workbook necessary required to reliably calculate the high school graduation rate indicator.
NOSTUDENTS / There are no students in a student subgroup. If no students are in the school or district, the school or district should not be included in this file. However, if schools or districts with no students are included in the file, the status would be “NOSTUDENTS.”
MISSING / The status of the high school graduation rate indicator for a specific school or district is not available at the time the file is prepared.

“NA – Not applicable” is a permitted value for status

Schools or districts that are not required to meet the high school graduation rate indicator (for example, elementary schools) should not be included in the file. However, if an SEA decided to include them in the file they should be reported as “NA – not applicable.”

Table 3. File Specifications 108 and 110: Data Group 555—Mathematics Participation Status Tables and 553—Reading/Language Arts Participation Status Tables

Participation Status Tables Indicator / Definition /
MET / The school met the 95% Participation rate for the specific student subgroup or all students.
NOTMET / The school or district did not meet the 95% Participation rate for the specific student subgroup or all students.
TOOFEW / The number of students in a specific student subgroup or all students was less than the minimum group size outlines in a state’s Accountability Workbook necessary to reliably calculate the Participation status.
NOSTUDENTS / There were no students in the subgroup. If a school or district had no students in a specific subgroup, the status should be reported as "NOSTUDENTS." (If no students are in the school or district, the school or district should not be included in this file.)
MISSING / The Participation status for a specific school or district was not available at the time the file was prepared.

“NA – Not applicable” is a permitted value for participation status

Districts that are not required to meet the Reading/Language Arts and Mathematics participation status due to exceptional circumstances should be left out of the file. However, if an SEA decided to include them in the file they should be reported as “NA – Not applicable.” This status is not used in conjunction with the other statuses. If a subgroup of students was not present in a district or school, the status is reported as “NOSTUDENTS.”

Table 4. File Specifications 109 and 111: Data Group 554—Mathematics AMO Status Table and Data Group 552—Reading/Language Arts AMO Status Table

AMO Status Indicator / Definition /
MET / Met – regular determination - The school or district met the AMO for the specific student subgroups or for all students as outlined in the state’s consolidated accountability workbook.
SAFEHARBOR / Met because of safe harbor - The school or district met the AMO for the specific student subgroups or for all students through safe harbor, as outlined in the state’s consolidated accountability workbook.
GROWTH / Met – growth model - The school or district met the AMO for the specific student subgroups or for all students through the state’s participation in the Department’s Growth Model Pilot Program (see: www.ed.gov/admins/lead/growthmodel/index.html).
NOTMET / Not met - The school or district did not meet the AMO for the specific student subgroups or for all students.
TOOFEW / Too few students for reliability - The number of students in the specific student subgroup or for all students enrolled for a full academic year, as defined by the state, was less than the state’s minimum group size to validly and reliably calculate whether the subgroup met the AMO.
NOSTUDENTS / No students in the subgroup - If a school or district has no students in a specific subgroup, the status should be reported as "NOSTUDENTS." (If no students are in the school or district, the school or district should not be included in this file.)
MISSING / The AMO status for a specific school or district is not available at the time the file is prepared.

“NA – Not applicable” is a permitted value

Districts that are not required to meet the Reading/Language Arts and Mathematics AMO due to exceptional circumstances should be left out of the file. However, if an SEA decides to include them in the file they should be reported as “NA – Not applicable.” This status is not used in conjunction with the other statuses. If a subgroup of students is not present in a district or school, the status is reported as “NOSTUDENTS.”

Table 5. File Specification 130: Data Group 34—Improvement Status-School

Improvement Status-School Indicator / Definition /
CORRACT / Corrective Action
IMPYR1 / Improvement Year 1
IMPYR2 / Improvement Year 2
NOTIDENT / Not Identified for Improvement
RESTRPLAN / Restructuring Planning
RESTR / Restructuring
PRIORITY / Priority
FOCUS / Focus
NOTPRFOC / Not Priority or Focus

Table 6. File Specification 130: Data Group 779—State Defined School Status

State Defined School Status Indicator / Definition /
STAT1 / Status 1
STAT2 / Status 2
STAT3 / Status 3
STAT4 / Status 4
STAT5 / Status 5
STAT6 / Status 6
STAT7 / Status 7
STAT8 / Status 8
STAT9 / Status 9
STAT10 / Status 10
NOTIDENTSTATE / No state-defined school status
MISSING / The state-defined school status is not available at the time the file is prepared.

2.2 Education Levels Reported in EDFacts

States submit data for these data groups at the school level. Data at each education level are reported for individual student subgroups (for more information on subgroups in the file see 3.0 File Structure). This document provides information necessary to appropriately use data files at the school and district levels only.

3.0 File Structure

The School Status files provide indicator information, and thus provide no numerical data or descriptive information. Instead, the files contain permitted values indicating the statuses of 14 subgroups and the grand total. The file structure is described in the following sections.