Hillingdon Parent/Carer Support Group for Adults with Learning Disabilities
Annual General Meeting February 2017
Apologies: J. Cooper, J. West, J. Banister, Beulah East, L. Cheshire.
· A big thank-you to Chris for all the work on the web-site. All the information is up to date. If you are interested all you need to do is go on to Google on your computer and key in Hillingdon Parent/Carer and you will see us listed,
· Business Cards: These are now ready to be distributed. We are looking at ways to increase our membership.
Minutes of the last A.G.M.: These were agreed and signed.
Chairman’s Report: I feel 2017 will be a less stressful year for me as I am making changes to my personal circumstances. This year we have had donations from the Community fund at Waitrose and we also had a grant from the Carer’s Champion. We have had a number of speakers this year. Colin Morris from the D.W.P. came to speak about Personal Independence Payments and the change- over to Employment and Support Allowance. Sally Chandler spoke about the Hillingdon Carers Partnership Project . The Cabinet Member for Health, Social Care and Housing was a very welcome guest at our November meeting. We very much appreciate the time speakers give up to come and speak with us. We also enjoyed a get-together at the Mayor’s Parlour and we met with members of other groups, a big thank-you to the Carer’s Champion for organising this. The group also enjoyed a Christmas get-together at Christ Church. I would like to say a big thank-you to all the Committee members for all their hard work.
Treasurers Report: We start the New Year with £1724.52, a good start. This is all thanks to Becky Hagger, Waitrose and the generous donations from carers. Our big expenditure is the rent for the room at £456, thankfully there will be no increase this year which is good news. Donations from carers over the year amounted to £216.40, a big thank-you to our members. We would also like to say a big thank-you to Bob for all his work.
Election of Officers: The following agreed and were proposed and elected. We will double check with Jeanette. Chair-person: Vanessa Edwards; Secretary; Joan Branford ; Treasurer; Bob and Brenda Gardner; The committee members are: chair-person, secretary , Treasurer, Jeanette Banister and Enid Welsh.
Elections for the All Age Learning Disability Partnership Board: The two representatives elected were the Chair-person and Secretary. Aegon Welsh agreed to stand in if either rep. could not attend.
Re-confirmation of the Independent Examiner of Accounts: Lucy Duncan has agreed to carry on in this role, and the accounts are due to be signed off. We would like to say a big thank-you to Lucy.
Any Other Business:
· Discussed the need for Posters as well as Business Cards. The group felt there was a need for both. More posters need to be printed.
Speakers: The group would like to invite Colin Morris, area manager for the D.W.P. to give us an up-date on P.I.P’S and Employment and Support Allowance. The group would also like a speaker from Health Watch and the Person in charge of the Health Team for Learning Disabilities at the Civic Centre. Speakers from West London College and a speaker from Social Services to give us information on ‘Deprivation of Liberty’. Aegon will contact the safe-guarding team to arrange a speaker. It was pointed out that we need to be very specific as to what we want speakers to talk about. Vanessa will contact Colin Morris.
The closed at 11.15 am.