Oxygen audit

Survey of professionals

1.  What is your role?

o  Consultant

o  SpR

o  SHO

o  Specialty Doctor

o  CNS

o  Other …………..

2.  Which ICN do you currently work in?

o  Liverpool

o  St Helens and Knowsley

o  Don’t know

3.  Which clinical area do you mainly work in?

o  Hospital Acute

o  Hospital Specialist Palliative Care

o  Hospice

o  Community SPCT

4.  Do you provide oxygen based on any clinical guidelines?

o  Yes

o  No

o  N/A Do not provide

o  If yes which guidelines do you use? Please state…………………..

5.  In your main setting, if you were to provide oxygen for a patient, how would it be prescribed?

o  Prescribed on drug chart

o  Prescribed on another written order

o  A verbal order

o  Prescribed electronically

o  Not prescribed

o  N/A - Do not provide

o  Other (please state)………………

6.  Do you feel confident in providing oxygen?

o  Yes

o  No

o  N/A Do not provide oxygen

7.  Have you received training in relation to completion of the following HOOF forms and equipment available?

o  HOOF Part A

o  HOOF Part B

o  Both HOOF Part A and B

o  Neither HOOF Part A nor B

o  N/A Do not order oxygen

8.  Have you filled out the following HOOF forms to supply patients with oxygen?

o  HOOF Part A

o  HOOF Part B

o  Both HOOF Parts A and B

o  Neither HOOF Part A nor B

o  N/A Do not order oxygen

9.  When a patient is newly commenced on oxygen therapy, do you reassess 72 hours post commencement?

o  All of the time

o  Most of the time

o  Occasionally

o  Never

10.  For in-patients, do you routinely monitor daily oxygen saturations of patients on oxygen?

o  All of the time

o  Most of the time

o  Occasionally

o  Never

11.  Which disease groups of patients do you currently order oxygen for? Tick all that apply

o  Cancer

o  Heart failure

o  Respiratory

o  Neurological

o  Any progressive illness

o  Other please state

o  N/A Do not order oxygen

12.  For which reasons/conditions would you suggest or prescribe oxygen (in your setting)? Tick as many as appropriate

o  Hypoxia

o  Breathlessness

o  Terminal breathlessness

o  Cough

o  Cluster headaches

o  Panic/anxiety

o  Comfort

o  Patient request

o  Family request

o  Pre-existing medical condition eg COPD /HF

o  For use of nebuliser

o  Fatigue

o  Other (please state)……………………………….

13. What clinical benefit would you expect for the patient when you arrange oxygen therapy?

o  Symptom control

o  Improve hypoxia

o  Increase activity

o  Improve QOL

o  Improve prognosis

14. For patients in the last 2-3 months of life, are there any circumstances where you would suggest or prescribe oxygen before all reversible causes for breathlessness had been managed?

o  Yes (please comment) ……………………………

o  Only if hypoxic

o  Would always manage reversible causes first

o  Would use non pharmacological therapies first

o  Would use non pharmacological therapies as an adjunct to oxygen therapy

o  Don’t know

15. Are there any circumstances when you would not prescribe/order oxygen for a patient?

o  Yes

o  No

o  Unsure

16. In what circumstances would you not order oxygen? (Tick all that apply)

o  Fire risk

o  Smoker

o  CO2 retention

o  Not hypoxic

o  Lack of space in the area

o  When concentration of oxygen required is > 60%

o  When advice is needed

o  Trip hazard

o  None of the above

17. What practice do you follow for patients who are a known smoker and who require home oxygen? Tick all that apply

o  Alert PCT

o  Contact Fire Brigade

o  Inform GP

o  Inform Oxygen supplier

o  Inform local assessment service

o  Undertake a risk assessment

o  Other……………………………..

18.What problems do you regularly see in patients using oxygen ? Tick as many as apply

o  None

o  Dry nose

o  Dry eyes

o  Pressure sore to ears

o  Pressure sore nose

o  Dry mouth

o  Claustrophobia

o  Social isolation

o  Dependence on oxygen

o  Nausea

o  Drowsiness

o  Fire risk

o  Increase in trips or falls

o  Loss of independence

o  Reduced prognosis

19.What checks/ assessment would you undertake prior to considering prescribing/ ordering oxygen? Tick as many as apply

o  Arterial blood gas

o  Shuttle test/ 6 minute walk test

o  Breathlessness assessment tool

o  Oxygen saturations

o  Smoking risk assessment

o  Past medical history

o  Whether the patient has an alert card

o  Positioning of patient

o  Trip hazard

o  Would not consider any

o  Other (please state)………………….

20. Based on your experience, overall how often do you find oxygen therapy helpful in relieving breathlessness in patients at the end of life?

o  All the time

o  Most of the time

o  Occasionally

o  Never

21. Are you aware of how to order specialist oxygen equipment? Eg ambulatory oxygen

o  Yes

o  No

o  Not sure

22. Can you access a home oxygen assessment for your patients if needed?

o  Yes

o  No

o  Not sure

o  Was not aware such a service existed in my area