English 10 H

Course Syllabus

Ms. Mathews – Room 308


Internet: http://mathewsenglish.wikispaces.com/

Course Description

Students in English 10 read, discuss, and write about both classical and contemporary world literature through which students will identify cultural significance. They will examine pieces of world literature in a cultural context to appreciate the diversity and complexity of world issues and to connect global ideas to their own experiences. Students will continue to explore language for expressive, informational/explanatory, critical, argumentative and literary purposes, although emphasis will be placed on explanatory contexts. In addition to literature study, students will:

·  Examine non-literary texts related to cultural studies.

·  Research material to use primarily in clarifying their own explanatory responses to situations and literary-based issues.

·  Critically interpret and evaluate experiences, literature, language, and ideas.

·  Use standard grammatical conventions and select features of language appropriate to purpose, audience, and context of the work.

North Carolina 10th Grade Writing Assessment Test

In early March, all 10th graders will complete the Writing Assessment test. In this course, we will focus on the three modes of writing addressed in the test: cause / effect analysis, problem / resolution analysis, and extended definition. English 10 is a writing intensive class in preparation for the state-wide mandatory test.

Syllabus: The following units will be covered in the Prentice Hall textbook.

Ancient Greece and Rome – Myths, Epics and Tragedies

Medieval Europe – The Dark Ages to the Renaissance

The Renaissance to the Modern Age

Central Asia

Major Works:


Cyrano de Bergerac


Animal Farm

Doll’s House

Classroom Expectations

You are expected to arrive on time and use class time wisely. I consider you tardy if you are not in your seat when the bell rings. Always come prepared. A reading check quiz will be given following assigned at-home reading. Other homework assignments will be randomly collected and checked. I will consider three tardies as one unexcused absence. Excessive tardies may affect your exam exemption status.

Makeup Work: If you are absent, you must contact me THE DAY YOU RETURN! If you are absent on the day of an announced quiz or test, you are expected to make up the assignment the DAY YOU RETURN to school. It is your responsibility to find me.


Blue or black ink pens

3-ring binder with 5-tab divider

College-rule paper


Tests and significant writing assignments will count 45% of the nine weeks grade. Quizzes will count for another 45% of the nine weeks grade. A preparation/participation/homework grade will count for the remaining 10% of the nine weeks grade.

The PPH (preparation/participation/homework) grade is an average of the following three grades.

1.  Preparation grades are based on proper materials brought to class. Students must bring their notebook, pen and pencil, and textbook and/or vocabulary workbook every day. Students without these materials will not receive credit and are not prepared for class.

2.  Participation grades are based on class conduct. Students who are sent out of the room for disruptive behavior, who sleep during class, and/or who leave their desks before being dismissed will not receive participation credit for that day.

3.  Homework grades are based on reading check quizzes or collected assignments. Students must bring their homework to class the day it is due. Since homework is checked at the beginning of class, it cannot be made up at a later date.

A comment on late work: Late work is a nuisance. It creates extra work for me, it prevents me from returning graded tests and quizzes to the class, and it encourages procrastination. However, I understand that life is full of unexpected surprises or hardships. Therefore, each student will be able to drop one missed homework assignment for each nine weeks.

For extended assignments, especially essays, I will accept the assignment one day late with a letter grade deduction. I will not accept anything beyond a one-day grace period. Students with an illness and/or extended absence will make arrangements with me and we will determine a make-up schedule on an as-needed basis.


¸  Be on time and prepared!

J  Engage in polite and respectful conversation. Allow your classmates the opportunity to speak without interruption.

?  Follow directions the first time they are given.

  Challenge yourself!

Please keep one copy of this syllabus in your notebook. Please have your parents complete the information sheet and return to me by Friday, August 28, 2009.


Name(s): ______

Daytime Phone Number: ______

Home Phone Number: ______

Email: ______

Please add any comments regarding your child that you think I should be aware of in the space below.

I have read the course description and am aware of the classroom policy for Ms. Mathews.


Signature Date