Sheridan Technical College

School Advisory Council

Minutes, September 14, 2016

Persons in attendance

Jim Anderson, Renee Bailey, Mary Barba, Bill Beaman, Rhonda Biazar, Richard Blattner, Eric Bonny, Kelly Bonny, Ricky Garcia, Barry Goldman, Lynn Goldman, Robert Hemingway, Annette Johnson, Jose LaVerde, Frank Licolli, Ashley Lutchi, Tom Moncilovich, Florence Murphy, Karen Pintado, Felipe Pinzon, Kenneth Rolle, Ryan Rowe, Stephen Rowe, Brian Rutherford, Jeff Stern, Viviana Tijerino

Excused: Bob Boegli, Tony Gold, Hector Lopez, Zeff Ross

Call to Order/Self-introductions

The meeting was officially called to order by the Vice-Chair, Felipe Pinson at 11:41 a.m. and self-introductions were made.

Approval of the Minutes

Minutes from the May 18, 2016 SAC meeting were approved. The motion was made by Jeff Stern and seconded by Robert Hemingway; motion passed.

Old SAC Business

·  Budget Update – 2016-2017: Tom Moncilovich – The Budget documents (Categoricals and Projected Budget)were reviewed with the Committee by Mr. Moncilovich. The K – 12 area (high school) is going up because of the new grade being added.

·  Student Industry Certifications: Tom Moncilovich – As of September 13, 2016, 165 students have taken an industry credential exam and 154 have passed. Of the 154 that passed, 81 were in the State identified targeted areas.

·  Campus Updates: Tom Moncilovich – The Organizational Chart was reviewed with the Committee.

·  SMART Initiative: Tom Monclovich – Technology upgrades are complete; facility upgrades will begin in the 2018-2019 school year.

·  GM ASEP: Barrett Goldman – The GM ASEP program has returned to Sheridan. The program began at STC in 1983 and moved to BC in 2006. After ten years the program has returned. There was an open house on September 12th for the current students, dealers, and parents.

·  Drivers Education: Barrett Goldman – At the request of STHS students, STC has begun a Driver’s Education program. Four Driver’s Ed. cars were purchased and two instructors were hired for this program (DOT certified). The first class was held during the summer, and on 10/15/16 our Saturday class will begin.

·  SkillsUSA: Tom Moncilovich – STCs SkillsUSA state winners continued on to the national competition. Dawn Kenton took home the gold in the Employment Application Process.

·  COE Update: Annette Johnson – Ms. Johnson reviewed the COE handout with the Committee. STC has been fully accredited since December, 1974; we renew yearly with an annual report. We maintain our accreditation by following the rules and procedures that pertain to COE’s 10 standards. It is a requirement of COE that each program have an Advisory Committee.

·  Sheridan Technical College Scholarships: Lynn Goldman – In June, nine scholarships were awarded (2 - $1,500 and 7 - $500). The next scholarship fund raiser will be on April 4, 2017. The theme will be “Blue Jeans & Bling.”

New SAC Business

·  Enrollment Report: Tom Moncilovich – Enrollment is down.

·  High School Enrollment: Mary Barba – Each grade level has a capacity of 150. The 9th grade is full, 10th grade is at 132, and 11th is at 98.

·  School Improvement Plan (SIP): Mary Barba – The 2016/2017 SIP is due on September 29th. The Behavior Plan had been added to the plan and the SAC Composition will be added once everything is complete.

·  Exam Waiver: Mary Barba – Each of the technical colleges requested an exam waiver asking that students be allowed to take their exams after returning from Winter Break. The waiver was approved by the District.

·  Downtown Block Party: Lynn Goldman - There will be a Downtown Block Party held on Las Olas Blvd on October 18, 2016 from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm. The three colleges will be providing the food for the event.

·  Approval of Mission/Vision: Lynn Goldman – The Vision and Mission Statements were approved. A motion was made by Frank Licolli and seconded by Jim Anderson; motion passed.

·  By-Laws Approval: Lynn Goldman – The By-Laws were approved. A motion was made by Kelly Ellis Bonny and seconded by Barrett Goldman; motion passed.

Student News and Reports

·  Student Government Association: – Renee Bailey – To show appreciation for teachers, SGA decorated classroom doors with the names of the teachers and the subject they taught. SGA selects a “Department of the Month”. This month the Facilities staff was appreciated with a cake and card. Spirit week will be October 17 – 21, 2016. Also, Homecoming will be October 22, 2016. The theme is Masquerade; .Tickets are $36.

·  Class of 2018: Viviana Tijerno – The Class of 2018 is looking for donations for the following:

o  Gift cards for the recycling program

o  Sprinklers of the Legacy Garden

o  Prom

Vivianna requested permission to fundraise on the main campus. It was approved.

·  Class of 2019: Ryan Rowe – Ryan reported that there are 15 extracurricular activities for students to choose from. Donations are being collected for the Humane Society; SGA members dressed up as animals to spread the word. STHS intramural sports have expanded to Volleyball and Track. The first football game will be on October 14th against ATC.

·  Class of 2020: TBA

·  Post-Secondary Students: TBA

Dates of Importance:

·  Thursday, September 15: Early Release Day

·  Thursday, September 22: Interim Reports

·  Monday, October 3: No School – Rosh Hashanah

·  Wednesday, October 12: No school – Yom Kippur

·  Tuesday, October 18: Downtown Block Party

·  Thursday, October 17: Early Release Day

·  Friday, October 18: Employee Planning, No students

·  Tuesday, November 8: Employee Planning, No students – Election Day

·  Friday, November 11: No school – Veterans Day

Member Announcements

·  No member announcements.


·  Adjourned at 12:45 pm.

·  Mr. Blattner reminded the Committee that Election Day will be on November 8, 2016.

·  Mr. Blattner spoke about the $.01 sales tax. It was explained that ½ cent will go to transportation and ½ cent to infrastructure.

·  Automotive Collision is performing repair work for the community. The contact person is Patrick Barthell.

Respectfully submitted,

Rhonda Biazar